
The last prince Zaitao, who would rather be killed than a traitor, enjoyed ministerial treatment after the founding of the country

The last prince Zaitao, who would rather be killed than a traitor, enjoyed ministerial treatment after the founding of the country

Ai Xin Jue Luo Zaitao was the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and he loved to train horses and raise horses all his life, liked to ride bicycles, and loved to sing Peking Opera. If everyone thinks that such a last emperor is not erer, it is wrong, he is completely different from the widows and children of the late Qing Dynasty. If 1912 is taken as the dividing line, then Zaitao was a noble and leisurely royal family belle grandfather in the first half of his life, and the second half of his life was an iron-boned patriotic citizen in the turbulent years.

The noble prince born in the chaotic world finally became the last emperor

In 1887, Yi Zhen, the Prince of The Great Qing Dynasty, ushered in the birth of his seventh child, which was a lovely boy, and yi Zhen, who was a father, named the child Ai Xin Jue Luo Zaitao according to the name of the descendants of the Qianlong Emperor. As early as 1875, Empress Dowager Cixi said that Zai Xiang, the son of Prince Yizhen of Liluo, was made emperor for the Guangxu Emperor, and Zaitao was the half-brother of the Guangxu Emperor and the seventh emperor uncle of Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

When Zaitao was 3 years old, he was made a second-class Zhenguo general by the Guangxu Emperor, and soon after he became the Duke of Fuguo of the Great Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty's "Fuguo Gong" was of extremely high rank, with an official position above that of a Zhengyipin grand official and a very impressive rank. At the age of 15, Zaitao was promoted to Dorobelle, and he was dignified and introverted, without the pompous spirit of a clumsy child, Zaitao did not like politics, but he was very interested in marching and fighting and taming warhorses.

The last prince Zaitao, who would rather be killed than a traitor, enjoyed ministerial treatment after the founding of the country

In 1909, Zaitao was ordered to go to France to learn horse training and cavalry tactics at the famous French cavalry school. In order to combine theory with practice, Zaitao also hired professional horse trainers at home to help him domesticate good foals. Because of his heartfelt love for horses, Zaitao soon deepened his understanding and accumulated experience in the practice of life, and became an expert who was good at soma and horse training.

Zaitao was very different from many Manchu and Mongolian nobles who had nothing to do all day because of their status as emperors and nobles, and he actively participated in foreign inspections to learn the experience and system of military management in Western countries.

Even if the muzzle of the gun is pointed at the head, he resolutely refuses to cooperate with the invaders

At the end of 1911, Sun Yat-sen, the soul of revolutionary progressive ideas, returned to Shanghai from abroad, and on January 1, 1912, Sun Yat-sen, surrounded by revolutionaries, was sworn in in Nanjing, became the provisional president of the Republic of China, and established the Provisional Government of the Republic of China. Subsequently, the Republic of China government, represented by Yuan Shikai, held many consultations with the Qing imperial family, demanding Puyi's abdication and promising that the Republic of China government would bear the daily expenses of the members of the royal family. In the early spring of 1912, Puyi abdicated.

The last prince Zaitao, who would rather be killed than a traitor, enjoyed ministerial treatment after the founding of the country

The monarchy was a thing of the past, and the new government did not renege on its promise at first, and indeed guaranteed the daily expenses of the members of the royal family in full and on a monthly basis. Although Zaitao, who has the identity of Belle's grandfather, is idle at home, he can still get 800 oceans of "monthly money" every month. This 800 months of money was enough to maintain a normal life and operation in Baylor House, so Zaitao's life in that period was still quite free and moist. Zaitao had nothing to do, and even spent money to learn the art from a master, learning Peking Opera kung fu and singing from famous Peking Opera masters.

Later, Puyi traveled north from Tianjin to Dalian and Changchun, and became the "emperor" of the puppet state of Manchukuo under the temptation of the Japanese, and the promise of the Republic of China government to raise the remnants of the Qing imperial family was immediately invalidated. Without the money and silver of the monthly routine, Zaitao immediately launched a worry - the wives and concubines and children in the palace, the servants and women, the meals to eat, the monthly expenditure, the "monthly money" supply, Zaitao has no other source of livelihood, can the future days still be lived?!

In the years of the war, people with a long skill had a hard time making a living, not to mention the royal family widow Zaitao, who had never participated in labor and had a large son to raise?! Faced with a dilemma, Zaitao first turned out the valuable objects in the family and cashed them out one by one, he sold the antique calligraphy and paintings collected in the family, and he loved horses and knew horses, and then he also sold his beloved horses. In 1929, the house was really empty, and after several days of cooking, Zaitao gritted his teeth and sold the entire Baylor House to Fu Jen University at that time.

The last prince Zaitao, who would rather be killed than a traitor, enjoyed ministerial treatment after the founding of the country

After that, Zaitao moved to the outskirts of Beijing with his family and a small number of belongings, in order to make a living, Zaitao gave full play to his own strengths, he knew that his status was special, and he began to use his few remaining "fame" to participate in various banquets and social activities in order to obtain some income.

And whenever it came to the time of stretching, Zaitao even squatted in the ghost market outside the Desheng Gate and sold some old small objects for a living, and in such a difficult day, the former prince once laughed at himself: I am a cucumber that has fallen.

After Puyi became the puppet emperor of puppet Manchukuo, he deeply felt that there was no one around him who could be trusted and no one could use it, and when he remembered the Seventh Emperor Zaitao, who was still living in Beijing, he specially sent the Japanese Tanaka to Beijing to try to draw Zaitao to the puppet manchukuo to take up his post, but Zaitao said bluntly: I still want to live for a few more years, no matter how difficult it is, I can't go to the northeast to be the slave of the subjugated country. Tanaka knew that he had hit a hard bone, so he had to return to Changchun in ashes.

The last prince Zaitao, who would rather be killed than a traitor, enjoyed ministerial treatment after the founding of the country

In the spring of 1933, Zaitao's cold house, which had not been visited for a long time, suddenly broke into several well-dressed men, and the man led by a sinister smile directly explained the intention of this time - it turned out that this person was kenji Doihara, the head of the Japanese secret service, who wanted to induce Zaitao to submit to the Japanese Empire and serve the successful occupation of China by the Japanese army.

Zaitao's heart was not confused at all, and he deliberately said: You want me to go to the puppet state of Manchukuo to become a prince, but unfortunately I am old and my body is unbearable, so your excellency should make another plan! Kenji Toihara sneered when he heard this, and seeing that Heyan was relatively unsuccessful, he immediately took out his pistol from his arms and aimed the muzzle of the gun at Zaitao's head, trying to force Zaitao to nod his head and agree to submit to Japan.

At this time, Zaitao, who was black and thin and dry due to long-term nutritional deficiency, showed a surprising act, he vigorously resisted the muzzle of the gun, closed his eyes and said: I would rather starve to death or be killed by you than be a traitor! This life is not worth anything, you can shoot it. Kenji Toihara was embarrassed, knowing that Zaitao was not greedy for life and afraid of death, so he had to quickly leave with his men.

The last prince Zaitao, who would rather be killed than a traitor, enjoyed ministerial treatment after the founding of the country

When the Kuomintang and the Communists were fighting, the traitorous king Yi Tang also came to the door to invite Zaitao to take up his post in the mountains, but Zaitao never wavered in his original patriotic intentions, and repeatedly rejected these people's malicious "invitations."

After the founding of the country, the last prince with backbone was praised by the government and became a senior cadre of the army

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zaitao was praised and cared for by the government because of his high political consciousness and clean history. Zaitao participated in the work at the Beijing subdistrict office, he was kind and helpful, and later invited to attend the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and was cordially received by the state leaders.

In the war years of the past, war horses and cavalry were "strength troops" in the army. In order to thank the state for its care, Zaitao submitted a proposal to the central government to "improve the horse breed to benefit the military", and this rare and excellent proposal was approved by the national leaders.

In 1950, appointed by the government, Zaitao served as an adviser to the Ma Zheng Bureau of the Artillery Headquarters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and became a high-ranking leading cadre of our army. After taking office, Zaitao summoned up enough vigor to make reports, write research, and rectify military and horse bases throughout the country, making special and tremendous contributions to New China.

The last prince Zaitao, who would rather be killed than a traitor, enjoyed ministerial treatment after the founding of the country

In the autumn of 1970, Zaitao died of illness at his home in Beijing, and before his death, Zaitao was still writing under the condition of his physical condition, mainly based on his early life experience to write a book of memoirs, these detailed texts, which later became a precious reference for literary and historical experts and scholars to study the historical facts of the late Qing Dynasty and the secrets of the court.

The news of the death of the last emperor Zaitao spread to Zhongnanhai, and the prime minister, based on the contributions made by Zaitao during his lifetime, specially approved the burial of his remains in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery.

The last prince Zaitao, who would rather be killed than a traitor, enjoyed ministerial treatment after the founding of the country

In the past, in order to make a living, zaitao, the last emperor in the midst of ruin, preferred to set up a stall to sell some small objects, rather than turn to the Japanese, and even more unwilling to exchange his conscience for a high-ranking official Houlu and become a traitor and traitor. For the family, he has responsibility; for the people, he has affection; for the country, he has contributed, although Zaitao is the royal relic of the last dynasty, he has an iron bone and a great righteousness, which is the real Yanhuang descendants of our Yangyang Huaxia.

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