
Before the heart attack comes, the body will have 6 abnormal manifestations, and one should be checked as soon as possible

As we all know, the heart is the most important part of the human body, it has the function of pumping blood, and it can beat normally when it is healthy, and then transport blood to other parts of the body.

However, many people in daily life often have bad living habits, such as staying up late, smoking and drinking, etc., in the long run, it is possible to damage the heart, and even induce coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and other diseases.

Fortunately, before the arrival of heart disease, patients will have abnormal physical manifestations, such as the 6 mentioned below, even if only one is noticed, they should see a doctor as soon as possible to avoid missing the best time for treatment.

Before the heart attack comes, the body will have 6 abnormal manifestations, and one should be checked as soon as possible

1, inexplicable cold sweat

If the living environment is more suitable, and you have not done too much physical labor, but suddenly break out in a cold sweat, you should be wary of whether it is a distress signal from heart disease.

Because when a heart attack occurs, the blood supply to other organs is insufficient, if it is in a state of ischemia and hypoxia for a long time, it will cause changes in the nervous system and promote increased sweat gland secretion.

Before the heart attack comes, the body will have 6 abnormal manifestations, and one should be checked as soon as possible

2. Irregular heart rhythm

Irregular heart rhythm refers to the abnormal speed of the heart beating, in general, when in a state of rest, the number of times the heart beats per minute is about 60 to 100 times;

However, if there is a sudden increase in the amplitude of the beat, it is also necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible for a detailed examination, and treat the disease as soon as possible after the diagnosis is confirmed, so as not to endanger life.

Before the heart attack comes, the body will have 6 abnormal manifestations, and one should be checked as soon as possible

3. Difficulty breathing

When it comes to the symptoms of dyspnea, some people will preconceived that there is a problem with the lungs, but as everyone knows, when the heart is damaged, patients often have breathing difficulties and dizziness.

Because when the heart function is weak, the oxygen content in the blood will drop sharply, which will affect normal breathing.

In addition, medical experts once did a study and found that about 40% of heart disease patients have abnormal symptoms such as shortness of breath in the first half of the year before diagnosis.

Before the heart attack comes, the body will have 6 abnormal manifestations, and one should be checked as soon as possible

4, indigestion, abdominal pain

If there is a recent sudden bloating, nausea and stomach pain and other symptoms, first of all, to rule out whether it is the impact of gastrointestinal diseases, if not, it may be cardiovascular problems.

In particular, if there is more lipid deposition in the arterial blood vessels, it will hinder the delivery of blood to the heart, which will cause a feeling of abdominal pain.

In addition, the main reason why patients have symptoms of dyspepsia before the onset of heart disease is that the blood circulation rate is slowed down, and the gastrointestinal area does not get enough blood support, so it is impossible to digest and absorb food in a short period of time.

Before the heart attack comes, the body will have 6 abnormal manifestations, and one should be checked as soon as possible

5. Extreme fatigue

Normally, if the rest time is sufficient, there will be no problems with weak limbs and poor mental state on day 2.

However, if you have recently had an inexplicable manifestation of fatigue, you should also consider whether it is caused by heart problems.

Before the heart attack comes, the body will have 6 abnormal manifestations, and one should be checked as soon as possible

6. Abnormal pain

If there is an abnormal pain sensation in the neck, chin, arms, shoulders, etc., it is also likely to be a precursor to heart disease.

Because after a heart attack, pain is easily transmitted through the spinal cord, and the scope of radiation includes the cervical spine.

Before the heart attack comes, the body will have 6 abnormal manifestations, and one should be checked as soon as possible

All in all, if you want to understand the health of your heart, in addition to going to the hospital regularly for physical examinations, you can also pay more attention to your daily performance.

Once there are abnormal symptoms such as shoulders, neck pain, physical fatigue, breathing difficulties, and rapid heartbeat, it must be paid attention to, because clinical data show that patients are often accompanied by these manifestations before heart disease occurs.

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