
When the Japanese army invaded China, it actually wanted to eliminate Chinese and adopted Japanese as the first language of Chinese

Since ancient times, domination that relies entirely on military conquest has often been difficult to last, so cultural infiltration and cultural enslavement have become a common means of colonial invasion. As far as Qin Shi Huang destroyed the Six Kingdoms and then destroyed its writing, as recent as the Qing Dynasty popularized Manchu culture and forced braiding, etc., these are all examples.

In modern times, the Japanese launched a war of aggression against China, and also engaged in a series of cultural slavery activities in Japanese-occupied areas.

When the Japanese army invaded China, it actually wanted to eliminate Chinese and adopted Japanese as the first language of Chinese

(Photo: Posing photo of the Japanese army's "goodwill")

For example, in North China, the Japanese army first copied the foolish education and servile culture that had prevailed in Japan for a long time, in an attempt to achieve their goal of consolidating colonial rule and using China to control China.

The Japanese destroyed all the books, newspapers, and periodicals that propagated patriotism and the national spirit, and the original teaching departments and teaching teachers were also replaced on a large scale, and the Japanese arranged special institutions to take charge. All in all, it is to turn Chinese children into pro-Japanese machines.

At the same time, the Japanese also found a lot of Chinese literati to act as their spokesmen, such as the famous Zhou Zuoren, who became a lackey of the Japanese.

When the Japanese army invaded China, it actually wanted to eliminate Chinese and adopted Japanese as the first language of Chinese

Among them, the most thorough one is the Japanese army's compulsory implementation of Japanese in the occupied areas, and even the establishment of a "one-stop Service for Japanese Language Teaching" from primary schools to universities, where Chinese is no longer the first language, and is completely replaced by Japanese.

I have to say that the Japanese are really a bit crazy about this move, the Chinese five-thousand-year culture is broad and profound, and the Chinese characters are the carrier of Chinese culture.

Of course, not all Japanese people are so naïve, and while the Japanese army is envisioning its own "masterpiece", some people have already pointed out that this practice is tantamount to a fool's dream. Who? It was Masaro Hashimoto, who was a reporter for the University of Tokyo Newsweek in China.

Due to his long time in China, Hashimoto Masaro is very familiar with China's humanistic and social environment, so he feels that this move is absolutely unfeasible, and pointed out the problem to the point: "Japan, as an island country, has a small population and a shallow history, and is easily infiltrated by this culture, but China is rich in land and has thousands of years of cultural heritage, and it is impossible to change its fixed ideas in a short period of time." ”

Masaro Hashimoto not only publicly expressed his opposition, but also reported on the news in Japan.

When the Japanese army invaded China, it actually wanted to eliminate Chinese and adopted Japanese as the first language of Chinese

Soon, Hashimoto Masaro was supported by a large number of Japanese academics, the most strong of which was the famous Japanese physics parent Oka Hantaro. In an interview, Nagaoka Hantaro not only called on Japan to recognize the greatness of China, but also categorically rejected the imposition of Japanese language teaching, and even joked: "The Japanese should quickly abolish ancient Chinese and start promoting modern Chinese!" ”

Unfortunately, as one of the few sober people in Japan at that time, the views of Masaro Hashimoto, Hantaro Nagaoka and others did not cause much repercussions, but the militarist theory of Japanese fascism prevailed for a while.

Even so, the Japanese military department still did not spare these "misleading" citizens, after all, they were thieves, and considering the prestige of these people in the Japanese academic circles, the military department did not spare any effort to get rid of them, and in order to cover up the eyes and ears of the people, it also played the banner of "eliminating the style of study and rectifying the academic circles", and dismissed Hashimoto Masaro, Nagaoka Hantaro, and others from their posts and dismissed them.

Of course, the views of Masaro Hashimoto, Hantaro Nagaoka, and others will not be invalidated because they are suppressed, and the cultural slavery activities carried out by the Japanese in northern China will eventually fail and can only become a joke.

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