
Food recommendation: hanging pot flavor duck, chives mixed with belly shreds, cold mix rabbit treasure preparation method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: hanging pot flavor duck, chives mixed with belly shreds, cold mix rabbit treasure preparation method

Hanging pot flavor duck

Initial processing:

1, take the old water duck (weight 1.1 kg - 1.15 kg) slaughtered clean, remove the internal organs, change the knife into a 4 cm square block, rinse the blood water.

2: Take 100 grams of bright red bell pepper and cut into sections at both ends; 50 grams of garlic leaves and cut into 5 cm long segments.

Cooked treatment:

1, the pot is hot, put in the pre-cooked rapeseed oil 50 grams, when it is 50% hot, put in the duck meat and sauté for about 2 minutes, add 60 grams of ginger slices, 30 grams of green onion knots, 20 grams of dried yellow pepper, sauté over medium heat to produce spicy flavor, cook 20 grams of high liquor, pour 2.5 kg of water, bring to a boil on high heat, add seasonings (Knorr brine juice, Knorr red soup 25 grams each, spicy fresh sauce 20 grams, chicken powder 5 grams, spicy girl sauce 10 grams, salt 4 grams) seasoning, pour into the pressure cooker, heat on high heat to the upper air, Reduce heat to 18 minutes.

2, after the guest orders, take the wok into the rapeseed oil 30 grams, when it is 50% hot, put in the beauty pepper section to simmer, pour in the duck and duck soup 200 grams, heat on high heat until the soup is thick, add the garlic leaves and stir-fry evenly, drizzle 2 grams of wet starch, and finally pour in 10 grams of sesame oil, put it into the hanging pot (the hanging pot should put raw shallot shreds 100 grams in advance), heat it up after serving.

Food recommendation: hanging pot flavor duck, chives mixed with belly shreds, cold mix rabbit treasure preparation method

Chives with shredded belly

raw material:

Pork belly is about 750 grams


2000 grams of salad oil (50 grams of actual consumption), 15 grams of red pepper shreds and ginger shreds, 15 grams each of spicy girls and white onions, 15 grams of refined salt and Shuangqiao MONOSG, 10 grams of oyster sauce, 3 grams of pepper.

Preparation method: scrape the pork belly clean, cut into thin wires, make crisp belly shreds, put the pot on the high heat, pour the salad oil to 70% heat, heat the belly silk for 30 seconds, leave the bottom oil in the pot to burn 60% hot, under the ginger shreds, green onion white segments, spicy girls, red pepper shreds, salt, monosodium glutamate, oyster sauce stir-fry incense, under the belly silk stir-fry a few times into the hot tiles (put on a low heat for 3 minutes in advance) that is.

Belly silk hair system: according to the proportion of 500 grams of water put 75 grams of alkali boiled into alkaline water, belly silk into alkaline water soaked for 1-2 hours, rinse with running water for 10-20 minutes to rinse the alkali taste.

Food recommendation: hanging pot flavor duck, chives mixed with belly shreds, cold mix rabbit treasure preparation method

Cold mix rabbit treasure

Highlights: Rabbit loin is very rare to make into a cold dish, and it is directly mixed with raw millet spicy crushing, which is fragrant and spicy.

The origin of the idea: rabbit waist is relatively soft and tender, I feel very suitable for making cold dishes, in order to go fishy and fragrant, I chop the raw millet spicy fine, used to mix rabbit waist, the taste is fragrant, fresh and spicy, more set off the crisp tenderness of the rabbit waist.

Flavor type: fresh and spicy.

Ingredients: rabbit loin 100 g.

Seasoning: 8 grams of millet spicy powder, 10 grams of flower pepper, 5 grams of green onion, ginger and garlic rice, 8 grams of parsley grains and chives, 3 grams of sesame seeds, 5 grams of cooking wine, 2 grams of salt, 6 grams of sesame oil, 5 grams of chili oil, 3 grams of Donggu Yipin fresh soy sauce.


1: Boil the peppercorns in boiling water and let cool. Wash the rabbit waist, cut into clip blades, soak in pepper water for about 2 hours to remove the fishy smell and fish out.

2: Add water to the pot, add green onion and ginger, cooking wine, put down the rabbit waist for about 1 minute until the raw fishing out, rinse with cool water, control the water. Rabbit loin with chili oil, soy sauce, salt, sesame oil, garlic rice mix well to taste, sprinkle with raw millet spicy minced, parsley grains, chives, sesame seeds.