
Yanchun Restaurant welcomes "the most beautiful retrograde"

On an ordinary morning last week, the morning tea restaurant of The Dashikou Store of Yanchun Restaurant was as lively as usual, but the meal at one of the tables was slightly special, and the four plates of Zhenjiang traditional dish oil cake were carefully spelled with red silk into four big characters - the return of the warrior. It turned out that the Dashikou branch of the Yanchun Restaurant entertained the members of the Jiangsu Aid-E medical team who had returned from Hubei.

In order to welcome the retrograde warriors, Wu Rongsheng, the head of the Yanchun Restaurant, prepared early and personally ordered the most authentic hometown taste for them: crab yellow soup buns, pork, cabbage roast sale, Malantou steamed dumplings and Zhenjiang pot lid noodles, etc., carefully inquired about the tastes and taboos of each team member, and prepared a table of the most authentic hometown morning tea.

At the scene of the morning tea party, there is no longer the nervous atmosphere of dining in Hubei, but because it is still during the epidemic prevention and control period, Yanchun Restaurant responds to the call of the Municipal Catering Association and enjoys the delicious food under the premise of using public chopsticks.

In fact, this is not the first time that the medical team has eaten Zhenjiang cuisine. As early as the epidemic assistance period, Yanchun Restaurant donated 3,000 boxes of meat to Hubei as a snack for the daily hunger of the medical team members.

During the banquet, these young people laughed and laughed, talked about the touching things they encountered in the process of aiding Hubei, and also discussed where to go after the epidemic. Just as the century-old Yanchun Restaurant, as always, accompanies the citizens and friends, witnessing the peace and joy of the city. (Reporter Yu Jiarong)

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