
The Germans swept through Western Europe at the beginning of World War II, so why did they not understand why they wanted to attack the huge Soviet Union!

On January 10, 1933, Hitler came to power as Chancellor of Germany, and since then this man who had openly declared the government incompetent, later led the German people and the people of the world into a disastrous war: the Second World War!

In 1939, Hitler attacked Poland, and Poland was occupied more than 30 days later; after occupying Poland, Hitler did not stop the pace of war, and then turned around and began to sweep through Western Europe, and then took France in 40 days!

The Germans swept through Western Europe at the beginning of World War II, so why did they not understand why they wanted to attack the huge Soviet Union!

At this time, the German army under the leadership of Hitler can be said to be invincible, which is also the peak of Germany in World War II! Just after Germany occupied all of Western Europe, Hitler made another decision: attack the Soviet Union! Some people say that Germany has occupied such a large territory in the whole territory of Western Europe, and Hitler has given up on it, is it not good to run Western Europe well? Why did you have to follow Napoleon's old path and attack the Soviet Union?

First, Hitler had to attack the Soviet Union.

If we look at the map, we can see that although Germany took all of Western Europe in World War II, the area of German occupation at this time was still not as large as that of the Soviet Union, and the population was not as large as that of the Soviet Union.

The Germans swept through Western Europe at the beginning of World War II, so why did they not understand why they wanted to attack the huge Soviet Union!

If Hitler wants to rule the whole of Europe for a long time, he must solve the huge polar bear of the Soviet Union, otherwise the Soviet Union is an eternal threat to Germany; even if the German army has the ability to produce 100,000 aircraft and a million tanks, but Germany has no fuel, no more aircraft tanks how to run without oil?

(Even now, in the winter, the polar bears are at a loss, threatening not to roast the Europeans, just imagine what resources Hitler took to develop Western Europe in the long run before the Soviet Union was solved!) )

However, these liquid fuels, and the metals used to make aircraft and tanks, the Soviet Union was incomparably rich! So The mustache desperately launched the "Barbarossa" project to attack the Soviet Union in June 1941!

Second, Hitler underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Soviet Union!

Hitler's haste to take France and immediately attack the Soviet Union was a serious underestimation of the will to fight of the Soviet army and the Soviet people. Don't look at the previous Soviet-Finnish war, the Soviet Union was defeated, and it was a lot of defeat, but it was a regional war. The Soviets did not have to fight desperately; however, after the German invasion in World War II, Hitler wanted to destroy the country, put the family foundation together, invested more than 5 million troops, and wanted to swallow the huge Soviet Union in one go!

The Germans swept through Western Europe at the beginning of World War II, so why did they not understand why they wanted to attack the huge Soviet Union!

In the face of this kind of life-and-death war, the Soviets showed combat effectiveness far from the "Barbarossa" plan that The mustache had written at the desk!


In fact, from the moment Hitler launched the Second World War, his defeat was already doomed; first, he fought an unjust war, surrounded and suppressed by the peoples of Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union and the world, how could he win.

Ten thousand steps back to say that after Hitler occupied Western Europe, he would stop here, and his life would be better? The Soviet blockade in the east, the "Little British Empire" and the Allied blockade in the west and the south, then Hitler could not find a place to refuel the car!

So he only had to continue to play, but then play is also a typo!

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