
When Zhuge Liang feasted on the guests, he suddenly had a strange wind, and when he saw 2 people visiting, he immediately burst into tears: Zhao Yun was resting

Zhuge Liang's guests suddenly blew a strange wind! Seeing 2 people visiting immediately burst into tears: Zhao Yun xiuyi

Among the capable people and strangers of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang was recognized as the strongest military master, he knew astronomy and geography, he could not only line up troops, but also predict the prophet, which made people admire; especially his ability to see the small and the big with small, which was a must; however, in the late Three Kingdoms, Shu Han gradually went downhill, and the shu generals died one by one, which made him mournful; once at a banquet, Zhuge Liang vaguely felt that there would be a star falling, and suddenly saw zhao Tong, the eldest son of the Zhennan general Zhao Yun, and the second son Zhao Guang came to see him, and immediately knew in his heart: "Zhao Zilong is dead." I couldn't help but burst into tears!

When Zhuge Liang feasted on the guests, he suddenly had a strange wind, and when he saw 2 people visiting, he immediately burst into tears: Zhao Yun was resting

▲ Zhuge Liang saw that the great generals of Shuzhong had passed away one by one, and he could not help but feel sad from them. (Photo/Reprint from wikipedia entry)

Zhao Yun, also known as Zilong, was one of the most outstanding generals in the Three Kingdoms and was considered a perfect figure in the Three Kingdoms period; Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei for nearly thirty years, successively participating in the Battle of Bowangpo, the Battle of Changsakapo, and the Battle of Jiangnan Pingding, and alone commanding the Battle of Jinchuan, the Battle of Hanshui, and the Battle of Jigu, all of which achieved very good results, and he had two sons, the eldest son Zhao Tong, who succeeded him to the title of Governor of Hu Benzhong, and the second son was named Zhao Guang, the official to the Tooth Gatekeeper.

When Zhuge Liang feasted on the guests, he suddenly had a strange wind, and when he saw 2 people visiting, he immediately burst into tears: Zhao Yun was resting

▲ Zhao Yun was a bold, literary and martial artist, and a famous general of the Shu Han Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms. (Photo/Reprint from wikipedia entry)

In the ninety-seventh episode of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is mentioned that at a banquet, Kong Ming invited the generals to discuss the matter of the expedition; just at the moment, a sudden gust of wind rose from the northeast corner and blew the pine trees in front of the court. Everyone present was shocked, and Zhuge Liang saw the situation, pinched his fingers, and said, "This wind lord has damaged a great general!" However, the generals did not believe it, and still drank and ate meat; suddenly Zhao Tong, the eldest son of the Zhennan general Zhao Yun, and Zhao Guang, the second son, came to see Cheng Xiang, and the two did not say a word, Kong Ming saw the two, even the wine glass could not hold the wine glass and fell to the ground, sadly said: "Zilong Xiuyi!" ”

When Zhuge Liang feasted on the guests, he suddenly had a strange wind, and when he saw 2 people visiting, he immediately burst into tears: Zhao Yun was resting

▲ Zhao Zilong is considered a perfect figure in the Three Kingdoms period. (Photo/Reprint from wikipedia entry)

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Tong and Zhao Guang's second son saw Kong Ming, they fell to the ground and cried, saying, "My father died of a serious illness last night. Kong Ming fell to his feet and cried: "Zilong died, the country lost a beam, I went to an arm!" For a moment, the generals were all in tears and burst into tears; so Kong Ming ordered Zhao Tong and Zhao Guang to enter Chengdu to report the funeral; the later lord Liu Chan thought of Zhao Yun's past deeds and buried him very thickly; Zhao Tong was made a tiger benzhonglang, and Zhao Guang was a tooth gatekeeper, so he ordered the tomb to be guarded. The two resigned and left.

When Zhuge Liang feasted on the guests, he suddenly had a strange wind, and when he saw 2 people visiting, he immediately burst into tears: Zhao Yun was resting

▲ Zhao Yun's achievements were brilliant, and the image of "General Changsheng" was widely circulated in later generations. (Photo/Reprint from wikipedia entry)

Zhao Yun was a rare warrior with courage and strategy during the Three Kingdoms period, and after Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were killed, Zhao Yun advised Liu Bei not to cut down Wu, and was praised by later generations as a Confucian general who could examine the overall situation; in fact, Zhao Yun, who was seventy years old at the time, was going to die sooner or later, and Zhuge Liang was mentally prepared for this, but just watching the shu Han veteran generals leave one by one, he could not help but weep and weep; after Zhao Yun's death, yu Shu Han Jingyao was posthumously honored as the "Marquis of Shunping" in the fourth year (261), and his image of "Changsheng General" was widely circulated in later generations.

Of course, the above inferences are only referenced from the records of some literary works such as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and we do not know whether the pine tree in front of Zhuge Liang's tent was broken by the wind when Zhao Yun died. In addition, whether Zhuge Liang really expected things to be like gods, I think it needs to be further studied and discussed before an accurate answer can be given.

When Zhuge Liang feasted on the guests, he suddenly had a strange wind, and when he saw 2 people visiting, he immediately burst into tears: Zhao Yun was resting

References: Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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