
A family of 7, 5 people diagnosed with uremia! Uremia is more common than you think, don't be careless

His name is Hu Jiurong, and he is 30 years old, which is his fifth year of battling uremia.

He was diagnosed with uremia 5 years ago and has been surviving on dialysis ever since. Although it is better to change kidneys without dialysis, the embarrassing economic conditions force him to choose dialysis.

A family of 7, 5 people diagnosed with uremia! Uremia is more common than you think, don't be careless

As his condition worsened, the frequency of his dialysis increased, from twice a week at the beginning to three times a week.

A family of 7, 5 people diagnosed with uremia! Uremia is more common than you think, don't be careless

The torment of illness had already exhausted him, but at this time, even greater bad news came. Not long ago, his mother and brother were diagnosed with uremia.

Three generations of the family, three people have been diagnosed with uremia, which makes the doctor also feel that this is a bad sign, so he suggested that he quickly bring his family to check, after all, this may be related to heredity and living habits.

Sure enough, Hu Jiurong's two daughters were also diagnosed.

A family of 7, 5 people diagnosed with uremia! Uremia is more common than you think, don't be careless

Hemp rope is specially picked and broken, a family of 7, 5 people have been diagnosed with uremia, which is certainly painful, but it is also worth our vigilance!

Uremia is more common than you think!

Kidney disease has always been called the "silent killer", which means that many times kidney disease does not have obvious symptoms. By the time it is discovered, it is often already advanced in uremia.

According to the latest surveys, among adults in China, up to 10.8% of patients with chronic kidney disease. This means that 1 in 10 adults is a chronic kidney disease patient.

What is even more frightening is that among them, the total number of uremia patients is conservatively estimated to be about 1 million or so. When we think that uremia is still an "exclusive" disease for middle-aged and elderly people, uremia has shown a trend of rejuvenation. Uremia patients aged 10-30 years already account for 40% of the total number of uremia patients.

Good end, why do you get uremia?

Stay up late

Staying up late can cause the kidneys' circadian clock to be disturbed, and when the kidneys don't have enough rest time, damage will naturally occur.

drug abuse

In the subconscious of many people, health care products and some drugs are not too harmful and can be used casually. As everyone knows, it is a three-point poison of the drug, especially antibiotics represented by gentamicin and kanamycin, which have strong toxicity to the kidneys, and must be used according to medical advice.

A family of 7, 5 people diagnosed with uremia! Uremia is more common than you think, don't be careless

Prolonged urination

When urine stays in the bladder for a long time, it is easy for bacteria to multiply. If reflux occurs at this time, it will cause toxic substances to accumulate and cause infection to the kidneys.


Like the Hu Jiurong family above, in addition to long-term bad living habits, heredity also accounts for a large part of the reasons. Therefore, if you have a family history of polycystic kidneys or chronic kidney disease, you must be vigilant.

Excessive fatigue

In the case of long-term fatigue, the resistance will decrease, and repeated bacterial or viral infections may occur in the long term, which in turn increases the possibility of an immune response. Problems such as increased blood pressure and dizziness ensued, which eventually led to kidney damage.

Be alert when these symptoms appear!

Although the kidneys are silent organs and usually do not have any obvious symptoms, we can detect problems through some signals.

Abnormal urine output

Normal people urinate between 1500-2500ml a day, if your urine output is too little or too much, you must be vigilant!

Abnormal urine color

Normal urine color is pale yellow, if the urine becomes coffee or dark brown, watermelon soup color, you should be extra careful.


Generally, after the loss of urine protein, the human body will have edema. Therefore, after the appearance of unexplained edema, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time.

A family of 7, 5 people diagnosed with uremia! Uremia is more common than you think, don't be careless

How to prevent uremia?

To avoid uremia, we must stay away from kidney-damaging behaviors. Usually try not to stay up late, let alone stay up late for a long time; quit smoking and limit alcohol; do not use drugs or health care products casually, if you want to take medicine, you must use it under the guidance of a pharmacist; keep your diet healthy and balanced nutrition, and insist on exercise to improve immunity; if you have high blood pressure, diabetes and urinary tract stones, you must actively control it.

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