
Of the 10 most difficult languages in the world to learn, do you know what Chinese ranks first?

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10. Croatian

Of the 10 most difficult languages in the world to learn, do you know what Chinese ranks first?

Croatian is a standardized variant of Serbo-Croatian and is one of the official languages of the European Union. It is based on East Herzegovina and is also the basis for many other languages, including Montenegrin, Standard Serbian, and Bosnian.

9. Hungarian

Of the 10 most difficult languages in the world to learn, do you know what Chinese ranks first?

The official language of Hungary, this language is the language of the European Union spoken by the Hungarian community. The language is also spoken in Slovakia, Ukraine, Serbia, and Romania. It belongs to the Uralic language family and has dialects that are incomprehensible.

8. Gaelic language

Of the 10 most difficult languages in the world to learn, do you know what Chinese ranks first?

Also known as Scottish Gaelic, this language is a Celtic language spoken by the natives of Scotland. It is a member of the Goidelic branch and developed from Middle Irish, just like Manx and Modern Irish.

7. Japanese

Of the 10 most difficult languages in the world to learn, do you know what Chinese ranks first?

Japanese is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn. It is complex and has three different alphabets: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. The reason why Japanese is so difficult to learn is because of its grammatical structure.

Unlike many other languages, verbs are used after the object of a sentence, and sentence particles are used at the end of a sentence. These particles can be used to express politeness or that the sentence is rhetorical rather than interrogative. For those who don't understand these structures, this can make Japanese one of the hardest languages to learn.

6. Albanian

Of the 10 most difficult languages in the world to learn, do you know what Chinese ranks first?

Albanian is an Indo-European language spoken by the people of Kosovo, Alabania, Bulgaria, and the Republic of Macedonia.

The language is a centuries-old language that was first spoken by old communities in Montenegro, Italy, and Greece. It has similar word characteristics to other languages such as German and Greek. However, its vocabulary is quite unique compared to other languages.

5. Icelandic

Of the 10 most difficult languages in the world to learn, do you know what Chinese ranks first?

This North Germanic language is an Indo-European language. After the colonization of the Americas, it was heavily influenced by Danish and Swedish.

4. Thai

Of the 10 most difficult languages in the world to learn, do you know what Chinese ranks first?

Often referred to as Siamese or Central Thai, Thai is the official language of Thailand. It is a member of the Zhuang-Dong language family.

Almost half of the words are borrowed from Pali, Old Khmer, or Sanskrit. Thai is basically tonal and analytical, and is known for its intricate written letters and markings.

3. Vietnam

Of the 10 most difficult languages in the world to learn, do you know what Chinese ranks first?

Vietnamese is the national and official language of Vietnam and the first or second language of many ethnic minorities.

The Vietnamese vocabulary borrows from the Chinese language; However, the Vietnamese alphabet used today is the Latin alphabet with additional tones and diacritics for certain letters.

2. Arab

Of the 10 most difficult languages in the world to learn, do you know what Chinese ranks first?

Arabic is the most widely spoken Semitic language in the world, with about 360 million native speakers. It belongs to the Afro-Asian language family and is closely related to Hebrew, Aramaic, and Phoenician.

Arabic is a cursive script written from right to left, known as Kufi. About 1,200 years ago, Arab traders introduced the Arabic language to the Middle East from the Arabian Peninsula. It gradually replaced Aramaic as the daily language of the people of the region. There are different dialects of Arabic, and one version that is often used in one country is different from the version of others, for example, Morocco speaks one dialect and Saudi Arabia speaks another.

1. Chinese

Of the 10 most difficult languages in the world to learn, do you know what Chinese ranks first?

Chinese is recognized as the most difficult language to learn in the world. The vast majority of Chinese vocabulary is made up of two or more characters that can sometimes be combined and have different meanings than when separated.

In addition, each word has a different pronunciation tone that is used to distinguish different meanings. If you don't analyze it holistically, but focus on each word individually, it can take years to fully understand the meaning of a sentence.

Learning Chinese requires an in-depth understanding of these rules and principles, which cannot be learned by simply reading and memorizing vocabulary lists. In general, if a foreigner wants to learn Chinese, but lacks a certain talent in grammar or pronunciation, it is impossible to learn it in this life.

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