
37 years old! 41+14! Today's Zhan Huang, how to blow?

【Star】James vs Trail Blazers Highlights Slash 43+14 points to set a new season high Lightly to win the Blazers

In those classic superhero movies, the hero protagonist breaks through cognition after encountering difficulties, and the plot of saving the world beyond the limit is very cheesy, but because the way it is presented is more eye-catching, this kind of cool film can often be very popular. It is no wonder that films of this genre can satisfy people's hero worship complex.

For the Lakers, LeBron James is now such a superhero. Considering James's personal situation and team background, you can call him the "Savior of the Lakers". The 37-year-old James is saving the Lakers with cognitively recognizable personal heroism, and in the basketball world, he can satisfy all your imaginations of superheroes.

37 years old! 41+14! Today's Zhan Huang, how to blow?

If the Lakers' journey this season is made into a superhero movie with James as the protagonist, the plot development is now ready to enter the mid-stage small climax stage, and the direction of the plot is perfectly consistent with normal films of this genre.

At the beginning of the season, James was plagued by injuries. James has played just eight of his first 19 games due to a belly strain. By mid-November, James' percentage of shots from the basket was the second-lowest in his career, and his shooting percentage of 66 percent from the basket was the lowest since his rookie season. For the first time since the tracking data are available, James' breakthrough shooting rate is below 50%, only 48%. James' face-to-basket singles efficiency declined for four consecutive years, averaging a career low of 3.1 free throws per game.

At the time, Seth Paterno, a data expert at The Athletic, said: "I'm really worried that this year could be the year when age is really starting to bother James. Partheno's reasoning was that James couldn't even play back-to-back opponents who were shorter and thinner than him, which was a sign of his declining competitive form.

John Hollinger, another authoritative data expert, said: "Now James looks like a mortal, if the Lakers still have the illusion of expecting him to play the savior, give it up early." James is still a very good player at this age, but he is no longer the James of that year. Abandon the idea of having James play the savior, the Lakers should understand that now Davis should play the role of Batman (the core of the team), and James should play the role of Robin (deputy). ”

After James returned from injury, the Situation of the Lakers showed no signs of improvement, but became more and more miserable. Davis will be absent for at least a month due to a lap medial collateral ligament strain, Nunn, who has been signed with a $5 million middle exception, has not returned so far, the Lakers have triggered a health and safety agreement and cannot play, and even coach Vogel has missed 6 games because of the recruitment. The Lakers have a win rate of less than 50%, barely ranking in the top eight in the West.

In the six games before today, James has scored more than 30 points in six consecutive games, but the Lakers only have 1 win and 5 losses. James has done everything he can, and he's topped the no. 5 position to really go from one-on-five, from scoring to organization to defending. But even so, the Lakers are still difficult to win.

Such a laker is like a giant ship, decaying for a long time, although it has not collapsed, but it is full of dangers. In some scenes, as the captain, James alone showed courage, but his own strength was really weak, like a fine grass against the wind. It is not easy to establish your own heel, let alone fight with the fierce wind.

What do you think? Doesn't it look like the opening part of a superhero movie ambush pen for the subsequent plot by showing the protagonist falling into a trough and selling out in a miserable form?

37 years old! 41+14! Today's Zhan Huang, how to blow?

On January 1, 2022, Beijing time, the superhero movie starring James entered the mid-climax. In the Lakers' 139-106 win over the Trail Blazers, James shot 16-of-26 from less than 30 minutes, 5-of-10 from three-point range, 43 points, 14 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals and 2 blocks from 9 free throws. James' 43 points per game is a new personal high this season, and he has become the first player in history to score more than 30 points in seven consecutive games at the age of 35.

In addition, this is the first time in his career that he has scored a high score of 40+ in less than 30 minutes of playing time, and when he played for the Heat in 2011, James, who was only 26 years old at the peak, scored 43 points in 31 minutes to beat the Eagles.

"Do you know how crazy James is playing at 37?" Former Lakers player Kuzma wrote on Twitter that for a while, whether it is a player who reads a lot of books or a beautiful journalist who eats and writes this bowl of rice, he is exhausted, and can only use words like incredible and beast to describe James.

How does a 37-year-old veteran play? According to traditional cognition, the flying sky to 37 years old should also become a floor stream, as strong as Michael Jordan 38 years old after the Comeback of the Wizards mainly rely on mid-range turnover jumper score, Karim Abdul Abdul Abdul Abdul is relying on the sky hook to play to more than 40 years old, Carl Malone, Stockton, these 37-year-old still have a good performance of the famous people also rely on the floor flow to ensure evergreen.

But the 37-year-old James is breaking through cognition. Looking at the few smash dunks James completed today, should these shots appear on a 37-year-old veteran who suffered a belly injury at the beginning of the season and weighed heavily? Theoretically, it shouldn't have been, but James just did.

37 years old! 41+14! Today's Zhan Huang, how to blow?
37 years old! 41+14! Today's Zhan Huang, how to blow?
37 years old! 41+14! Today's Zhan Huang, how to blow?
37 years old! 41+14! Today's Zhan Huang, how to blow?

Isn't it against the law of this tough-hitting pull-up that comes to a 37-year-old veteran?

37 years old! 41+14! Today's Zhan Huang, how to blow?

Can a 37-year-old veteran continue to evolve in the twilight of his career? It sounds like a fantasy, but such an incredible thing happened to James. In terms of pure proficiency in various techniques, James has just reached the perfect balance, and his projection is as good as the breakthrough.

James has shot at least 2 three-pointers in six consecutive games, and he has shot a total of 13 three-pointers in the last two games, and his three-point shooting rate of more than 37% this season is the second highest career record, and his average of more than 3 three-point shots per game is a career record. Meanwhile, James' long-range two-point shooting percentage has reached a career-high of 50 percent, and his mid-range turnaround jump shots have become increasingly confident.

37 years old! 41+14! Today's Zhan Huang, how to blow?

Since leading the Lakers to win the championship in 2020, James's career trajectory has changed, he has encountered a lot of difficulties and twists and turns, the performance of new signings, the lakers' achievements are far from meeting his expectations, James himself has been plagued by injuries, and the future prospects are looking down.

But James has once again become the savior of the Lakers by breaking through cognition and surpassing the limit, and the Lakers have not collapsed so far, all relying on his recent crazy performance. In the past half a month, James's earth-shattering performance can satisfy all your superhero imaginations.

37 years old! 41+14! Today's Zhan Huang, how to blow?

Of course, after a superhero movie has experienced a small climax in the middle, the second half of the plot will often have ups and downs, but the final result is still the superhero vs. boss. Most directors will arrange in the script for superheroes to push the limits at the last moment to defeat powerful opponents.

James' goal for the second half of the season is to get the team back on track, rush to the top four in the West, and even impact the championship, for him, leading the team to the Finals to face the ultimate opponent is his final hurdle. How much energy does 37-year-old James still have not burst out? Can he get to the end like those superheroes in popcorn movies?

These are curious, because in James' current state, who dares to despise him, and the Lakers whose lineup is approaching full?

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