
Chilled with shredded belly

author:Bu Yanzi

Pepper belly shreds

Flavor type Pepper and hemp flavor

Cooking Techniques Mixing

Features Bright color, fresh pepper and chives, crisp and tender slightly hemp.

Main ingredient formulation

(1) Main ingredients

Fresh pork belly 150 g

(2) Excipients

Green shoots 100 g

(3) Seasoning

15 grams of green onion leaves, 20 grams of green onion, 15 grams of ginger slices, 18 grams of refined salt, 30 grams of cooking wine, 1.5 grams of peppercorns, 2 grams of pepper, 2 grams of sugar, 5 grams of white soy sauce, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 20 grams of cold fresh soup, 2 grams of sesame oil, 15 grams of cooked vegetable oil


(1) Work before cooking

1 Pork belly to remove the oil tendons, filth, after cleaning, add 15 grams of refined salt, green onion, ginger slices, cooking wine kneading, until the pork belly is white, non-stick hands, people in the cold water pot of water, fish out, scrape off the navel of the white film and residual gastric juice, wash.

2 Peel and wash the green shoots, cut into long lengths of about 6 cm, width about 0.2 cm, thickness of about 0.2 cm of silk, add a little fine salt and mix well, marinate for 5 minutes.

(2) Cooking dishes

1 Pork belly man cold water pot add shallots, ginger slices, cooking wine, pepper, cook until soft, cool and cut into long shreds of about 8 cm, width of about 0.2 cm, thickness of about 0.3 cm.

2 Green shoot silk draining man plate bottom, belly silk arranged on the top.

3 Green onion leaves, peppercorns (remove seeds, soak slightly in warm water, drain the water) and chop them into a mushroom and stir well into a pepper paste.

(Lei) pepper paste, refined salt, sugar, white soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, cold fresh soup stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved, and the sesame oil can be poured on the belly.

Process critical

(1) Pork belly needs to be washed with mucus, and the white membrane at the navel needs to be cleaned

(2) Mixed with fresh food, in order to benefit the color and luster, the taste is fresh and fragrant.