
What is the true meaning of the god eater and the wounded officer in numerology?

What is the true meaning of the god eater and the wounded officer in numerology?

Zhongtian Yi Zhang Yonghong finished

In numerology, the one who is born is called eating wounds; the five elements are divided into yin and yang, so there are said to be wounded officers and eating gods. The God eater and the wounded officer are two of the ten gods, two indispensable aspects of man's inner nature, that is, ideas, consciousness, emotions, and the external connection of man, that is, social behavior. The discussion of the god eater and the wounded officer is conducive to the understanding and grasp of the ideological consciousness and social behavior of these two aspects of people, which is undoubtedly of great significance for effectively extracting the information of the fate situation, accurately predicting, helping people correctly understand their own advantages and disadvantages, and seeking advantages and avoiding harms, and seeking good fortune and avoiding evil.

There are many images of information from wounded officers and gods, including various mental activities in the heart and many social behaviors under the domination of this thought. How did this multitude of informational images come from? Where are the roots? Is there a rule to follow? This is the main point of this article. Through discussion, we will try to find out some laws.

God Eater

First, the essential meaning

1. The God of Food is the five elements of my birth, and it is yang and I am born yang, yin and I are born yin, and the same sex is born of each other, both mutually and mutually exclusive. Symbiosis is the main and prerequisite, and exclusion is the exclusion under the conditions of symbiosis (my birth). The relative vitality of yang and yang is also larger, and the repulsion force is also larger; the yin and I are born with less vitality and less repulsive force. This is the first essential meaning of the God Eater.

2. Eat the god and kill. The God of Food and the Seven Kills are Yang Ke Yang, Yin Ke Yin, same sex mutual restraint, both mutual restraint and mutual exclusion. Grams are the main and premise, and exclusion is exclusion under the premise of reciprocal restraint. Yang Keyang is relatively larger than the gram, and the repulsion force is also larger; the yin keyin is relatively small and the repulsion force is also smaller.

3. Food Gram Officer. The god of food and the official are yang ke yin, yin ke yang, and the opposite sex is compatible, both mutually restrained and absorbed. Grams are the premise, and suction is the absorption of grams under the premise. Yang Ke Yin is relatively larger than Gram, and Yin Ke Yang is relatively small.

4. The god of food and the right wealth are yin and yang of the opposite sex, both symbiotic and absorbent, and absorption is the absorption on the basis of symbiosis and under the premise of symbiosis.

5. The god of food and partial wealth are yin and yang and the same sex, both symbiotic and repulsive, and exclusion is the rejection under the basis and premise of symbiosis.

6. The positive seal and the god of food are yin and yang opposite sexes, both gram and phase, and the absorption is the absorption under the conditions of the basis and premise of the phase.

7. Partial printing and god of food are yin and yang same-sex compatibility, both mutual restraint and mutual exclusion, and rejection is the rejection under the basis and premise of phase gram.

The relationship between biru and the god of food is similar to the relationship between the god of food and the lord of the sun, so it is omitted.

Second, the natural attributes of the god eater

The God-Eater was born to me and represents my offspring; the seal was born to me and represents my parents. Human beings, like animals in nature, reproduce through this "endless life" and continue to evolve and develop under the natural law of survival of the fittest.

For their offspring (my own beings), human beings, like ordinary animals, have a natural nature of breeding, nurturing, maintaining, and protecting, and can live in harmony with their fellow human beings. And have the function of protecting me naturally.

The God of Food is my being, my vomit, and the main metabolic function.

Third, the social attributes of the god eater

1. Because the God of Food is born of me, it is the embodiment of the leakage of my essence, which is manifested as intelligent and sensitive, deeply spiritual, and has good emotional power: gentle speech, fluent expression, intelligent and delicate, rich in emotions, generous and solid in resources, willing to pay, etc.

Because the God of Food is born of me and has repulsion in life, he is active in thought, swims in nature, has a cheerful personality, and is not good at competing with people. The expression, performance and payment of the god of food have naturalness, arbitrariness, and accident, which are the natural outpouring of their own qualities and emotions, without the tendency of deliberate pursuit, generally only pay attention to participation and process (natural and casual pleasure or performance), do not care, do not pay attention to the results of participation, so it is manifested as plain, contented, natural, charitable, elegant and high, and the thinking of the god of food tends to be horizontal and so on. The above is the main manifestation of the god of food when it is happy.

When the god of food is jealous, it is manifested as: pretentious, high but unrealistic, detached from reality, too free and not thinking of enterprising, indulging in amusement enjoyment, etc.

Dry Manufacturing: 庚戌 壬午 戊辰 癸ugly

Great Luck: 癸未 甲申 乙酉 丙戌

Born in midsummer, the four branches are rooted and active, and the Lord of the Day is nearly too strong. Born in the middle of summer, the fate is hot and dry, there is a ugly waiting for nong, and the more wonderful Gengjin eating god sits clearly, spitting out his body and making money, plus the luck does not stop, supporting the god of food, so he can be rich. The actual owner is the head of a government's financial department.

The god of creation and food is used as a god, and sits into a tonggen, has a water conservation guard, and uses the god to have qi and strength. The positive attributes of the God Eater can be fully reflected. The god of food is rich, and the wealth is for his wife, so his wife is beautiful and virtuous, and her income is relatively rich.

2, the god of food system to kill is the yin and yang same-sex system of repulsion.

Killing the Lord is violent, arbitrary, oppressive, despotic, harsh, aggressive, aggressive, etc., and the God eater uses his own indifference, freedom, peace, nature and reason to peel away the inferior roots of the seven kills, so that the positive attributes of the seven kills can be used by the Lord of the Day. Therefore, the god of food does not like dictatorship and despotism, does not like fighting and war, but loves peace and nature. Harmonious social relations and harmony are a manifestation of killing and eating, and it is also a sign of wealth. If killing is to use God, food to control killing, it is embodied in not thinking of making progress, laziness, casualness, freedom and so on, which is a sign of poverty and lowliness.

Dry Manufacturing: 壬辰 Xinhai 壬戌 壬寅

The lord of nongshui day was born in the land of Mengdong Luwang, branching through two roots, a big stem and a piece of raw support, and the japanese lord was partial to prosperity. Taking the Nian Ri Zhi Chen Shu Seven Killings suppressing Wang as a god, the god of food can also be used for joy, but the lament is that the God of Yinmu has no wealth to live, but to kill, even if the role of killing and eating two like gods is lost, the mission lord becomes a poor slacker.

3. The god of food and the official are yin and yang of the opposite sex, and the opposite sex has the meaning of restraint and discipline and has the name of gram, and there is no gram, and it is suitable for survival.

This kind of gram is generally a well-meaning, gentle gram; the gram contains the meaning of attracting harmony, guarding and protecting. Therefore, the god of food has a part of the nature of the right official, such as regularity, rationality, tradition, moderation, tolerance, etc. Embodied in the principle of being reasonable and law-abiding, valuing benevolence and righteousness, advocating morality, magnanimity, gentleness and other food prosperity and injury, the above meaning is lost.

4. The god of food and the positive wealth are born of the opposite sex of yin and yang, and the birth contains absorption. It can be seen from this that the god of food is affinity for wealth. Positive wealth is the wealth obtained by legitimate means, legitimate means, and legitimate competition. The food clock is to earn legitimate money by relying on one's own intelligence, diligence and kindness. Food is not always discussed in this regard.

5. The god of food and partial wealth are in the same sex phase of yin and yang, and there is repulsion in life.

Partial wealth is the wealth of partial karma, the wealth of great wealth and the wealth of outbreaks; partial wealth also represents money obtained through improper means and means. The god of food is born of wealth, the fate is well combined, the lord of the day is prosperous, the fortune star is angry, and the food is happy to use, and it is still possible to make a fortune. But how to understand the repulsion in life? I think it can be understood from the following aspects: First, the relative vitality of same-sex symbiosis is relatively large, which is reflected in the wisdom of the god of food, which can be fully exerted, so it can do big business and make a lot of money. Second, the god of food is a god with rationality, routineness and tradition, while partial wealth is speculative, irrational, illegal, and risky. In the process of saving wealth, the god of food rejects these attributes of partial wealth. It is to use wisdom, diligence and harmony, through legitimate means and competition to do big business and make a fortune. Third, it shows its exclusion in the result of eating God's wealth, that is, in terms of vested material benefits. This kind of exclusion is also the exclusion under the premise of birth, such as enthusiastic public utilities, welfare undertakings, etc., often in this way to reflect its temperament of elegance, sexual virtue, charity, love and dedication and other qualities, in order to repay the society. The above is the embodiment of the god of food when it is happy to use, and the god of food is taboo when it is not discussed.

Dry Manufacturing: Peng Shen Ding Wei Cheng Shu Geng yin

Great Luck: Peng Wu Has Not Gengshen

The creation of Ding Wei when the order, the Lord of the Day is prosperous, the Sun Shen is comparable to the ke cai, fortunately, Shen dried through the food, turned the robbery into wealth, this is the salvation, is the god of food biochemical sentient beings. The fate is hot and dry, and the food and wounds are ugly and the two soils are adjusted to make the fortune into a god, and the fortune star is also used for pleasure. In the year of Gengchen in 2000, he was in place and ordered to host a lighting factory to make a fortune.

6. The positive seal and the god of food are yin and yang opposite sexes, and the grams contain suction belts. The positive seal is absorption, and the god of food is vomiting, which represents the physiological function and metabolic function of the body. The combination of fate is good, the printing and eating are strong, the main body is good, the metabolic function is healthy and normal, and it can be absorbed and discharged, which is the sign of happiness and life, and the food god and the positive seal have more similarities in character, and there are also some different differences, such as the good combination of fate, it complements each other, complements each other, has good character, and is a gentleman.

The God of Food and the True Seal are both academic stars, the True Seal is dedicated to quietly keeping one, likes vertical thinking (the True Seal and the Lord of the Day are born of the opposite sex), the God of Food is lively and active, and the God of Food is happy to think horizontally (with rebuke in life), if the fate is properly coordinated, the Positive Seal can be used to restrain the liveliness and activity of the God of Eater. For the absorption of knowledge and learning, the God of Eater is not as good as the True Seal; but the expression of inner wisdom and talent is not as good as the True Seal. If the combination of fateful situations is sentient, it can become an expert in a certain field. Both the Zhengyin and the God eater have the disadvantage of being easily detached from reality. Yin Wang's change of owl is to take food, not to be discussed.

7. The owl and the god of food are yin and yang of the same sex, both mutual restraint and mutual repulsion. Same-sex grams are large, and grams here can be understood as systems. The God eater is the cathartic channel of the essence of the Lord of the Sun, is a thing of catharsis, and is the embodiment of talent. Food also represents the source of wealth and represents the metabolic function of the body. Therefore, the god of food that is used cannot be taken away, and when the food is taken away, it will be destroyed.

Dry Manufacturing: 戊戌 乙卯 丁海 壬寅

Great Luck: Ding Chen Ding Wei Peng Wu Ji Wei

The weak owl should be wounded, take the robbery as a god, and help the weak body to transform the owl seal to give rise to the wounded officer. The original fate and the owl Yin Wang made wounded officers, than the robbery used the god to hide and not reveal, so the pattern is not high, the fate of the lord ordinary people. Ding Has, Peng Wu, and Wu Wu have used God in place to order the Lord to join the army, retire from the army, get married, have children, and have a smooth wind all the way. The Japanese owner is a car driver, has his own car, earns money from transportation, and lives a relatively rich life. Once he has not eaten the great fortune of the gods, he has been dead for 99 years, and he has taken food, and food is the source of wealth and the foundation of the body. The Lord of the Day was in a car accident, injured in many places, and broke more than 100,000 yuan.

However, the god of food can be taken away for taboos. Therefore, the bureau of destiny must be seen alive and must not be held.

Wounded officer

1. The wounded officer is my birth, and is yin and yang, yang and yin, and the opposite sex is born of each other, both born and attracted. Symbiosis is the main aspect and premise, and attraction is attraction under the basis and premise of symbiosis. Yang and I have a relatively large vitality, and yin and I have a smaller relative vitality. This is the first essential meaning of the wounded officer.

2. The killing of wounded officers is the yin and yang opposite sex, both mutual restraint and attraction. Grams are the basis and premise, and attraction is attraction under the premise of grams.

3. The wounded officer is a yin and yang homosexual gram, which is both mutual restraint and mutual exclusion. Gram (same-sex gram can be understood as system) is the basis and premise, and exclusion is the exclusion under the premise of system.

4. Wounded officials are born of the same sex as yin and yang, and they are repulsed in life. Birth is the primary and premise, and exclusion is the exclusion of the premise of birth.

5. Wounded officers are born of the opposite sex, and there is absorption in life.

6. The positive seal and the wounded officer are yin and yang of the same sex, and there is repulsion in the ke.

7. Partial printing and wounded officer are yin and yang opposite sex gram, gram in the suction.

The relationship between the robber and the wounded officer is similar to the relationship between the wounded officer and the Lord of the Day, so it is omitted.

The whole natural and social attributes of the wounded officer are all deduced from the yin and yang of the essential meaning.

Second, the natural attributes of the wounded officer

The natural attributes of the wounded officer are similar to those of the god of food, so it is omitted.

3. The social attributes of wounded officers

1. The wounded officer is my birth, the leakage of my essence, the embodiment of wisdom, and this point is the same as that of the god of food. The difference is that my raw food god is born with exclusion, containing non-concentration, instability, and reluctance (so when the god of food expresses, expresses, pays, and exerts his talents and talents, he has randomness and accidentality, which is a natural outpouring of his own quality, emotions, etc., only focusing on participation and process, and does not deliberately pursue the result. In this way, the god of food has the mentality of being generous to others, gentle in speech, and natural and plain.

And I was born with attraction and harmony, so it contains concentration, oneness, stability, and is a wholehearted birth.

Therefore, when the talents and talents are exerted and reflected, the wounded officers have the tendency to carefully plan, prepare, plan, etc., and they are very concerned about and pay attention to the results of their own social behavior. The deliberate pursuit of talent and intelligence is a means, and being widely recognized, affirmed and praised by society is the purpose of social behavior. As a result, the wounded officer has excellent comprehension, deep perception ability, erudition, versatility, rich creativity, strong will to fight, a strong desire to surpass others, a very high self-esteem, and a competitive and unyielding defeat. Because of his ideological consciousness of entering the wood, his speech is sharp and mean, easy to hurt people, arrogant and uninhibited, "the nobles are afraid of it, and the people are also evil." ”

When the wounded officer is happy to use in the fate game, his appearance is beautiful and handsome, and the above positive characteristics are mostly reflected.

When the wounded officer is jealous of god in the fate, although he has a wide range of interests, he stops at tasting it, is complex but not refined, does not have the energy to do, often does things beyond his own ability and causes failure, his words are harsh and mean, and he hurts people's self-esteem to invite resentment and slander.

Kunzao: Xinhai Peng shu Peng Zi Ding Wei

The fifth day is dry and raw, the moon is through the root, the dry has indy, and the body is stronger than wang. The two fortunes of Zhilu Haizi, there are worries about robbing wealth shoulder to shoulder, fortunately there are years of hard work and prosperity and clarity, turning into wealth, and wounding officials are happy to use Mingya. Born of the Lord's beautiful beauty, intelligent and quick-witted, with excellent comprehension ability and inspiration, husband singing with women, marriage and beauty. However, the lord of the order behaved solemnly and steadily, was peaceful and peaceful, and did not hurt the arrogance and frivolity of the officials, and wanted to be wounded for joy and had the reason for sitting on the water and the water to extort wealth.

It can be seen from this that the fate of the image cannot be adhered to, and it must be flexibly taken according to the prosperity and decline of the ten gods and the specific combination.

2. The wounded officer and the seven kills are yin and yang opposite sex gram, and there is a combination of grams. Although the ke here also has the meaning of discipline, restraint, protection and protection, and the knuckle has the image of being in the same stream as the seven kills, so the wounded officer has the nature of some seven kills, such as fierceness, bravery, tenacity, not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, pioneering and enterprising, indomitable, emotionally rich, and so on. This is the embodiment of the wounded officer's joy in using the seven kills. If injury and killing are jealous of God, it is manifested as domineering, solipsistic, extreme and impulsive, emotional, and unscrupulous in order to achieve the goal, and even cause disaster.

3. The wounded officer is a yin and yang homosexual gram, which is both mutually exclusive and repulsive.

Officials have the characteristics of rationality, regularity, tradition, orthodoxy, moderation, fairness, and orderliness, while officials are both systematic and exclusive, and do the opposite. Therefore, the wounded officer does not like restraint, does not obey discipline, dislikes secular etiquette, is arrogant, bold, free and romantic, fresh, and has great innovative ability. It is very easy for people to ignore etiquette, act boldly, and act willfully and obstinately, so as to violate the legal net and cause disasters.

Dry manufacturing: 乙卯 戊子 壬辰 己酉

Dayun: Ding Hai Cheng Shu Ace Unitary

The Lord of the Day was born in the month of the sheep blade, sitting on kutonggen, and his body was undoubtedly prosperous. During the happy moon, he killed the officials twice, sat on the soil of the seven chens, and the water was prosperous and had official management and a library collection. However, it is not advisable for the wounded officer to sit on the strong root and the wood to dry out in the year, and the son is punished, and the wounded officer is vigorous, and he will be in the company of the seven kills, lawless, and bold. The reservoir was broken, and the Japanese lord "liberated" his freedom. In the year of 96 C, the Lord of the Day again took the blade of the sheep, and the wounded officer was punished and the official was launched. He was murdered on the thirteenth day of the first month of that year and sentenced to death in August.

4. Wounded officials are born with positive wealth, which is the same sex of yin and yang. Wounded officers make money caused by desire, and wounded officers are the stars of desire, whether it is for achievement, fame, status, wealth, and even sexual desire. The Fortune Star satisfies some of its desires. The repulsion of wounded officials against righteous wealth is not the result of rejecting wealth, but the way, method, and means of seeking wealth.

The god of food is born of yin and yang, and it is through the right way, the right means, and the fair competition to obtain wealth through hard work, but the wounded officer rejects these things, and uses his own wisdom, bold innovation, agility and flexibility, and does not seek shortcuts and other methods and means to seek wealth. The wounded officer could not bear the constraints of hard work and worldly etiquette, but the wounded officer also earned a living by skill and hard work when he was not in a hurry.

Dry Manufacturing: Ding 卯 己酉 甲子 丙寅

Great Luck: Peng Shen Ding Wei Bing Noon

The Lord of Komu Day was born in the month of unitary moon, but he sat down to seal the star and incarnated the official body, and there was a strong root in the year, and the Lord of the Day was not weak. It is only useful to eat wounded students. Yue Qian's own soil is the father, the wounded officer is close to Shengzhi, his father was engaged in accounting work in a coal mine, and then resigned, relying on the chef's craft to eat, in the local small reputation, a lot of income.

5. The partial wealth of wounded officials is the combination of yin and yang and the opposite sex, and the partial wealth is the wealth of great wealth and outbreak, and it is also the wealth obtained by improper means and means. The wounded officer is compatible with it, which shows that the wounded officer is solely interested in partial wealth, while the god of food rejects partial wealth, and the wounded officer is more enthusiastic about satisfying the stimulating methods, ways and means of satisfying material desires in addition to the results of satisfying material desires. Wounded officers use their intelligence and boldness, the spirit of change and innovation, like, dare and be good at taking risks and speculating, and sometimes in order to achieve their goals, they can break the shackles of cutting, even unscrupulous means. The fate of the wounded officer wang and the joy of use. If the combination is good, then its mind is very flexible, the ability to make money is very strong, the means are very clever, and it is a master of making money. If the wounded officer wang is jealous of god, and the combination is not good, it is easy to suffer a fiasco.

Kunzo: 壬子 壬子 庚子 辛巳

Great Luck: Xinhai Gengshu 己酉 戊申

The three sons of the fate bureau are connected and dry and two, the food is injured, and the lord of the day is subordinate, and uses the god to take the golden water wood to follow the water potential. The fortunes of the Lord of Destiny are not contrary, all the way to the water and gold, and his wisdom and wealth can be known. The owner of the life was married in 1995, and after marriage, he went to the south to break into the world, founded three businesses in the vegetable market, such as tea houses, beauty salons, and copy centers, hired more than 100 staff, and became a rich woman.

6. The positive seal and the wounded officer are yin and yang and the same sex repel each other. Zhengyin uses benevolence and dedication, calmness and rationality, and indifference to restrain the extreme and willful nature of the wounded officers, such as arrogance and frivolity, disobedience to the law, and boldness, to restrain and standardize the wounded officers, to force the display of talents to return to the right path, to promote the wounded officers to constantly open up, innovate and forge ahead, and to create amazing achievements and achievements. Therefore, if the wounded officer is sealed, if the fate is well combined, the Lord is famous and the Lord is rich. If the fate of the bureau is more prosperous than robbery, see the fortune star; when the injury is used, see also see the seal ribbon system or the body is strong and the wounded officer leaks the show. He was also injured by Wang's printing, and he was poor and lowly.

Dry manufacturing: 癸酉 己未 丙子 乙未

Great Luck: Peng Wu Ding Wei Bing Chen Yi Di Jia Yin Decou

The Lord of the Sun was born in the summer of the Summer, and at the time of the Month of Tonggen, there was a yinsheng in the dry, and the Lord of the Day was neutralized and partial. If the wounded official is in power, the two branches are passed, and the wounded officer is jealous. Although there are two unharmed children, they are not moisturized by the water of the child, the moon can not produce unitary wealth, the time can not cultivate the star, Otogi has the qi to control the moon to dry his own wounds, and the three wounds are all controlled. More wonderful decay officials sit on the wealth and transparency, through the root of the water has a gas and a source, but the rich are also rich. All the way, he also traveled to the land of the wooden watermark Wangguan Wang, helped to use it, and ordered the lord to be a high-ranking cadre at the provincial and departmental levels.

7. Partial printing and wounded officer are yin and yang opposite sex each other, so the wounded officer likes to be accompanied by partial printing. There are many similarities between partial printing and wounded officers, such as not liking restraints, quick thinking, high understanding, high understanding, and creative and innovative spirit. If the wounded officer of the fate bureau cooperates properly with the partial seal, the person can often break all the shackles that bind him and create extraordinary achievements that are unexpected. If the injury is taboo, or the combination is not appropriate, it is flashy and easy to suffer setbacks and failures.

From the above discussion, it can be seen that the many information images of the god eater and the wounded officer have their own internal reasons, that is, related to the yin and yang between the Sun Lord and the other ten gods. The mutual resemblance and repulsion between yin and yang are the inner six and fundamental basis of all the information images of all the ten gods, including the eating wounds. The more profound and comprehensive the understanding of its internal fundamental basis, that is, the law, the richer and more accurate the information of the ten gods in its external manifestations is extracted, and the more accurate it is grasped, and the clearer and clearer the understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the people represented by each specific fate, the more it can provide people with effective and practical reference opinions and suggestions for avoiding evil and seeking benefits and avoiding harm, so as to achieve the purpose of predicting the service of mankind.

What is the true meaning of the god eater and the wounded officer in numerology?

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