
The most beautiful woman in history: rejecting 20 suitors, she was made into specimens after her death and exhibited throughout Western Europe

In 1834, Mexico gave birth to a very special child, this child was born with the genetic disease hirsutism, even in infancy her face was covered with thick hair, which in modern times, this child is only sick, but in backward Mexico, this child is considered to be abandoned by God.

The most beautiful woman in history: rejecting 20 suitors, she was made into specimens after her death and exhibited throughout Western Europe

But the children are the mother's heart, even if it is an ugly looking child, the mother gave her a very beautiful name, Julia Pastrana, Julia's childhood is different from ordinary people, the children call her "hairy girl" or "female ape man"

Julia could only hide at home, she should have spent her life in obscurity, but after the Industrial Revolution, the capitalists began to expand to various continents, and these capitalists brought all kinds of wealth to the people, and jewelry and gold gradually lost their allure.

The most beautiful woman in history: rejecting 20 suitors, she was made into specimens after her death and exhibited throughout Western Europe

It was at this time that a grotesque performance was born in the West, known to Westerners as the Deformity Show, where capitalists satisfies the eyeballs by watching people with special bodies, and for profit, explorers look around for special crowds, and in 1850 Julia meets an American in her hometown named Theodore Randt.

Theodore was an explorer who traveled the world in search of gold and jewelry, and as an American, he naturally knew about the deformity show and what kind of wealth Julia could bring him, and he began to pursue Julia wildly, claiming to marry Julia.

The most beautiful woman in history: rejecting 20 suitors, she was made into specimens after her death and exhibited throughout Western Europe

As for Julia, who has lost her love since childhood, she is frightened, but Theodore does not give up, and when he frantically pursues Julia, the reputation of the "Hairy Man" gradually spreads, and the explorers who look for "strange" things have come to Julia's hometown.

Like Theodore, they all began to pursue Julia, and after a fight between you and me, Julia chose Theodore, who paid the most, and at the end of the same year the two married, Julia's parents were very happy, and when Theodore offered to take Julia around the world, her parents sent her away like a "plague".

As the two traveled the world, Theodore began to run a circus, home to Julia's "Monster Show", where they performed every time they passed by a place, attracting all kinds of high-society people to watch each time, and Theodore also made a lot of money for it.

The most beautiful woman in history: rejecting 20 suitors, she was made into specimens after her death and exhibited throughout Western Europe

The two performed like this for 10 years, during which many people were "pursuing" her, but Julia rejected more than 20 people for Theodore, and in 1860, Julia became pregnant, but unfortunately was born prematurely, the child also suffered from hirsutism, but the premature baby died due to poor care.

Julia was also infected and followed the child, but Instead of burying her, Theodore embalmed her and continued to perform with her, during which the body was also stolen and hidden as specimens at the University of Oslo several times in 1976, until 2005, when the Mexican artist Anderson launched a human rights struggle.

The most beautiful woman in history: rejecting 20 suitors, she was made into specimens after her death and exhibited throughout Western Europe

More people learned about Julia, but the fight lasted for years until 2013, when Julia's body was transported back to Mexico for burial, and the grotesque show finally came to an end.

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