
The inhumane Japanese army tortured, first poured cold water, then stepped on the stomach, and the water flowed out of the mouth!

There are torture rooms in the Kwantung Gendarmerie corps and detachments at all levels stationed in various places in Manchuria, the garrison units of the Japanese Kwantung Army stationed in various parts of Manchuria, the police stations at all levels of the Japanese consulates stationed in various parts of Manchuria, the police stations and police sections of the police departments at all levels in Manchuria, the security bureaus at all levels in Manchuria, the prisons, procuratorates, and courts at all levels in Manchuria, the gendarmerie regiments and railway police escort units stationed in various places in Manchuria, the "corrections bureaus" and "correctional counseling homes" at all levels in Puppet Manchuria, the "floating wave camps" in various places, and the prisons of the puppet Manchu Military Law Conference and Trial Office.

The inhumane Japanese army tortured, first poured cold water, then stepped on the stomach, and the water flowed out of the mouth!

These torture chambers were the regular places where the Japanese invaders tortured the people of all ethnic groups in the northeast. For example, before 9/18, the Japanese police stations and prisons at all levels in Dalian Had special torture rooms for waterboarding, which were called "water houses" at that time, and there were special waterboarding racks in them, which directly used water pipes to fill Chinese "prisoners" with cool water.

Among the many regular execution sites, the highest rank is the underground torture chamber in the building where the Japanese Kanto Gendarmerie Division is located. In this torture chamber, there were all kinds of heinous torture devices, and the Japanese gendarmes brutally tortured the Chinese resistance fighters here.

At the end of January 1942, Yang Zengzhi, a student at the puppet Manchukuo Jianguo University and an officer of the Kuomintang 's "Northeast Anti-Japanese War Organization Jianda Official Association," was escorted from the Shenyang Japanese Gendarmerie Regiment Detention Center to this basement. The next day, Yang Zengzhi was tortured and interrogated here.

The inhumane Japanese army tortured, first poured cold water, then stepped on the stomach, and the water flowed out of the mouth!

In the freezing cold of minus 30 degrees Celsius, the Japanese gendarmes stripped him of his clothes and beat him to the ground with a bamboo sword. The Japanese gendarmes asked him if he knew Wang Hongwen? Yang Zengzhi said he did not know. Asked him if he knew Zhang Fusan? He still said he didn't know. Next, there was another violent beating, until he was beaten half to death, and then sent back to the cell.

On the afternoon of March 2, 1942, the agents of the Special High School of the Japanese Kwantung Gendarmerie Command suddenly surrounded the puppet ManchuKuen Jianguo University and arrested 13 people who were attending classes, including Chai Weiran|, Li Shouchun, Hu Hangzheng, Sun Baozhen, Li Shuzhong, Na Gengchen, Tong Junjiao (Zhao Hong), Chen Dongxu, Yan Shuchen, Yan Fengwen, Wang Yongzhong, Qiao Guoyu, and Dong Guoliang, who were attending classes, and escorted them to the underground torture room of the Japanese Kwantung Gendarmerie Division. Also arrested and imprisoned here were Mu Changjiang and Zhang Wentao, students of Changchun University of Political Science and Law, and students who returned from Japan, Wang Hongwen (Emperor Dai of Kyoto, Japan), and Zhang Fusan (Tokyo Agricultural University, Japan).

The inhumane Japanese army tortured, first poured cold water, then stepped on the stomach, and the water flowed out of the mouth!

Here, they were tortured and tortured by the Japanese gendarmes in all their forms, including electricity, cold water, fire hooks to burn their faces, pencils and fingers, kneeling sticks, forbidden to sleep, and beaten with leather whips and bamboo swords. For example, Zhang Fusan was once electrified, poured cold water twice, and beaten countless times, so that his body suffered severe damage and he died of lung disease.

When the Japanese agent interrogated Tong Junpin, he was asked to hold up a wooden stick for several hours, and beat him with a wooden stick and a bamboo sword, which made him bruised and swollen all over his body.

Detention centres are also the main regular places for Japanese pseudo-torture.

The inhumane Japanese army tortured, first poured cold water, then stepped on the stomach, and the water flowed out of the mouth!

On August 21, 1941, Yang Hai, a farmer in SidaoLiangzitun in Sandaogoumen Village, Pseudorehe Province, was arrested by the Puppet Manchu Gubeikou Railway Police Andi and the Japanese Gendarmerie. In the detention center of the Gubeikou Railway Police Force, the Japanese gendarmes asked him to tell him how much grain and socks he had sent to the Eighth Route Army. He said he didn't know, so he beat him with sticks and planks, and poured him cold water, and when his stomach was inflated, the executioners stepped on his stomach, and the water flowed out of his mouth.

The Japanese Kwantung Army, the Kwantung Gendarmerie, the puppet Manchu police, and the spies did not just torture Chinese in these conventional locations. Within the confines of puppet Manchukuo, in addition to these conventional sites, the places where the Japanese invaders inflicted their punishments were of a great deal of arbitrariness.

At the scene of driving the Chinese people into the "group tribe", in the fields of the Japanese "pioneering regiment", at the scene of the "massacre" committed by the Japanese Kwantung Army, at the site of mines, vehicle engineering and hydropower projects in Manchuria, and at the scene of various other laborers.

The inhumane Japanese army tortured, first poured cold water, then stepped on the stomach, and the water flowed out of the mouth!

When urging the Chinese peasants to "give out the grain," the Japanese invaders tortured the Chinese without scruples in the peasants' yards, houses, and courtyards, in the barracks of the puppet Manchukuo army, in the playgrounds, classrooms, and corridors of various schools, on the streets of the city, in the shops, and even at checkpoints, stations, and trains.

That is to say, in the territory of puppet Manchukuo, any place where there is Chinese may become a place where the Japanese army and the puppet Manchu army and police xian specially torture.

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