
Eight treasure duck practice

author:Old Music teaches cooking

"Eight treasure duck" is a famous dish in various restaurants in Shanghai, but it is best cooked by the Shanghai City God Temple Shanghai Old Hotel, so it is praised by gourmets as a must-have and well-known at home and abroad. Today Lao Le will introduce you to the home-cooked method of this dish, let's take a look at it

Eight treasure duck practice

Eight treasure ducks

Ingredients required:

1 duck, dachshund, shiitake mushrooms, chestnuts, ginkgo biloba, winter shoots, smoked dried, carrots, glutinous rice, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, sugar, ginger, fragrant leaves, star anise, cinnamon

Preparation steps:

1. Prepare the required materials.

Eight treasure duck practice

2: Wash the duck and marinate overnight with cooking wine, soy sauce and salt.

Eight treasure duck practice

3. Wash the glutinous rice and soak it for two hours before steaming it in water. Sausage, shiitake mushrooms, chestnuts, ginkgo biloba, winter shoots, smoked and carrots are cut into small cubes, sautéed in a frying pan, seasoned with a little soy sauce and sugar, and mixed with glutinous rice to form the Eight Treasure Filling.

Eight treasure duck practice

4: Dry the surface of the marinated duck, fill the belly of the duck with eight treasure fillings until full, and then stitch with cotton thread.

Eight treasure duck practice

5: Use a spoon to continuously pour 60% hot oil on the skin of the duck until the skin of the duck is golden brown.

Eight treasure duck practice

6: Put the filtered duck into the dish, leave a little oil in the pot, sauté the ginger slices, add soy sauce, sugar, fragrant leaves, star anise, cinnamon and an appropriate amount of water, boil and simmer for 15 minutes to form a sauce. Place the duck in a steamer, drizzle the sauce over the duck and steam for 2 hours over medium heat until the duck is fully cooked.

Eight treasure duck practice

7: Take the duck out and put it on the plate, pour the soup from the steamed duck dish into the pot, cook until thick and pour on the babao duck.

Eight treasure duck practice


Duck meat is a meat containing more B vitamins and vitamin E, which has a protective effect on heart disease such as myocardial infarction, and can resist beriberi, neuritis and a variety of inflammation. Unlike livestock meat, duck meat has the highest potassium content and also contains more trace elements such as iron, copper and zinc.

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