
After the change of Tumu fort, the Ming Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline, was it Wang Zhen's fault, or Yu Qian's conspiracy?

After the change of Tumu fort, the Ming Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline, was it Wang Zhen's fault, or Yu Qian's conspiracy?

The change of Tumu fort has always been regarded as an important node in the transformation of the Ming Dynasty from prosperity to decline, and the version learned at the beginning was always that the eunuch Wang Zhen made trouble from it, did not understand the military blind command, and instigated Zhu Qizhen to bring 500,000 troops to march in person, and as a result, the Ming army was also beaten first and most of them were killed and wounded, and Wang Zhen was killed and captured in Zhu QiZhen, and almost suffered the disaster of the country. Although Zhu Qizhen was the son of Empress Sun, Empress Sun also felt that the stability of daming was very important, and agreed to qianli zhu Qiyu as the emperor's stable imperial program, repelling the invasion of Wa Lai instead of seeking peace.

Although the foundation of the Ming Dynasty has not collapsed for the time being, it has actually been crumbling since then. Based on the fact that Zhu Qizhen's role in this process was too funny, the emperor was a prisoner, and after returning to the Ming Dynasty, he was still under house arrest, no difference from the prisoners, quite miserable, many people sympathized with him, thinking that he was seduced by the eunuch Wang Zhen; and Yu Qian actually ignored the emperor when he was also approaching first, shouting "Sheji is heavy for the king is light", resulting in Zhu Qizhen changing from a strange commodity to no one caring, and the misery was even worse.

After the change of Tumu fort, the Ming Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline, was it Wang Zhen's fault, or Yu Qian's conspiracy?

But what was really tragic was that later Zhu Qizhen lived a life of 7 years of house arrest, dressing and eating, and the so-called Emperor Taishang was just a name. Zhu Qiyu did not intend to return the throne to him, thinking about passing the throne to his son, if it were not for the premature death of his son Zhu Jianji, he himself was seriously ill, Shi Heng and his gang launched the Restoration of the Southern Palace to re-establish Zhu Qi Town, I am afraid that Zhu Qi Town will become ashes in the deep palace in this life.

It is precisely because Zhu Qizhen is too miserable, and various suspicions about the change of Tumu Fort are rampant in later generations, the traditional view is that it is the pot of the eunuch Wang Zhen, and the new view is that Yingzong's capture was a conspiracy by Yu Qian, whose purpose was either for the civilian official clique to take power, or for Zhu Qiyu, in short, from its own interests. So who is actually most responsible for this upheaval? Let's suppose that this person is Yu Qian, after Yu Qian died after the restoration of Zhu Qi Town, not to mention how other people felt sorry for his death, the attitude of Zhu Qi Town's own descendants towards Qian is worth playing.

After the change of Tumu fort, the Ming Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline, was it Wang Zhen's fault, or Yu Qian's conspiracy?

If Yu Qian was really a criminal courtier, Ming Xianzong, as the son of Zhu Qizhen, was also affected by Zhu Qizhen's loss of the throne, he should hate Yu Qian very much. However, the fact is that Emperor Mingxianzong restored Yu Qian's official position and gave sacrifices, while also telling the world: "When the country is in many difficulties, (Yu Qian) protects the community and is safe; only justice and self-sustaining, for the victim of adultery." In the past emperor knew his wrongdoing, and the heart was really pitiful and loyal. ”

Emperor Mingxianzong pitied Yu Qian for being loyal to the country but died a tragic death, and directly pointed out that Zhu Qizhen also understood that Yu Qian had meritorious service and was wronged, and then Ming Xiaozong and Ming Shenzong pursued Yu Qian, "Su Shu" and "Zhongsu", such a title praised Yu Qian's integrity and loyalty, which was enough to prove that he was popular in that period and died purely for the restoration of Zhu Qi Town. If the change of Tumu Fort is a conspiracy of yu Qian's civil officials, then in this process Chinese officials stand on the shore and watch the hilarity?

After the change of Tumu fort, the Ming Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline, was it Wang Zhen's fault, or Yu Qian's conspiracy?

Obviously not, the change of Tumu Fort occurred in 1449, according to historical records, the number of civilian ministers who died of the great change at that time was also only a lot more, from Hubu Shangshu Wang Zuo to the right deputy capital of the Duchayuan Yushi Deng Li, from Dai Qingzu, the young secretary of the Taichang Temple, to Ma Yu, the deputy ma Yu of the Dali Temple, and all the civilian officials who should have a bright future died in tumu fort, roughly counting no less than fifty people, are these civil servants all fainted and brainwashed to sacrifice collectively and then complete the century-old conspiracy of the humble civil officials to dominate the court?

Yu Qian's performance after the great changes occurred was remarkable, the previous Jin Dynasty and Song Dynasty had examples of "southward migration", and the court at that time was also active in such a wave of forces that supported the southward migration to avoid the front, Yu Qian scolded Xu Youzhen, who used the so-called astrological changes to advocate moving south, and went all out to deploy soldiers and horses to defend the Beijing Division, and then trained the Beijing soldiers, and increased the border city wall to defend it, which was outstanding in its own ability and great merit, but Zhu Qiyu never had any jealous thoughts about Qian, but instead asked Yu Qian to make a decision on everything.

After the change of Tumu fort, the Ming Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline, was it Wang Zhen's fault, or Yu Qian's conspiracy?

Therefore, it is undoubtedly very ridiculous to smear Yu Qian as a conspirator. In addition to Yu Qian, there is another person who has carried the pot in this great change, that is, Wang Zhen, the "sir" of Zhu Qizhen. Wang Zhen was an intellectual, he had made excessive moves in his early years, he entered the palace purely for the sake of the future, since he had already suffered the humiliation of being a man, and he was smart and understanding, Wang Zhen did not take advantage of the good opportunity of Zhu Qizhen's young succession to the throne for his own benefit, and he was simply sorry for the sins he suffered when he entered the palace, so Wang Zhen wantonly amassed wealth and dictatorship under the connivance of Zhu Qizhen, and persuaded Zhu Qizhen to use absolute majesty to control it, and it was not difficult to understand.

But Wang Zhen has done a lot of power grabbing things, and he has acted recklessly, does this mean that he is the main person responsible for the change of Tumu Fort? According to the Ming Shilu, "The driver of the car is still ... The initial discussion was passed from Bauhinia. Wang Zhen, also from Weizhou, originally wanted to invite him to be lucky, and then feared that he would damage his native crops, and returned to Xuanfu. "When Zhu Qizhen was on the front line, he not only listened to Wang Zhen's rumors and punished those ministers who asked him not to be confused and return to the army as soon as possible, but even the retreats came according to Wang Zhen's ideas, Wang Zhen pointed to the east and went east, so that the Ming army was scattered, was Zhu Qizhen really confused enough to use Wang Zhen as a military division?

After the change of Tumu fort, the Ming Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline, was it Wang Zhen's fault, or Yu Qian's conspiracy?

I am afraid that not necessarily, since the Qin Dynasty produced a Zhao Gao, the later Eastern Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty have a rebellion of eunuchs, so that after Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he explicitly forbade eunuchs to engage in cultural interference in politics, there is a Ming Dynasty, even Wei Zhongxian was killed by Chongzhen, the eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were powerful, but the emperor and the civil servants were also powerful, even the Noon Gate Blood Case came out, was the Ming Eunuch really a hundred taboos? They existed as a force that could be used to balance, from Zhu Di's appointment of eunuchs to seize the world's surveillance of the courtiers to the fall of the Ming Dynasty.

After the change of Tumu fort, the Ming Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline, was it Wang Zhen's fault, or Yu Qian's conspiracy?

Wang Zhen is probably the confused back pot man of Zhu Qizhen, and what really made the Ming Dynasty turn into decline was Zhu Qizhen, and the emperor's personal conquest actually made the three major battalions of the Beijing Division equipped with the most advanced firearms almost destroyed, the former god of war, the British Gong, died tragically, Zhu Yong, the Marquis of Xining, and the Commander of the Horse Capital, all of them were defeated, and more than half of the 200,000 elite casualties were lost, and no matter whether Zhu Qizhen was marching for power or merit, his blind command brought irreparable evil consequences, which could not be washed away by creating a soulful image in the TV series.

Zhu Qizhen's character is not bad, this point should be admitted, he has the ability to empathize, can abolish cruel martyrdom, can be evaluated by the people around him with the word "benevolence", can win the hearts of the people, but he can not be a good emperor. Assuming that Zhu Qizhen's ability and vision can match his personality, it may not be difficult to continue the rule of Ren Xuan, but unfortunately Zhu Qizhen is not a perfect person, and his flaws make him commit irreparable mistakes once he takes the throne, Tianzi is angry and lays down corpses for millions of blood, and Tianzi is wrong, the result is the same. This is the drawback of the entire feudal society, not just the problem of an emperor in Zhu Qizhen!

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