
The literary New Year's Eve festival 18 famous artists live broadcast to shine the power of literature

author:Anhui net

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News 5 hours of "Literature China - People's Literature Publishing House 2022 Literary New Year's Eve Ceremony" live broadcast held on the evening of December 31, 2021, the Humanities Society for the first time in the literary New Year live broadcast, invited Zhu Yongxin, Li Jingze, Liang Xiaosheng, Cao Wenxuan, Kang Zhen, Li Er, Zhi'an, Xu Zechen, Cui Manli, Shi Yifeng, Li Zheyuan and other 18 heavyweight guests gathered in Beijing in the name of literature, bringing a 5-hour live broadcast to readers across the country.

Mo Yan, Feng Jicai, Yan Jingming, Alai, Ge Fei, Su Tong, Dong Xi, Dong Qing, Ma Weidu, Ge Liang and other nearly 50 famous artists have sent New Year's greetings to readers across the country in the form of videos, and Nobel LaUreate in Literature Le Clézio also met With Chinese readers through video from France, 8,000 kilometers away. This feast was based on the four themes of "the power of literature", "the charm of classics", "the feast of reading" and "the hope of youth" to carry out wonderful and profound literary dialogues, and the total number of views of the live broadcast exceeded 10 million times on the whole network, reproducing the power of literature.

The literary New Year's Eve festival 18 famous artists live broadcast to shine the power of literature

The power of literature and the charm of the classics

Liang Xiaosheng, winner of the Mao Dun Literature Prize, shared with everyone how he began to embark on the road of literature from a "truant ghost" forced by the pressure of his family, because of an accidentally published essay, "The composition gave me the dignity of my first child, in order to maintain this self-confidence and dignity, I prefer to write essays, and I ask myself to write better." So I read a lot of books, which became a nutrient for the later path of literature, or the original literary vitamin. ”

Cao Wenxuan talked about one of the forces of literature is to cultivate compassion: "Ideological education, knowledge education, aesthetic education, and emotional education are all education. In the face of this situation, the best way or the only way is to read literary works, because literature is the product of feelings, and literature has always been about the spirit of compassion and compassion. ”

Talking about the significance of reading classics, Kang Zhen, a professor at the College of Literature of Beijing Normal University, used Li Bai's poems as an example to answer uniquely: "Since there is a natural phenomenon such as a waterfall in the world, there will be writers who will continue to write about it, but only Li Bai's "Wanglushan Waterfall" refreshes our impression of the waterfall. The most eminent classical writers will refresh your perception of it, so that you will have new emotions about it. Chen Geng, the winner of the fourth season of the "Chinese Poetry Conference", shared the significance of classic literature for her: "We often say that reading history makes people wise, and classics are the warmest, most fascinating, and most humane history." We must make friends with the best people in the whole long river of history, and by reading the classics, we can look at them from each other and have a spiritual dialogue with them, so that these classics can illuminate our hearts and get ourselves out of tacky and mediocrity. ”

The literary New Year's Eve festival 18 famous artists live broadcast to shine the power of literature

A feast of reading and chic angles

In His Life of Words, Sartre likens books to "vertical gems," saying, "A bookcase is a mirror that brings the world together." It is as boundless, varied and unpredictable as the world. Li Er, winner of the Tenth Mao Dun Literature Prize and deputy director of the Museum of Modern Literature, shared the "Notes of the Southern Court" written by Li Boyuan of the Qing Dynasty, which he was recently reading: "It said that when the Qianlong Emperor conducted the palace examination, only one candidate answered correctly. We can't understand the emperor's heart, but you can see Qianlong's understanding of human feelings and sophistication, and he has his perspective on problems, which is very wonderful. ”

Zhao Baisheng, a professor at Peking University and director of the World Biography Research Center, said of the "African Year of World Literature" in 2021: "Why do we want to open up the north and the south? Because the biggest cross-cultural model of the twentieth century is actually the Chinese and Western model, what new things do we contribute in the twenty-first century? Open up the north and south. This is what it means to study African literature and culture. When we talk about Africa, the stereotype is particularly high, but I would like to say that South Africa, a country with a population of 52 million, has produced a total of 11 Nobel laureates, can you imagine? Such An Africa, do you understand? The writer and scholar Shinan recommends to the reader the "Promise" in the detective novel collection written by the Swiss German-speaking writer and playwright Dürrenmatt: "A very wonderful novel is a particularly important thing about human beings that he wrote about--when we do something with our hearts, it may backfire, and the harder you try, the more wrong you may be." In my opinion, there is no strict distinction between genre literature and pure literature, and I think this is very high-level pure literature, very beautiful. The books I like to read, the first is very good-looking, and the second is to make us think deeply after reading them. ”

The literary New Year's Eve festival 18 famous artists live broadcast to shine the power of literature

The hope of youth and literary nostalgia

Xu Zechen, a writer and deputy editor-in-chief of People's Literature, created a wonderful science fiction story based on the three key words extracted: "Li Bai was a Tang Dynasty man, and he also died in the Tang Dynasty, and when he died, he fell from the boat and drowned in the water." But he didn't know —he fell into the water and fainted, and when he woke up, the year was 2122, and he found that he was not on the ground, but in the air, in a place like the Tiangong space station..." The improvisation of the writer Cui Manli revolved around the little prince: "So on this day, it was raining in Paris, and the little prince understood one thing, although he did not drink 100 coffees, but if you want to insist on doing something, even if the whole earth does not exist, or no one echoes you anymore." You can still exist here, because of the presence of the little prince, so in rainy Paris, there is still a café on earth. ”

Harvard Yale double material scholar, young writer, known as the "post-90s national leader" Li Zheyuan told the original intention of writing: "When I was studying abroad, I had a lot less opportunity to contact Chinese, nostalgia sometimes wanted to eat domestic things, and sometimes I wanted to speak more Chinese or write down my feelings through Chinese words. I found that writing small articles in a foreign country with Chinese, although not so well written, was a thing that could make me no longer so lonely. Zang Yongqing, president of the People's Literature Publishing House, said that he hopes that literature can penetrate into every corner of our lives and bring people a warm fire on the cold winter night.

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News Reporter Jiang Nannan (Photo courtesy of Humanities Agency)

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