
The commanders and fighters of the 180th Division were captured, and the General Political Department confirmed: The grain was exhausted! Veterans have written memoirs to confirm!

On the battlefield, two armies confronted each other and captured each other, which is an inevitable fact since mankind fought and fought.

The 180th Division of the Volunteer Army and all the participants in the battle, like the units of the Volunteer Army, also captured many commanders and fighters during the battle, except for a very small number of traitors, the vast majority of commanders and fighters were captured when they ran out of food and ammunition, and this situation was confirmed by the investigation report of the General Political Department later.

The commanders and fighters of the 180th Division were captured, and the General Political Department confirmed: The grain was exhausted! Veterans have written memoirs to confirm!

On the night of May 26, 1951, Nanyang Zhenzheng, the instructor of the Third Company of The 538th Regiment's machine guns, commanded heavy machine guns to shoot fiercely at the enemy, and when the cover troops broke through, suddenly a shell fell on him, the squad leader Huang Zhongjie was unfortunately killed, the machine gun was damaged, Nanyang Zhen's calf was also injured by bullet skin, and when they tossed and turned across the blockade line, there were only more than ten people left in the company. On the morning of the 27th, he entered Eagle Peak Mountain and fell under enemy siege. At that time, the battalion commander Guo Xingye and the instructor Zhao Guotai had all been killed, and Nanyang Zhen had to drag his wounded legs and more than a dozen soldiers to rely on him, and continue to break through in the direction of the northern artillery. The troops had been starving for several days, and in order to overcome hunger, the warriors had to forage around, and several soldiers died of poisoning by accidentally eating weeds like horned onions.

Cheng Defa, the deputy squad leader of Shandong People, who is 1.8 meters tall, usually 2 kilograms of grain is not enough to eat, but he has not eaten 2 or 2 grains for 7 days, and when he is dying, he still has a mouth full of grass roots. Wei Wenbiao, a small warrior from Guangdong, caught a poisonous snake and ate it raw, and when he died, he still had a snake body in his mouth. One day in June, when the rain was falling, Nanyang Zhen and a few warriors went into a small grass hut in the ravine to avoid the rain. There was an earthen pot stove in the hut, and he stayed by the stove to burn the fire because of a leg injury, and the others went to the mountain to find wild vegetables to find firewood, and he was blocked in the house by the enemy who suddenly searched the mountain and fell into the hands of the enemy.

The commanders and fighters of the 180th Division were captured, and the General Political Department confirmed: The grain was exhausted! Veterans have written memoirs to confirm!

In the early morning of May 27, a heavy fog enveloped all the depressions, ditches, and trees on the mountain. Ding Xianwen, a propagandist of the 539th Regiment, evaded the enemy's search and came to a stone cave in the middle of the cliff, when he just wanted to enter the cave, he vaguely heard many voices in the cave, he listened carefully, there seemed to be a lot of people in the cave, as if a meeting was being held to discuss something, a faintly audible hoarse male voice said: "We are heroic Chinese volunteers... Our troops have done their best to complete the task... Now that we have run out of ammunition and food, and everyone is seriously wounded and unable to break through, we are all good soldiers of the 180th Division, what should we do now? After only a few seconds of silence in the cave, Ding Xianwen heard the voices of many people: "We would rather be crushed by jade than for Waquan!" Don't be a prisoner if you die!" There was another moment of silence in the cave. Suddenly, in the "Long live Chairman Mao!" Long live the motherland!"" Mom, my son didn't embarrass you. "In the midst of the shouts, bombs, grenades, and grenades detonated each other." Boom—" "Boom—" "Boom—" With a few loud noises, a fierce smoke rushed out of the cave entrance, and the whole mountain was shaken.

The 19-year-old Ding Xianwen had never experienced such a tragic scene, and he suddenly lost the ability to think. At some point, he had entered the cave where the smoke had dissipated, and the blood in the cave was everywhere, blood was flying everywhere, several warriors who were about to swallow were still convulsing and moaning, and the bones that were entangled in death were still dripping blood. He stood on the ground, staring blankly at his comrades who had just died. For a long time, a long time, Ding Xianwen woke up and cried loudly. Later, when Ding Xianwen was unfortunately captured and beaten by traitors in the prisoner of war camp, he regretted that he had not rushed into the cave and left with the seriously wounded.

The commanders and fighters of the 180th Division were captured, and the General Political Department confirmed: The grain was exhausted! Veterans have written memoirs to confirm!

After the defeat of the breakthrough, the commander of the Ordnance Unit of the Fifty-Thirty-Ninth Regiment was chased by the enemy, and he ran forward to a cliff, and under the high cliff was a large river with deep water, and he jumped desperately, because he had no strength, he unexpectedly jumped into the gap between two large stones, and he could no longer move. When the enemy found out, they managed to pull him out.

The scout Duan Tianqiang was ordered to grab his tongue, and he grabbed an American soldier on the forward position. On the way back, the American soldiers broke free of the ropes and fought with Duan Tianqiang, Duan Tianqiang carried him and rolled down the cliff together, the American soldiers fell to their deaths, Duan Tianqiang broke his waist, lying on the mud and could not move, and was later captured by the enemy.

During the battle, the comrades who held their positions with Cao You were all sacrificed, and the enemy rushed up madly. Cao You picked up a pack of explosives and rushed to the enemy group, the enemy ran backwards in terror, at the critical moment, he threw out the explosive package, the explosives exploded, he was blown unconscious on the ground, until Cao You woke up, the position was lost, and he was unfortunately captured. The troops did not know these circumstances, and thought that he had sacrificed to repay him for his merits, and he was designated as a special combat hero, and he was also called by the troops to learn from him.

The commanders and fighters of the 180th Division were captured, and the General Political Department confirmed: The grain was exhausted! Veterans have written memoirs to confirm!

Han Yueji, Wang Jinfang, and Zhang Heshun spent a winter safely on Mount Dacheng behind enemy lines. Unexpectedly, at dawn one day in mid-March, a large number of enemies searching the mountains suddenly surrounded their garrison, and the muzzle of their guns was aimed at the grass hut where they lived. At the critical moment, Li Yuanxiang took out a grenade and threw it out, "bang", everyone took advantage of the smoke to rush out, because the snow was very thick, coupled with rattan entanglement, so it ran less than 30 meters, some comrades were injured, some fell down and were caught by the enemy. Han Yueji was unfortunately captured after being hit in the right leg by enemy bullets. Zhang Heshun also fell into the hands of the enemy because his wounds were not healed, and the enemy of the surprise attack caused Han Yueji to suffer great losses, and more than a dozen comrades among more than 30 people were wounded and captured. Not long after, a self-proclaimed chairman of the Workers' Party, Lee Myung-ji, and South Korean soldiers appeared in front of Han Yueji, and everything became very clear, it turned out that the South Koreans who were familiar with the terrain of the area had betrayed them.

On May 26, the night of the breakthrough to Eagle Peak, the battlefield was temporarily silent, and the breakthrough troops of the 180th Division groped through the darkness. Zhao Zuoduan, political commissar of the 538th Regiment, and Zhang Qi, director of the Political Department, were directly subordinate to the regiment, and in front of them were some comrades of the special service company, followed by division commander Zheng Qigui, deputy division commander Duan Longzhang, chief of staff Wang Zhenlang, director of the political department Wu Chengde, and comrades from the division command post. In the dark of the night, it was raining heavily in the sky, the mountains were slippery, and when they reached the enemy's artillery blockade area in Dongshan, Hongjili, the troops behind them were afraid that they would not be able to break out before dawn, and they were desperately rushing forward in the dark rainy night, and the enemy's long-range howitzers, under the command of the aerial reconnaissance plane, continued to attack this unit that had fallen into chaos, and soon the predetermined formation was disrupted. When Zhao Zuoduan and them hurriedly marched into a ditch, the comrades in front found that they had lost contact with the vanguard troops, and they could not find the division commander when they returned.

The commanders and fighters of the 180th Division were captured, and the General Political Department confirmed: The grain was exhausted! Veterans have written memoirs to confirm!

At Zhang Qi's suggestion, they returned to the fork in the road where contact had been lost, and when they returned, they met Du Gang, deputy chief of staff of the regiment. Comrade Du Gang pointed out a road, and Zhao Zuoduan agreed, as long as he walked out of this ditch at night, crossed the road at the mouth of the ditch, and crossed another river to reach the Yingfeng Mountain designated by the division. The mountain in front of zhao Zuoduan was the highest in the surrounding area, and the key was to resolutely stand out that night. Because it was dark, they broke into a bush with no way to go, and in the second half of the night, the enemy's fierce shells, for a time, exploded around them continuously, and the shells exploded with rubble and shrapnel flying everywhere, and Zhao Zuoduan was stunned and unconscious. When the sky was about to dawn, it rained lightly again, and when Zhao Zuoduan woke up from the rain, there was not a single comrade around. He felt wet on his hands, and when he looked again, it turned out that his hands were wounded, and he had to march forward alone in the rugged bushes, and he wanted to find a few comrades and break out together at night. Unexpectedly, the cunning enemy had already spotted him, and the enemy suddenly rushed to him, and before he could resist, he was caught by the enemy.

In 1954 and 1983, Guo Zhaolin, the artillery director of the 180th Division, talked about his breakthrough at the Changtu administration office and at home.

The commanders and fighters of the 180th Division were captured, and the General Political Department confirmed: The grain was exhausted! Veterans have written memoirs to confirm!

At 11:00 a.m. on May 25, 1951, after I went to the division headquarters command post to ask for instructions, I observed the division commander's handling and arrangement of the whole situation. At that time, Director Wu Chengde said: "Now we must take into account the withdrawal of the entire troops from the encirclement, otherwise the whole division will suffer misfortune." I interjected and said, "A decision should be made quickly in accordance with Director Wu's opinion." The rest of the chiefs were silent in thought. The situation was urgent, Commander Zheng and Deputy Division Commander Duan went to observe the situation, and I followed all the way to Mengde Mountain, and the artillery was moving the artillery. Commander Zheng ordered all the shells to be destroyed and destroyed. I carried out the order with the artillery, and by dawn on the 26th, the artillery still could not be moved, and I was in a hurry, and at 1 p.m. on the 26th, I found the division command post, and the situation changed, and the enemy was found in Mapingli (where the troops were supposed to retreat) and in the valley in front of it. The division decided not to bring any heavy firearms, burn all the documents, and break through in the afternoon. I asked the correspondent to send a letter to Niu Lixin, the instructor of the artillery battalion, telling them the direction of the breakthrough, destroying the artillery, and retreating with the 540 Regiment. I followed Master Zheng all the way, and in the dark of the night, I broke through to the northwest. After passing through the rugged ravine, I was squeezed under the cliff, and Master Zheng stepped on the stone and smashed it on my right back, vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood in pain. Guard Zhang Zhihan came down and lifted me up. When the enemy found out about our troops, he fired artillery at us, fired flares, and suppressed us. People wanted to run forward, and the troops were in disarray. I still caught up, and when I crossed the highway and the small river with Master Zheng, and climbed the volcano, it rained heavily, and I was dizzy, my chest hurt, I sweated, and I couldn't walk. Guan Yunde, the guard platoon leader of the 540 regiment, caught up and carried me for a few miles, slowly climbed to the top of the mountain, and met the team led by the leader of the 539 regiment Wang Zhizhi, there was an enemy on the top of the hill, we fought all night, captured two guns, 9 boxes of canned food, everyone was eating, did not continue to destroy this enemy, and then continued to advance. The enemy lurked down, and when we went down to the mountainside and saw that there were enemy cars and tanks under the mountain, and the top of the hill was occupied by the enemy at this time, firing at us, at this time Commander Zheng ordered me to piece together the radios of the two regiments into a machine that could be used to join the army, and the army instructed to still break through to the northwest and be answered by the 179th Division. That night (the evening of the 27th), the chief studied and decided to break through in multiple ways. I came to participate in the study, did not understand the specific process, only knew how to draw short guns, division direct personnel grouping, assigned me to lead the division's flag bearer and two scouts and Korean interpreters to walk together. At this time, Director Wu said to me, "Comrade, you are a member of the Communist Party..." I realized that he wanted me to take the lead in difficult times, so I replied: "The chief is assured." At 11 o'clock in the night, the enemy artillery bombarded fiercely, and the team was crowded, and at this moment, I lost contact with the divisional team. At dawn on the 28th, we went down the mountain, and were pursued up and down by the enemy, and I was in the ravine, and I met Hu Jingyi, chief of staff of the 538th Regiment, and 3 other people, and Hu Suyi had a map of the Tieyuan area, so I broke through with Hu. Unfortunately, one of the scouts broke his leg, and I had no choice but to leave two scouts in the ravine. On the night of the 29th, only Hu and I were left, and they quietly walked into the line of fire of the war in the dark night, and it was time to stand out after crossing this pass. We arrived at a place where there were few trees, steep slopes, and gravel, and unfortunately, my belt was broken, my pants landed on the ground, and I couldn't walk with my feet wrapped around me

I quietly stopped Hu Jingyi, told Hu Jingyi to catch my gun, let me dress up, lift my pants, and tie my belt. Hu Gang took the gun, and the two of us were suddenly spotted by the enemy not far away, and Hu Jingyi ran forward a few steps in order to avoid the enemy. This run, stepping on the gravel under my feet and rolling down the slope made a noise, the enemy opened fire on me from several places at the same time, and the enemy in front of me also shot at me. At this time, I was wounded by a bullet in my right arm, so I climbed to the ground, unloaded the ammunition box on my back, climbed gently, touched the stone again, and rolled down the mountain. The enemy fired another round of gunfire, pierced a hole in my shoe, and the skin of my flesh was torn. I did not dare to climb hard, the slope was steep and straight, climbing until dawn, only fifty or sixty meters climbed, and the sleeve was already filled with blood plasma. I lay on the ground, dizzy, thirsty in my mouth, sweating with pain, and looked down the hill where the enemy was advancing along the road. Where I stopped, there were few steep trees, I didn't dare to climb anymore, the wound hurt more than once, I wanted to commit suicide, took out a knife from my pocket, stabbed a knife in the chest with my left hand, penetrated 3 layers of clothing, stabbed a small hole in the flesh, and thought in my heart that I didn't want to die like this, dying here, no one knows, what is the matter? Or wait until dark. With a loose hand, the knife rolled down the hill. I lay down and slept. In the afternoon, the enemy came to search the mountain, I pretended to be dead, the enemy touched me, I could not hold my breath, as soon as my eyes moved, the enemy pulled me up and pushed and kicked, and I did not have the strength, so I rolled down the steep slope. Another devil reached out and grabbed it. This was captured!

The commanders and fighters of the 180th Division were captured, and the General Political Department confirmed: The grain was exhausted! Veterans have written memoirs to confirm!

Wang Huaying, deputy chief of the Operations Section of the 180th Division, talked about his breakthrough and capture in his self-description in Changtu in 1954:

At 2 p.m. on May 26, I was dispatched by the division commander to the 539th Regiment and the division's heavy artillery battalion to pass on this breakthrough order. The division headquarters went to the 539th Regiment garrison across a large mountain. After passing this, I took two correspondents back to the division headquarters in the dark. It was already midnight when I returned to my original station, it was empty, and it was raining again, so I braved the rain to catch up with the troops. When passing through a blockade area of enemy fire, the mountains and rocks are lined up, the cliffs are hanging like walls, and the rainy night, I can't see my five fingers, I shouted beware, but I didn't feel stepping into the air, and my body fell straight down the cliff, and when I woke up at dawn, I wondered if I was alive. Touched, the head is still there, the hands are still there, the legs are still there, but the waist pain is stiff and can't move. When you open your eyes, it looks like you are under a 5-story rock. The body lay in the cultivated loose soil field, the cliff above protruded from the dense forest, probably fell through the branches of the trees and then fell to the ground, the flashlight around the waist smashed a thin, the battery was completely broken, I did not fall to my death. I got up, first alone to touch the fierce gunfire for 2 hours, met a doctor of the 538th Regiment, the two walked together to the mouth of the ravine, it was already dawn, the ditch road was controlled by enemy tanks. At that time, I thought that the troops had broken out, only to fall behind themselves, still in the encirclement.

On June 21, I and a small group of people entered The Xueli Cave northeast of Dacheng Mountain, which is more than 30 miles away from Jinhua, where we wanted to find a way to break through, stayed here for 4 days, and observed that this was the enemy artillery position, and there was no gap to take advantage of. On the 24th, he moved to Shangqiudong Village, northwest of Dacheng Mountain. Jia Yao advanced the village to explore the situation, found that there were hostile elements in the village, and only 5 miles away from the enemy, he did not agree to live. I was paralyzed, thinking that I had mastered the law of the enemy's actions, and I came out every day at 8 a.m. to search. At 4 p.m., the troops were collected and returned to the camp, so they said that they might as well stay. At 6:30 a.m. on the 25th, a platoon of the South Korean army came to sneak attack, fortunately, we felt early, we withdrew to the ravine outside the village, but we were re-surrounded by the enemy for the 3 comrades who were waiting for the late evacuation. I made up my mind to fight the enemy. To cover the retreat of other comrades. I threw a grenade at the enemy, and just as I was waving, I suddenly felt numb, and I fainted for about an hour, and woke up to find that the finger of my right hand had been knocked out, the other 4 fingers were also broken, and I found that my right leg and right arm were also injured. And the enemy is gone. At 6 p.m., in the ditch north of TaoliDong, the predetermined meeting point, I first hit it with a stone 3 times, and then I hit it back twice, and the comrades came out to see it, they all cried, and I found that the eyes of Xie Guoxiang, the head of the communications squad, were also blinded. I was so badly injured, bleeding so much that I was so weak that I couldn't even take care of myself. Especially on the 7th day after being injured, Jia Yaoxian, who led the team together, decided to bring a group of people to another activity. I was so badly injured and had no medical treatment that I would die of illness even if I was not killed by the enemy. At 5 p.m. on the same day, taking the opportunity of the comrades to go down the mountain to cook, under the pretext of guarding against wolves on the mountain, they asked for a grenade to defend themselves. Xie Guoxiang, feng Yulin, the telephone squad leader, and 4 other people surrounded me and said, "You must survive, our large troops will definitely launch the 6th battle, and if we want to fight, you must lead us to persist until that time and go back together." You must live and die with us and suffer together!" These words, such a strong comradely feeling, strongly inspired me, and I thought that I was only 23 years old.

The commanders and fighters of the 180th Division were captured, and the General Political Department confirmed: The grain was exhausted! Veterans have written memoirs to confirm!

However, the weather was hot, the wound was bleeding and suppurative, giving birth to many maggots, drilling and biting, and the pain was unbearable. The desire for a large force to counterattack was even more urgent. Sometimes the sound of gunfire fluttering downwind, when you can clearly hear it, you will chant: The counterattack has arrived! In the middle of August, Li Guoru, an officer of the artillery battalion of the May 40th Regiment, and other comrades arrived, and Li Guoru helped me into the big forest, looking for the leaves of the oak tree, boiling water to wash my wounds, and then using cotton clothes to remove and sew a pocket to hide my injured hand in the pocket.

The enemy sweeps every day, usually during the day. He came from the east, I went west, and went in circles not to meet the enemy.

There were 9 of us, and then we didn't have anything to eat, so we thought of attacking the enemy's car, and unfortunately, we were too small, and we grabbed the food, but we sacrificed one person and injured another person. Later, we had to eat potatoes planted by the people on the hillside, and because of malnutrition, 5 of us 8 suffered from night blindness.

The commanders and fighters of the 180th Division were captured, and the General Political Department confirmed: The grain was exhausted! Veterans have written memoirs to confirm!

This summer is rainy, every day, we use stones to pad grass leaves, tie the rain cloth to the branches to block the rain, the rain cloth is too small, only block the upper body, the lower half of the body is wet. I didn't dare to take off my shoes, and the flesh on my feet was soaked white. Persist until September, when the buds are ripe, they will pick the buds to eat. In the later stage, when there are no matches, we find a small cave, pile up firewood, burn endlessly, and keep the fire. Later, a magnifying glass was found from the body of an enemy, which served as a fire mirror to burn cotton in the sun for fire. The comrades placed me alone in a small ditch where the enemy had never been, very hidden, where there was a family and a very poor life, and I had a meal with them. Who knew that at 7 o'clock in the morning of September 7, in the heavy rain, there were 3 South Korean soldiers, who actually walked down the ravine, and the common people hurriedly woke me up, it was too late to run away, and only a dozen steps out of the door, they were chased by the enemy and caught. I don't even have a grenade on me. I think it's better to fight to the death, so I just lay on the ground and shouted that you should beat me to death. One of the South Korean soldiers said: If you don't kill you, if your Chinese army captures us, we won't kill you, and we won't kill you." Pulling and pulling, pushing and fighting, punching and kicking me for more than a mile, and then using a jeep to take me to the 207 prisoner of war shelter. When we got here, the translator said, if we hadn't gone the wrong way and run into you again, your wounds would be so heavy, how would you have lived in the cold winter? I heard him say that he had gone down the wrong path and was so angry that he wanted to cry.

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