
On the eve of the Japanese Emperor's announcement of surrender, thousands of Japanese troops rushed into the imperial palace, and soon the palace was like a slaughterhouse!


It is recorded in the Huainanzi Bing ShuShu that "those who are husbands and soldiers, so it is forbidden to riot and chaos." This means that wars are fought to stop the violence and the scourge. War has been hated since ancient times, because it not only arouses hatred between nations and peoples, but also brings about the loss of human life. Japan during World War II was quite crazy, they used their high-precision weapons and Bushido spirit, constantly launched large-scale wars of aggression, regarded honor as more important than life, and in order to save the face of the emperor, they were willing to fight to the death. On the eve of the Japanese Emperor's announcement of surrender, thousands of Japanese troops rushed into the Imperial Palace, and soon the Imperial Palace was like a slaughterhouse, do you know what happened to the Japanese Imperial Palace that night?

On the eve of the Japanese Emperor's announcement of surrender, thousands of Japanese troops rushed into the imperial palace, and soon the palace was like a slaughterhouse!

When the Japanese army launched a war of aggression against China, it advanced with its own weapons and provoked unscrupulously. However, compared with the American army, their equipment is still too backward, but the Japanese army pursues the spirit of Bushido, even if they cannot kill the enemy, they must die with the enemy, if they are captured, they will kill themselves, and they will never let the enemy have any opportunity. It is precisely this fighting spirit that is not afraid of death that makes the US military miserable.


However, due to the fact that the Japanese army's front line in China was too long and the war resources were consumed too quickly, it was somewhat inadequate in the face of the attack of these powerful powers as the United States and the Soviet Union. In July 1945, China, the United States, and britain jointly issued the Potsdam Proclamation, urging Japan to surrender unconditionally, and the Japanese emperor at the time believed that this was the only way out and had to accept it, but the Japanese military resolutely opposed it, demanding that the bloody battle be fought to the death and not surrender.

On the eve of the Japanese Emperor's announcement of surrender, thousands of Japanese troops rushed into the imperial palace, and soon the palace was like a slaughterhouse!

The United States struck hard, dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945, and in an instant, Hiroshima was razed to the ground and still had the effects of nuclear radiation until decades later. On August 9, the Soviet Union sent troops to declare war on Japan, and Japan had no ability to fight back and suffered a crushing defeat in the war. At this time, the United States dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan. Being helpless in the face of attacks from many countries is undoubtedly a fatal blow to Japan.


The Japanese Emperor deeply understood that the struggle at this time was useless, so he had to accept the Potsdam Proclamation, and on the eve of the Japanese Emperor's announcement of his surrender, he recorded an audio recording of the surrender and prepared to inform the people the next day. But it was such a recording that actually triggered a shocking incident, this night thousands of Japanese troops rushed into the imperial palace, many soldiers in order to express their loyalty to the emperor's determination to die to repay the country, at the expense of self-harm and suicide, the palace staged a tragic scene like a slaughterhouse.

On the eve of the Japanese Emperor's announcement of surrender, thousands of Japanese troops rushed into the imperial palace, and soon the palace was like a slaughterhouse!

The Emperor decided to surrender due to disagreement in Japan, but as a military representative, The Japanese Minister of War, General Anan and others were reluctant to do so. They believed that as soldiers, they had to fight the enemy to the end, and even if they died together, they would fight for the honor of war for the empire. At three o'clock in the morning, the rebels re-entered the Japanese Imperial Palace, looking around for the recorded audio and preparing to destroy it.


The rebels broke into the headquarters of the Guards Division of the "Imperial Forest Army" and persuaded the Guards Division to revolt, but the division commander, Lieutenant General Mori, believed that this was a disobedience to the Emperor's orders, not what a Japanese citizen should do, and that a further battle at this time would only lead to a more tragic outcome, so he refused. Kenji Tanaka was so angry that he directly killed Lieutenant General Mori to the ground, and stamped the seal of Lieutenant General Mori on the military order prepared in advance, and this military order was to show the military's determination to continue to fight with various countries. Not only that, but they then surrounded the Prime Minister's Mansion.

On the eve of the Japanese Emperor's announcement of surrender, thousands of Japanese troops rushed into the imperial palace, and soon the palace was like a slaughterhouse!

Soon after, Shizuichi Tanaka, the headquarters of the Eastern Army, learned of the attack on the emperor and the prime minister's official residence, and immediately sent troops to quell the rebellion. In order to prevent the surrender audio playback from happening again, he copied a copy of the audio for safekeeping. At twelve o'clock in the afternoon the next day, the recording of the Emperor of Japan announcing his unconditional surrender was officially broadcast to the whole country, which also announced Japan's formal surrender. The Japanese diehards, on the other hand, were still reluctant to accept the surrender, always regarded honor as more important than life, and on the eve of surrender, they chose to commit suicide by caesarean section, and some blew themselves up with grenades. On this night, the outside of the palace was a mess, like a slaughterhouse.

On the eve of the Japanese Emperor's announcement of surrender, thousands of Japanese troops rushed into the imperial palace, and soon the palace was like a slaughterhouse!


Yamamoto Tsuneyoshi wrote in the Leaf Hidden, "The so-called Bushido is to see through death. "This is the case with the Japanese bushido spirit, they are strictly trained, so they are needless to die in the war, but they still insist on bloody fighting when the tide is gone, and they will not hesitate to die to express their determination." But their aggressive behavior has always been shameful, and the dignity and dignity of being a samurai have long been abandoned.


"Huainanzi Bing Strategy Training"

"Ye Yin"

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