
Horoscope for January! At the beginning of 2022, Uranus is going forward! It's time to follow your deepest heart!

Happy New Year!

How are you resting this New Year's Day holiday?

After all, at the end of 2021, the highlights of the two groups occupying the C position of the annual celestial phenomenon were staged successively last month: from the earth sky on December 24 to the jupiter seat change on December 29.

I wonder if you have experienced some turning points in your life again?

Have you seen clearly what kind of life problems the universe has brought to you during this year?

Horoscope for January! At the beginning of 2022, Uranus is going forward! It's time to follow your deepest heart!

Continuing the celestial phenomenon of 2021, saturn's glue confrontation with Uranus will be advanced into 2022.

These two years have been a leaping experience of life energy with pain and regret for many people, but also phoenix nirvana.

Now, we are officially entering 2022.

In the first month of 2022, there will be retrograde Venus and Mercury on one side, and Uranus' anterograde and Jupiter, which has just completed its straddle. The energy of the outer planets will press the accelerator button for the propulsion at the event level, while the retrograde of the inner planets will point to the inner tidying up and reflection.

As a result, retrospectives, renunciations and new hopes will be intertwined in January.

Important weather phenomena in January:

01/02 Mercury into the water bottle

01/03 Capricorn Crescent

01/14 Mercury retrograde in Aquarius

01/18 Uranus is heading, full moon in Cancer

01/20 Sun into the water bottle

01/24 Mars into Capricorn

01/26 Mercury retrograde back to Capricorn

01/29 Venus goes forward

Capricorn Crescent Impact Period: 01/01 – 01/03

Cancer Full Moon Impact Period: 01/17 - 01/19

In 2021, we have experienced too much "impermanence", and at the same time, it has also aroused too many complicated dust in our hearts, we consider gains and losses, the future, success or failure, and are anxious to escape from the present... All of this distracts us from the present moment.

On January 3, the first crescent of 2022 took place in Capricorn, forming a harmonious trichotomy with Uranus taurus.

The energy of the earth sign points to the daily life of the material world. Pay attention to your state and thoughts around this day, and this new moon will gently inject us with concentration rooted in the present moment.

On January 18, the full moon occurred in Cancer. This full moon will activate Pluto in Capricorn.

Horoscope for January! At the beginning of 2022, Uranus is going forward! It's time to follow your deepest heart!

Capricorn is a big game, and Pluto is the pinnacle of power. Therefore, in the big environment, we will once again have the opportunity to witness the ups and downs of the world, as well as some of the big reshuffles of the circle TOP.

For individuals, the full moon in Cancer can easily stimulate surging and sensitive emotional nerves, and Pluto will further increase the tension.

In addition to the issue of the balance between work and family life, Venus, which resonates to Capricorn, these days of the full moon are particularly likely to arouse our anxiety about our social attributes and the fear of "worthlessness".

Did you find it? In the moment of gradual "inward rolling", we seem to be caught in a pattern of always filling everything and any time, so that once we stop climbing a little, we will breed the panic of falling off a cliff.

However, 2021 has pressed the unexpected pause button for too many people's unconscious non-stop running.

Whether it is Uranus, which is triggered by the new moon, or Pluto, which is triggered by the full moon, these energies point to impermanence.

How to deal with it? The answer is written in the meaning symbolized by the earth sign and the Capricorn and Cancer axes: only with the ability to take root in the "everyday" at every moment can we breed a stable mentality and a solid foundation to deal with "impermanence".

Mercury Retrograde Impact Period: 01/14 - 02/04

On January 2, the day before the new moon, Mercury will enter the constellation of Aquarius. It's a seat that allows the mind to break out of the box.

What are your expectations for the new year? Keep an eye out for fresh ideas that pass through your mind, and the windfall of the year may come from the creative planning at the beginning of the year.

From January 14, Mercury will start its first retrograde of 2022.

As in 2021, the three Mercury retrogrades in 2022 (excluding the 2022-2023 New Year's Eve retrograde) all began in the sign of wind.

In particular, all three water retrogrades require a "hurdle" – the final retrograde period returns to the earth sign before the wind sign. Such a trajectory will bring a sense of stability that "starts with disturbances and ends with moderation".

The creativity and ideas represented by the wind element have immeasurable value, but they are easily buried by the realistic constraints symbolized by the earth element.

How can the creativity of the wind element be realized? We will necessarily need to pile and push in the secular way of the earth element – and after the first water retrograde in 2022 is over, we will certainly feel more about it.

Horoscope for January! At the beginning of 2022, Uranus is going forward! It's time to follow your deepest heart!

Implemented into this Mercury retrograde, it can be roughly divided into two stages:

From January 14 to January 26, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, echoing the Aquarius retrograde between January 30 and February 21, 2021. Things that were not well handled at that time may resurface during this period of water retrograde. In addition, during this time, both internal thoughts and external information will continue to give us "brainstorming" like excitement.

From January 26 to February 4, Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn, and the principles and sense of boundaries in thinking will be reinforced by earth elements. It will prompt us to learn from the past and show us the out-of-bound parts of the wind element that may carry. Once Mercury returns to its anterograde, it's easy to find viable ways to put future plans and ideas into practice.

Sun into the water bottle Impact period: 01/20-02/19

Uranus AnterosIon Impact Period: 01/18 -08/24

If the retrograde journey of Uranus, which began in August 2021, allows us to look back at where we "came from" and "cut off" the "way" through deep inner longings and external subversive events; then its retrograde unfolds a map of where we should "go.".

Let what should be accepted be accepted, what should be abandoned be abandoned, what should be changed be changed, and what should be started is that what Uranus forward helps us to do is to firmly press the acceleration button of the transition period of fate.

On January 18, on the same day as the full moon, Uranus will resume its descent, giving a soothing injection to such a full moon whose energy is not easy.

Two days later, on January 20, the Sun moves into the constellation of Aquarius, further strengthening its influence on the planet Uranus in the celestial signs.

Horoscope for January! At the beginning of 2022, Uranus is going forward! It's time to follow your deepest heart!

Uranus is a lightning-like cut, but it is also a source of creativity. It brings loss, interruption, and sharp turns, and the purpose is to keep us from being trapped in the shackles of standardized reality.

At the same time, it forces us to turn inward, to re-understand ourselves in a way that abandons worldly norms, and to try to find our true passion for life.

"Every kid is a genius, but the mother doesn't know." ——This sentence comes from cartoonist Cai Zhizhong.

As "big children", what dreams have we ever had that have been drowned out by reality? Have you ever spoken to your own inner child to see where your most sparkling creativity lies? In this upcoming month of Aquarius, the universe may bring revelation.

You know, even if there are too many "last resorts" and "disobediences" from reality, we still have the courage and ability to make changes.

When you truly find your passion, the whole universe will come to you.

Venus Retrograde Impact Period: 01/01-01/29

Mars into Capricorn Impact Period: 01/24 - 03/06

In December 2021, retrograde Venus was in conjunction with Pluto for a long time. When the money and affection symbolized by Venus are rendered in the dark colors of Pluto and retrograde to "beg for old debts", we are fed too many melons at the end of the year.

In a drama like Wang's artist, which is more wonderful than the series, the secret polyamorous relationship, the emotional deception, the property struggle, the emotional abuse, the revenge that leaves no room... And so on, it's really too strong Pluto color.

Horoscope for January! At the beginning of 2022, Uranus is going forward! It's time to follow your deepest heart!

How ambitious and controlling are you about feelings and money?

Do your desires fit into the framework of current reality?

Does your ability match your desires?

These problems are not only the knocks of the sky when Venus collides with Pluto, but also when the sun and Pluto form a conjunction in mid-January.

Venus will still be retrograde for most of January. On the one hand, this Venus positioned by Saturn will reduce our desire to spend: we may return the items we bought impulsively some time ago, and we may also turn over some old objects for reuse.

On the other hand, our concept of money management will also be calibrated by Capricorn energy: we will be more in line with those old, but conservative and solid ideas and methods, and we will also understand that "rising from the top of the sky" is a long-term undefeated Capricorn way - both for the accumulation of emotional fastness and for the accumulation of money and materials.

From January 29, Venus will return to its anterograde, and its journey in Capricorn is far from over. Until March 6, the real problems in the field of emotional relationships and money remained the focus.

As early as January 24, Mars has been stationed in Capricorn. At the beginning of the year, this Venus and Mars, which combines execution and planning, are in Capricorn, which is very suitable for us to plan the details of property management for the new year, and to spread out the real problems in the emotional relationship.

Leaving aside those overly vain fantasies and inflated ambitions, the essence of Capricorn is to be honest and to start accumulating from the step.

(Mainly the ascending sign, supplemented by the sun sign)


How ambitious are I in my career? What resources should I seek to support my development? What kind of self do I expect the people around me to see? This will be some of the things you will need to face in january.

For the first 20 days of January, your focus remained on career-related areas. Some people will have the opportunity to be promoted or find a good new job.

In the last 10 days of January, Aquarius Moon begins, and you will become active members of the team. Some Aries will have the opportunity to dock to a good platform or customer, among which there may be acquaintances of old customers to come back to find.

This time the water retrograde and the golden reversal occur in your eleventh and tenth houses, and some Aries will regain contact with their old friends and team members. It is worth noting that the opinions from leaders or elders during this period may have repeated changes and need to be followed up and handled.


How can I broaden my horizons and thinking? What are some ways to help me stand taller and see farther? In which areas should I improve and improve? This will be some of the issues you need to think about in january.

For the first 20 days of January, most of your attention will still be on your own development, and some Taurus will think about the meaning of life and their long-term pursuits.

In the last 10 days of January, the water bottle month begins, and some water bottles will receive affirmation from the leader for past work, or receive a good year-end award.

This time the golden and water reversals occurred in your tenth and ninth houses. During this period, some Taurus will face changes in leadership or corporate decision-making. It is recommended that when communicating with leaders or elders, it is necessary to restrain and carefully respond to the received requests. In addition, if you have plans to study or travel far, you may need to make appropriate adjustments.


How can I plan my financial management more rationally? What differences do I have with my partner/partner when it comes to money? How to solve it? Questions like these will be some of the points of reflection that this lunar phenomenon brings to you.

The first 20 days of January are more favorable to your partial fortune. Some Gemini will receive a sum of money this month through investment, wealth management, insurance, loans, gifts, cooperation matters and other means.

In the last 10 days of January, the arrival of Aquarius Moon will help open your eyes and ideas, allowing you to rethink the meaning of life from a more macro perspective. This period of time will be very suitable for you to replenish your inner strength through the study of body, mind or philosophy.

This time the Golden Reverse and the Water Reversal will cover your Ninth and Eighth Houses. Some Gemini will have the opportunity to meet former classmates and teachers, or start a program of further study. If you have travel plans, you may make travel or scheduling adjustments during this time.


What kind of other half do I need? What does marriage mean to me? How can I improve my relationship with my lover? These questions will be the topics of reflection brought to you in January.

For the first 20 days of January, a significant portion of your focus was also on areas related to one-on-one communication, intimacy, and partnerships. If there is a blind date or networking activity, it is recommended to actively participate, this time will be easier to promote the relationship.

In the last 10 days of January, some people will start thinking about issues related to financial management. Approaching the Lunar New Year, it is just right for you to plan your financial expenses for the new year.

This time the gold and water reversals will cover your eighth and seventh houses, and some people will receive a return of money through investment income, claims, loans, etc.

In relationships, some Cancers will talk to their clients about old unresolved problems, and some will miss or even meet their exs. If there is a partnership to be implemented, or a contract to be signed, there may be some amendments to the terms of the opinion this month.


What are my strengths in? What are some ways to add value to your workplace? How can I better manage my relationships with my colleagues? And so on, which will be the issue that lions will have to face in January.

For the first 20 days of January, lions will still focus on areas related to workplace skills. In addition to summarizing and planning your work, this period of time will also be very suitable for you to think about the health and fitness plan for the coming year.

The last 10 days of January will be more conducive to your closeness and cooperation. During the holidays, if there is an opportunity for blind dates or networking, you may wish to participate more. From this, you will have the opportunity to meet a good peach blossom.

This time, the golden reverse and the water reversal crossed your seventh and sixth houses. Some of the old problems in intimate relationships will resurface and you will need to deal with them. In addition, there may be some unhandled matters in the field of work that you need to re-respond to.


What kind of lover do I need? How can I make my relationship more nourishing? How can I get along better with my children? These questions related to love and parenthood will be what virgins need to think about in January.

For the first 20 days of January, most virgins were in a good mood and shape. During this time, you will become more childlike and playful, and some people will feel relaxed through games, star chasing, etc.

For the last 10 days of January, you will shine at work. For next year's career, you will also have the ability to make a clearer plan.

This time, the golden reverse and the water reversal crossed your sixth and fifth houses. In the workplace, there may be some functional or personnel assignment-related issues that need to be readjusted. Some old work problems that have not been fully dealt with are also easy to surface again before the New Year.


What are the positive or negative effects of my birth family on me? What kind of family atmosphere do I want? How can I improve or enhance my relationship with my family? And so on, it will be the area where Libras need to think in January.

In the first 20 days of January, in addition to some family-related issues to deal with, some Libras may consider rearranging their home environment.

In the last 10 days of January, the Aquarius Moon opens, which will help single Libras to open a new relationship, and some Libras will receive good luck.

This time the golden reverse and the water reversal occur in your fifth and fourth houses, and some people will recall the old love affair. Libras with companions or children need to pay attention to communication problems with lovers or children during this time, and some old problems that are not properly handled will need to be faced again. During the holidays, some people will stay at home to entertain relatives and friends who have not been seen for a long time. Especially with female relatives and friends will make you feel very comfortable.


How do I relate to my friends and classmates? Can our interactions be nourishing? What are my summaries and plans for my learning? These questions will be the part that Scorpios need to think about in January.

In the first 20 days of January, the celestial phenomenon will bring you a wealth of social opportunities, and you will have the opportunity to meet old classmates and old friends.

In the last 10 days of January, the Aquarius Moon arrives, and the sun that falls on the house of the family will light up your mood. Some Scorpions will enjoy stay-at-home life or feel the warmth of family in communication with their loved ones.

This time the golden and water reversals will cross your fourth and third houses. What needs to be paid attention to is your communication with your family, and some people may need to deal with some family issues that have not been properly resolved in the past.


Am I satisfied with my current financial situation? Can I do a better job with my finances? What are my personal values reflected? These questions will be the thinking topics that the January weather will bring to the shooters.

For the first 20 days of January, the weather is good for your financial income, and some shooters will receive a decent year-end bonus.

For the last 10 days of January, Aquarius Moon begins. It is the end of the lunar year, and the sun entering your third house will be very suitable for you to plan for the next year's study and further study. Some people will have the opportunity to travel short distances.

The ongoing golden reverse and the upcoming water reversal will cross your third and second houses. On the social side, some shooters will have the opportunity to spend time with old friends. In the field of work, there may be some work related to text data information that needs to be revised.


Am I confident enough in myself? Do I think in my heart that I deserve good feelings? Am I capable of creating satisfactory material conditions for myself? These are the issues that Capricorns need to think about in January.

For the first 20 days of January, the sun remains in your sign. Buying yourself something you want, or changing your long-lasting image, is a good choice. Entering the new year with the mentality of pampering yourself will be more favorable to the fortunes of 2022.

After 10 days of January, Aquarius Moon arrives. The sun in your second house will prosper your fortunes, and some will receive a nice bonus.

This time the golden reverse and the water reverse will cover your second and first houses. Some people will get a sum of money back, and may also recycle some unwanted objects.


Am my attitude towards feelings and money positive enough? Are those who hide behind the scenes and speak out be believed? Who can really help me? And so on, it will be a topic that Aquarians need to think about in January.

For the first 20 days of January, the sun remains in your twelfth house. Some water bottles will need to deal with some behind-the-scenes work, or will hear some hidden gossip. Rather than frequent socializing, most water bottles during this time may be more inclined to be left alone or to think about some problems alone.

The last 10 days of January, your month is about to begin. In birthday month, don't be stingy with yourself, and maintaining a good mood and a positive attitude can help you start the new year's good luck.

This time the golden reverse and the water reversal will walk through your first and twelfth houses. The planetary retrograde of this trajectory will definitely push you to make a meticulous review and collation of all aspects of your past year. You need to treat your past selves as the shoulders of giants to get a clearer view of the future.


What is my role on the team? Where is the social circle I belong to? In my dating circle, is there a "noble person" who can give me meaningful points? These are similar questions that Pisces will need to think about in January.

For the first 20 days of January, the sun remains in your social home. In addition to participating in activities such as some friend gatherings or team building, some people will have the opportunity to dock to good customers and platform resources.

On the last 10 days of January, the sun enters your twelfth house. Some Pisces will have the idea of "escaping" and then tend to be alone. Aquarius Month is your dormant period, and you can better start the new year by filling yourself with electricity.

This time the water and gold reversals will cover your twelfth and eleventh houses. If you have some emotions and thoughts that are stuck in your heart and are difficult to let go, you may wish to talk to your friends through mercury's retrograde behavior.

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