
Folk Heritage Hall "New Year's First Visit"

Folk Heritage Hall "New Year's First Visit"
Folk Heritage Hall "New Year's First Visit"

Travel to Longhua, Pin Su Zhai, watch the exhibition... Citizens and tourists who are accustomed to praying for the blessings and eating vegetarian food at Longhua Temple in the New Year have now been arranged with new projects. Yesterday, the Longhua Folk Heritage Museum (see above) opened, and many citizens who came to Longhua Temple to pray for blessings chose this route full of cultural connotations as the "first visit of the New Year".

Intangible Cultural Heritage is all around you

Different from the traditional pavilion, the heritage hall that is "seamlessly connected" with the Longhua Suzhai Pavilion is a new exhibition space full of classical and fashion charm. In order to allow tourists who have tasted vegetarian food to walk here, the entrance of the heritage hall is connected to the vegetarian hall, and the design of the moving line imitates the ancient garden winding paths, changing scenery step by step, and there are surprises in each corner.

The whole exhibition hall is divided into several sections: preface hall, Longhua imprint, poetry rhyme Longhua, Longhua Tread Appreciation, Longhua Transmission Art, including cultural display, film playback, in-depth interpretation of traditional intangible cultural heritage projects, experience interaction and other content, which can attract citizens of different ages to understand, disseminate and punch Longhua folk culture.

At the same time, the Heritage Hall is also a display platform and window for intangible cultural heritage projects, and five intangible cultural heritage projects, namely Haipai flower arrangement, boxwood carving, velvet embroidery, paper cutting and agarwood incense making techniques, will be unveiled in turn. Planner Zhang Guifeng said: "The best gesture of non-genetic inheritance is living inheritance, we have to do not only exhibit, hang up the intangible cultural heritage works, but also hope that citizens and tourists can immerse themselves in this space to feel their ancient and fashionable charm." Our exhibition will also invite national non-hereditary inheritors to come and say from time to time, so that you can feel that intangible cultural heritage is around. ”

Flower language Silence is better than sound

"Meilan Zhuju Four Gentlemen, we are just four people, hurry up, here must come one!" Zhao Xiujuan, who has to come to Longhua Temple to pray for blessings every New Year, came yesterday with a good little sister as promised, compared with previous years to eat vegetarian food and find another "program", this year's first exhibition of the Heritage Hall - "Haipai Flower Arrangement Works Exhibition" contracted all their expectations for "pat and pat". And what makes them unable to stop filming is the treasure of this exhibition town exhibition - "Gentlemen Gather together to start a new voyage".

Entering the main entrance of the self-inheritance hall, you can see this mirror-frame flower arrangement work at a glance, taking the meaning of "the wind is good when the sails are raised", showing the inclusiveness and merger of Haipai culture, the atmosphere is modest, and it is jointly completed by Cai Zhongjuan, the representative inheritor of Haipai flower arrangement, together with Wang Zhidong, Xu Guodong, Jiang Zhiling, Gao Hua, and Liu Chenglin. Wang Zhidong said: "This work uses a square frame as an instrument, composes with Meilan bamboo chrysanthemums, borrows the Artistic Conception of Chinese gardens, and wants to create a taoyuan in the city and bring people a moment of 'outside time' tranquility." ”

Citizen Liu Zhen led his daughter to stand in front of a pot of works called "Qingfeng" for a long time, and the father and daughter leaned on each other affectionately, and the back shadow was full of warmth. Unlike other works made of fresh flowers, there are many broken branches and leaves in "Breeze", and even two pieces of dead wood are obliquely slanted out. Liu Zhen has a fondness for this work: "It reminds people of the cycle of life, the dead branches and leaves fertilize the soil, the soil gives birth to new life, and the next year is full of flowers." The epidemic has put many people's lives in difficulty, and I have not been able to go home for half a year because of my work relationship, especially thinking about my family. I hope that the new year and the new spring can bring new hope and allow more families to be reunited as soon as possible. "Our reporter Zhu Yuan

Source: Xinmin Evening News

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