
The figure skating team is meticulously crafted to prepare for the Winter Olympics

The Chinese figure skating team is conducting the final stage of preparation training before the Beijing Olympic Games in Beijing's Shougang Park. Chinese figure skating has won 2 pair skating, ice dance, men's singles, women's singles a total of 5 Winter Olympic places, according to the past results, double skating Sui Wenjing / Han Cong combination, Peng Cheng / Jin Yang combination and ice dance Wang Shiyue / Liu Xinyu combination has locked 3 places, and men's single skating and women's single skating also have to be determined by the comprehensive results of the team selection competition.

The figure skating team is meticulously crafted to prepare for the Winter Olympics

Sui Wenjing/Han Cong

The Sui Wenjing/Han Cong duo, who lost the title by only 0.43 points at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics four years ago, had high hopes and were expected to go further at the Beijing Winter Olympics, to which Han Cong said: "The Beijing Winter Olympics will be held on the doorstep, there will definitely be some pressure, but pressure is also the driving force for us to work forward. As hosts, we welcome athletes from all over the world to enjoy the Beijing Winter Olympics, and we will do our best to show the best level at this stage and face our opponents. "While honing the details of their training, the team is also keeping an eye on the dynamics of their opponents at all times," I was also watching competitions including the Russian Figure Skating Championships. Their players are doing a great job and I have a complicated heart. But it also aroused my inner desire to fight. Sui Wenjing said, "Every day of training is a test of training results for us, and we do not relax every moment of time." I'm excited and excited right now, and I hope that this mood will remain on the Olympic stage, and I will continue to motivate myself and fight for our ultimate present. ”

The figure skating team is meticulously crafted to prepare for the Winter Olympics

Peng Cheng (left)/Jin Yang in the game

As another pair of pair skating "double insurance", Peng Cheng/Jin Yang will strive to "tell the Chinese story well" at the Beijing Winter Olympics, and at the same time, they will always remind themselves to be careful of injuries and appear in the Winter Olympics in the best condition, "There are so many people who are working hard for our training, if we accidentally injure and affect the game, we will fail to live up to everyone's expectations of us." Peng Cheng said.

Ice dance duo Wang Shiyue /Liu Xinyu has made great progress in the Beijing Winter Olympic cycle, improving their best score by as much as 30 points. At present, they are seizing the last preparation time to hone their skills and strive to show their highest level at the Beijing Winter Olympics to make up for the regret of not being able to enter the free dance competition at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

According to the team selection regulations, the men's and women's singles will be ranked by 4 individual bests in 5 selection matches, and the two players with the best results will be shortlisted for the final Winter Olympics. Jin Boyang, Chen Yudong, Chen Hongyi, Zhu Yi and Lin Shan are training hard, striving for good results and reaching the Winter Olympics. At the same time, in order to mobilize the athletes' competition emotions and familiarize themselves with the rhythm of the competition, the team also holds pair skating and ice dance test matches from time to time to create a competitive atmosphere.

Image source Xinhua News Agency

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