
In 1984, Liao Xilong became famous in the First World War, and Deng Gong instructed that this person should focus on training and let him become a military commander first


Every country has to go through a struggle for national liberation and independence, and even in peacetime, strong national defense construction is needed to ensure national security and social stability. Therefore, national defense and military construction is a very important matter for a country, and in modern times, China's road to independence and peace has not been smooth, and struggle is inevitable.

As we all know, our country experienced two large-scale battles in the last century, the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, during which we also produced a number of outstanding generals, and even if we won victories, we paid a huge price. Thirty years after the founding of New China, the Vietnam War broke out, and it was imperative to enter the Vietnam war, and General Liao Xilong also became famous from this war and was focused on training, and even Deng Gong also gave instructions: first let him become a military commander.

I. Military construction from the beginning of the last century to the founding of New China

Since the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the history of feudal dynastic rule for thousands of years has since ended, when the Opium War Western powers opened China's doors with strong ships and cannons, and later set off a frenzy of dividing China, which made a group of Chinese who were the first to awaken to realize the importance of national strength, so a road to salvation and survival was in full swing.

In 1984, Liao Xilong became famous in the First World War, and Deng Gong instructed that this person should focus on training and let him become a military commander first

At that time, various progressive ideological trends emerged in society, and various forces also surged up, among which the warlords had a large amount of military strength and had their own arms. The outbreak of the May Fourth Movement caused strong repercussions in society, which also promoted the further development of the country, until the birth of the Communist Party of China in 1921, and the road to China's future search was bright.

The August 1st Nanchang Uprising soon after gave the party its own armed forces, and the people's army also followed the trend. Immediately after that, the agrarian revolution began, the outbreak of japan's war of aggression against China, the fourteen-year War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression to the War of Liberation, all of which were inseparable from the people's army, their courageous advance in the rain of bullets and bullets, and their selfless dedication in the midst of gunfire.

In this way, for the sake of national unity and national unity, tens of millions of Chinese sons and daughters have chosen to join the people's army, and their spirit still affects the Chinese generations to this day. They have been tempered in the war, grown up together with the party, the contingent is constantly growing, the combat ability is gradually getting higher and higher, and the new development trend has made China's army more modern.

In 1984, Liao Xilong became famous in the First World War, and Deng Gong instructed that this person should focus on training and let him become a military commander first

After the founding of New China, Our country also carried out the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, which is naturally inseparable from the figure of the army; as a glorious people's volunteer army, they went to the Korean battlefield, and their heroic and fearless spirit for the sake of their homeland is worthy of the admiration of the world.

Thirty years later, in 1979, our country again participated in the war of self-defense against Vietnam, in which many of the older generation of revolutionaries who came from the War of Resistance were very old, so through this war there were also some young military commanders.

2. Liao Xilong in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam

Practice is the key to testing a person's true talent and practical learning, and at that time, there were many young outstanding military commanders in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, General Liao Xilong was one of them, at that time he was only a basic commander, but after the tempering of artillery fire, he gradually grew into an excellent commander and fighter of the people's army.

In 1984, Liao Xilong became famous in the First World War, and Deng Gong instructed that this person should focus on training and let him become a military commander first

In the 1960s and 1970s, Sino-Soviet relations gradually deteriorated, China established diplomatic relations with the United States, and Vietnam also underwent earth-shaking changes, especially politically, the pro-China Ho Chi Minh died, and the new leader Le Son soon after gaining the right to rule North Vietnam, the country was unified, and Vietnam's development direction changed at this time.

Because China established diplomatic relations with the United States, Vietnam chose to establish longer-term diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, so the leaders in Vietnam adopted a policy of anti-Chinese exclusion, and Sino-Vietnamese relations gradually fell into crisis. In modern times, Vietnam has suffered from French colonial rule, and in the Vietnam Liberation War, China actively supported it, which is the famous War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam.

At that time, our country won the victory in the Korean War, and soon after entered the Vietnam war, and experienced many tribulations in the whole development. After actively supporting the Vietnam Liberation War, but because of the relaxation of China's relations with the United States, Sino-Vietnamese relations broke down, and the relations between the two countries fell to a freezing point because Vietnam launched a provocative incident on China's southwest border, and China launched a war of self-defense for this purpose.

In 1984, Liao Xilong became famous in the First World War, and Deng Gong instructed that this person should focus on training and let him become a military commander first

In 1984, Liao Xilong went to The Yin Mountains with the aim of regaining control of the Yin Shan area and recovering the lost territory. On the eve of the war, Liao Xilong said that the number of people killed in our battle this time will certainly not exceed 200 or 150 people, so Liao Xilong, who is so confident, can see that he has already judged the battle situation.

At this time, Liao Xilong was already a division commander of the army, and his combat ability was still very good, and he adopted a flexible and mobile combat method, so that the Vietnamese army had no time to deal with it, and caught them off guard.

With his own outstanding combat methods and good combat deployment, Liao Xilong caused a great impact on the Vietnamese army, occupying most of the positions with a single blow, and the Vietnamese army had no ability to fight back.

In 1984, Liao Xilong became famous in the First World War, and Deng Gong instructed that this person should focus on training and let him become a military commander first

In this way, the battle of The Yin Mountain was won and the territory of the Yin Mountain was recovered. Just as Liao Xilong said, although our army is an attacking party, it is still a mountain combat, and the number of casualties seems to be very large, but with Liao Xilong's serial tactics, the casualties of the two sides will soon be different, and Liao Xilong's outstanding combat skills are also reflected in this battle.

Third, Liao Xilong's growth all the way

After this battle, Liao Xilong attracted the attention of Deng Xiaoping and greatly appreciated his military ability, and at that time in our country, at the time of the transition of new and old military talents, Liao Xilong was definitely a rare military talent at that time, and in 1984 he gave instructions: This Liao Xilong is very powerful, you can focus on training, let him become a military commander first, but you can't be too hasty, you must take it slowly. In this way, he was appointed deputy commander by Deng Xiaoping, and in fact, Liao Xilong showed excellent combat ability in the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam.

In 1984, Liao Xilong became famous in the First World War, and Deng Gong instructed that this person should focus on training and let him become a military commander first

Liao Xilong was born in 1940, joined the people's army in 1959, when the founding of New China, national defense construction is also in full swing, the young Liao Xilong chose to actively join the army, became a glorious SOLDIER OF, in the army through his own continuous learning efforts, in the 1979 self-defense counterattack against Vietnam he was already the regimental commander.

He performed very well in the vietnamese operation, the strategic and tactical deployment was perfect, making it difficult for the enemy to find shortcomings and break through, and at the same time, the morale of the troops he led was very high, and he won one war after another like a divine soldier. At present, many military deployments are still learning from Liao Xilong's combat methods and learning from experience.


Now that we have entered the new century, our country is no longer the era of poverty and weakness of the last century; the country is strong and strong, and the people live and work in peace and contentment; they have not only made very high achievements in national defense and military defense, but also in many fields, such as humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Liao Xilong from the initial squad leader to the general, which is inseparable from his study and practice, so contemporary youth, more importantly, should keep in mind the mission and forge ahead.

References: Vietnam War, Liao Xilong

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