
The ingredients are full of good taste, you must like lemon passion sour spicy chicken feet

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The ingredients are full of good taste, you must like lemon passion sour spicy chicken feet

When I was a child, I grew up eating my grandmother's pickled pepper chicken claws ~ recently there was a lemon chicken claw, and I wanted to try it myself

By 苻莹


Chicken feet 25 pcs

A handful of peppercorns

3 scoops of cooking wine

One green onion

Ginger piece by piece

Millet spicy 12-16 pieces

3 garlic

Balsamic vinegar to taste

Raw soy sauce to taste

Half a small spoonful of salt

2 lemons

Passion fruit 3 pcs

A handful of coriander

One scoop of peppercorn oil

2 scoops of sugar

Sesame oil 4 scoops

Two sprigs of celery

A handful of shallots

Consumes 1 scoop of oil

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The ingredients are full of good taste, you must like lemon passion sour spicy chicken feet

1, chicken feet with tap water washed, you can cut off the nails one cut in half, put into the pot. Add three spoonfuls of cooking wine, cut one green onion into the open, a few slices of ginger, and half a spoonful of salt. After the water is boiled, turn the heat down and cook for 12-20 minutes, there will be foam in the middle, and it should be scooped out with a spoon and thrown away. (You can insert chicken feet with chopsticks, and everyone will cook for 20 minutes according to the degree of softness and hardness you like)

The ingredients are full of good taste, you must like lemon passion sour spicy chicken feet

2, when cooking chicken feet, prepare ingredients Three passion fruit pulp, put into the bowl Two lemons washed, one and a half lemons into the bowl, the remaining half lemon squeeze juice in the bowl, be careful not to drop the seeds into the bowl Oh

The ingredients are full of good taste, you must like lemon passion sour spicy chicken feet

3, coriander, shallots, celery, onion wash (celery leaves do not throw) coriander chopped, chives cut into sections, celery cut into sections, celery leaves chopped, onion cut into a bowl (coriander, celery leaves can not be put, just to enhance the taste)

The ingredients are full of good taste, you must like lemon passion sour spicy chicken feet

4: In a small bowl, add ginger slices, minced garlic and chopped millet pepper

The ingredients are full of good taste, you must like lemon passion sour spicy chicken feet

5, step 234 all the ingredients into a large bowl, can be glass or ceramic, this is the bowl of chicken feet (try not to stainless steel metal, spices will corrode metal) a spoonful of oil consumption, two spoons of sugar, a spoonful of pepper oil, four spoons of sesame oil. Balsamic vinegar and soy sauce are added in a 1:2 ratio, and you can do without cooking. The last picture is what all the spices look like. All the units of the spoon in the picture are small spoons in the picture.

The ingredients are full of good taste, you must like lemon passion sour spicy chicken feet

6. Keep it fresh overnight in advance and put in a basin of drinking water. The chicken feet are cooked, rinsed with tap water and placed in a large bowl. Put iced drinking water in a bowl and bring the bowl together in the freezer layer for ten minutes.

The ingredients are full of good taste, you must like lemon passion sour spicy chicken feet

7: Remove the chicken feet from the bowl, without water, and put in the seasoning bowl. Then put it in the refrigerator and stir every hour or so. Personal experiments can be eaten as soon as six hours, it is best to put it overnight, and it is not more than 24 hours Oh will taste too heavy, and the chicken feet can be fished out separately for too long.

The ingredients are full of good taste, you must like lemon passion sour spicy chicken feet

8, the photography technology is not good, but the color is bright, sour and spicy and delicious


Put a basin of drinking water in the preservation layer oh ~ 1. Chicken nails can be cut or not, cut open more flavor Oh 2.Passion fruit two and lemon one is enough, boyfriend likes a little more sour ~ and each time the multi-ingredient put a little more 3.Coriander, celery, chives and onions however everything is OKAY. Celery leaves and parsley can not be left unattended. 4. When soaking, you can also add cucumbers and other side dishes, and the onion is very delicious together with oh ~ 5.Not necessarily garlic, garlic minced is good 6.Millet pepper 16 aftertaste is a bit spicy, 12 just right, more than 16 even if it is spicy 7.Should be able to soak the second time, I have not experimented, the experiment is updated 8.No sesame oil can be replaced by sesame oil and pepper oil, try not to put rapeseed oil

<h2>Nutritional benefits of chicken feet</h2>

1. Remove lipids and lower blood pressure

Chicken feet can soften and protect blood vessels, and have the effect of lowering blood lipids and cholesterol in the human body.

2. Skin care

Chicken feet enhance skin tone and eliminate wrinkles.

3. Rich in copper

Chicken feet are also rich in copper, which has an important impact on the development and function of the blood, central nervous system and immune system, hair, skin and bone tissue, and internal organs such as the brain and liver and heart.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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