
"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

Yesterday's hot search made people sad to watch.

In the doctor season of the variety show "Heartwarming Offer", a day in the emergency room was recorded.

It is said that the hospital has heard more sincere prayers than the church, and it turns out that this is indeed the case.

The first patient to be sent was a brain tumor patient.

Only thirty years old.

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...
"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

A few months ago, she had just finished surgery.

But the tumor was so special that it could not be completely removed, and soon she relapsed and was sent to the emergency department.

The doctor said that what to do does not make much sense.

Even if intubated, it can only last a short period of life. It is better to transfer to the hospital and let the family accompany her to spend the last time.

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

Outside the emergency room, the woman's husband cried when he heard the diagnosis.

He said: Before the operation, the doctor had advised him to give up. But he didn't want to, and wanted to wait for a miracle.

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

Thirty years old, what a good age, it is the time when life is boundless, how can it suddenly be separated by yin and yang?

Yes, the person who once smiled at himself was the most important person in his life.

In just a few months, it was a farewell.

There is nothing crueler in the world than this, I am planning the future day by day, and you are walking away step by step.

You never know which day it will be with her last.

The second patient who was sent was the eldest brother who accidentally fell while riding an electric car.

Originally thought that riding a bicycle fell down, there will be no big deal, did not expect that his neck below, can not move, and finally diagnosed with high paraplegia.

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

Doctors say it's the worst injury mechanism in the world.

Because your mind is awake, but your body can't move anything, the second half of your life, you can only lie in bed, look at the ceiling, look at the ceiling for a lifetime.

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...
"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

This man is the pillar of the family. His wife married him despite her family's objections and had little contact with her mother's family.

The two had a difficult time, the eldest son was only 8 years old, and the wife was pregnant with a second child.

After learning of his illness, his wife kept asking: Do you want to beat up the child?

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

She may not be asking the doctor, but is really helpless and has no choice.

A person is a home. When a man has an accident, a home collapses in an instant.

After reading these two stories, I suddenly lamented that life is really fragile.

People live a lifetime, nothing is more important than health. Life comes and goes, and the days don't come and go.

People always have the illusion that there is more time and longer life.

Until the accident came and the disease occurred, I found that the things I had become accustomed to unconsciously became the regret of this life.

Man, only by living first can he be qualified to talk about life.

2021 is not a calm year.

Accident seems to have become the word we hear the most this year.

At the beginning of the year, Zhao Yingjun left due to cancer.

The singer, who has always brought laughter to everyone, said goodbye to us in the most unexpected way.

He said: This world is so beautiful, I really don't want to leave. Please take care of your health and live a healthy life.

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

A few words, like a wake-up call to everyone.

A lifetime is short, and none of us know when the accident will come. When you are tormented by illness and can't sleep at night, when you are in pain, you will realize:

Neither fame nor status, power or wealth, is less important than a millionth of health.

Zhengzhou is raining heavily, and I always remember my father in a blue raincoat outside the subway station.

That night, he lost his daughter, and he survived, but it was better to live than to die.

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

He stubbornly wore the raincoat he had worn that day and sat outside the subway station.

Next to it was the bike that he used to pick up his daughter on, and a card was hung that read, "Girl, Daddy still wants to take you home." ”

He sat like that for days, lonely like a stone.

Not all accidents in life can be accepted calmly, and some people may be trapped there for a lifetime.

Shiyan, Hubei.

A gas explosion took the lives of 26 people.

It was a pain in the lives of countless people.

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

Usually before going to work, you always go to the breakfast shop with two buns; the family goes from snacks to a big cake shop; the commissary owner who always smiles at you when passing by...

Those who are most familiar with each other, the few small lucky ones, just disappeared into their own lives like that, without even rehearsal.

Prosperous three thousand, but at the snap of a finger.

In the torrential rain in Hubei Province, a text message sent by a wife to her husband had seen many people cry.

Flooding the streets and also flooding the supermarket where the wife works, the husband who is at home alone, receives a text message from his wife in the early hours of the morning:

"If I die, you'll look for it in the slipper bag under the bed, and you'll have a little savings."

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

The husband knows that if it is not a critical moment, the wife will not confess in this way. When he rushed to the supermarket, what he saw was the body of his wife.

People who have not experienced the death of a loved one do not know that life is fragile, but only feel that it is long in Japan. Only by experiencing life and death can we appreciate the truth of life.

Such accidents and separations, we have seen too much this year.

Sometimes, I always think that there is a lot of time, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the days pass day by day, there is no difference, there is no thing to do, how late is not too late.

It wasn't until I began to lose that I suddenly understood that time was a speeding train.

We stood on the platform, looking at the people and things around us, passing through life one by one, but we couldn't do anything.

In the face of life, people's fragility and smallness can exceed imagination. In the face of life and death, everything else is a small matter.

Not long ago, I went to visit a friend who had surgery.

He was originally a well-known workaholic, with basically no holidays except for the Spring Festival throughout the year, working more than ten hours a day.

Under long-term high pressure, there are also problems with living habits, eating irregularly, and sleeping problems. It wasn't until one time, when I fainted at home, that I had to go to the hospital for a check-up.

The results of the examination at that time were not good. Doctors say there is a risk of cancer.

He said that the days of waiting for the test results were the most difficult period of his forty years.

He repeatedly regretted it, why did he try so hard? Once you really have a problem, who will take care of your family? Chagrin was overwhelming, and fear was frantic.

He suddenly realized that health could not be bought at any cost. When the money is gone, it can be earned again, and when the health is gone, it cannot be recovered.

To be alive means everything.

Fortunately, in the end, he still survived the danger and could be cured after an operation.

The more mature people are, the more they understand that living well is the most important issue in life.

"There is only 1 day left before 2022, and she was sentenced to death": People, in addition to life and death, are all bruises...

The circle of friends has seen a passage:

Don't dry your money, when you get to the hospital, the money is not worth anything;

Don't sunburn your work, fall down, countless people will do better than you;

Don't dry your room, you are gone, that is making wedding clothes for others;

The only thing you can show off is your health!

As Schopenhauer said: The greatest mistake a human can make is to trade health for something else outside the body.

Life in the world, rich or poor, in the end is just a piece of dirt, passing the clouds. No matter how important money is, it must also have a life to spend.

In her autobiography before her death, female Doctor Yu Juan wrote:

"You will find that any overtime, too much pressure for yourself, the need to buy a house and a car, is a floating cloud, if you have time, accompany your children well, give the money to buy a car to your parents to buy a pair of shoes, don't desperately go to change what big house, and the people who love each other, the snail house is also warm." 」

No job is worth beating with your health.

Only by living can we accompany our beloved people through the rest of their lives and have the opportunity to let their parents enjoy their old age in peace. In order to find the meaning and destination of life between the clouds and clouds.

We can't control the accident of life, we can't predict everyone's future. But at least, you can make yourself less regretful at the moment when the accident comes.

Life is a process of constant loss, and this feeling is especially true in the two years of the epidemic.

That's why I feel more and more that nothing is more important than living healthily.

We are always struggling for too many out of reach. But I forgot that the real happiness of life is only the warmth of the lights and the fullness of chai rice oil and salt.

Some writers have said: Happiness is just ordinary days, ordinary people are still the same.

We have been busy for half our lives, for money, for fame. I always forget that what really makes you happy and needs to be doubly cherished are the daily routines that you have neglected.

The person who says goodbye to you in the morning and goes home safely in the evening. When I came home, I called my parents, and someone always answered. During the New Year's Festival, the family can be reunited, and no one is lacking...

The rest of your life is not long, don't wait for the people around you to leave, only to regret that you haven't done enough; don't wait until you lose your health to regret that you didn't take good enough care of yourself.

You may not make a lot of money and get ahead. But we and the most important people around us can live healthily, and it is already the signature of life.

Life is not so complicated, the heart is steady, there is love in the home, health and peace, more precious than anything.

One more day, it's New Year's.

This year, no matter how much money you make, whether your experience is good or bad, don't worry about it.

Believe me, as long as you and the people around you are healthy this year, it will be the best year.

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