
The japanese wonder: why so many countries have attacked China, Chinese only remember Japan

There have been many wars in modern China, and we have also suffered great pain, for which we are also very sad, in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the imperial court was corrupt, the leaders had no role at all, especially Cixi, when she was in power alone, her attitude of greed for power and greed for money, so that the entire Qing Dynasty fell into danger, when she gave herself a birthday, she did not hesitate to take out the money used for the national military, wish her a happy birthday, and finally let the most powerful Beiyang military division at that time, without weapons, when confronting outsiders, Also became weaker. Cixi should be able to think of these questions, but in order to enjoy the glory and wealth, she still chose to be selfish.

The japanese wonder: why so many countries have attacked China, Chinese only remember Japan

None of the three emperors of the Qing Dynasty held power, and it was Always Cixi who ruled the entire country, and finally after Cixi's death, the Qing Dynasty was completely destroyed. In fact, at that time, many people knew the situation at that time, but there was a Qing government here to block, they did not dare to decide on their own, and then the Eight-Power Alliance, the British and French Coalition, and even the Japanese invasion of China, there were so many wars, China was so persecuted, the people cried bitterly, these were all accumulated little by little from the Qing Dynasty's closed country, and finally let the people who should not bear it bear it.

The japanese wonder: why so many countries have attacked China, Chinese only remember Japan

After the outbreak of these wars, we also tried our best to resist, and finally succeeded, and we also established a new China. Recently, a Japanese netizen raised a question, saying that there were so many countries that invaded China at that time, almost 25, why did China remember Japan as a country? Why do you hate Japan so much? Chinese netizens immediately expressed their views on this view.

The japanese wonder: why so many countries have attacked China, Chinese only remember Japan

First of all, there were indeed many countries that invaded China at that time, but Japan was different from other countries, those countries invaded China for the sake of interests, but Japan was different, Japan not only wanted China's property, they also wanted to occupy China, and even the Japanese people at that time had begun to pervert their psychology, they killed thousands of Chinese, and it could even be said that they wanted to exterminate China. Also, when the West invaded China, it retreated after gaining benefits, but what about Japan? They created a plan for a long period of annexation, which was not at all the same as the Western powers.

The japanese wonder: why so many countries have attacked China, Chinese only remember Japan

There is also the atrocities committed by Japan to The land of China and Chinese, which are really unbearable to see, and they have tried all kinds of ways to Chinese and die, as well as germ warfare, which is simply trampling on the dignity of Chinese, and these Japanese people are really inhuman. Finally, and most importantly, after the war, Germany chose to apologize, expressing its apologies to every country, but what about Japan? Instead of apologizing, they feel they're not wrong, and they even think they've done the right thing? And such a country, we must remember it, we cannot forget all the evil deeds that Japan did in those years. For the reply of Chinese netizens, Japanese netizens are also dumbfounded, originally they did wrong, but also ask where is the mistake? This is simply shameful!

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