
Does "Hongwu Tuxiang" really exist? Zhu Yuanzhang really washed Hunan in blood?

Zhu Yuanzhang was one of the lowest-born emperors in history, and in history, the founding emperor who was born lower than Zhu Yuanzhang was only Shi Le. It's just that Shi Le didn't establish a unified dynasty. Then again, in the eyes of posterity, Zhu Yuanzhang undoubtedly saved the Han people from the destruction of the Yuan Dynasty. After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang raised the status of the Han people.

During the Yuan Dynasty, there was a four-class system, and the political treatment of the four-class people was different, and people of each race were treated differently in all aspects. For example, in terms of office, examination, criminal law, etc. Nowadays, it seems that Zhu Yuanzhang undoubtedly saved the Han people from the Yuan Dynasty. In history, Zhu Yuanzhang was undoubtedly one of the greatest emperors.

Does "Hongwu Tuxiang" really exist? Zhu Yuanzhang really washed Hunan in blood?

In the early years, Zhu Yuanzhang experienced hardships, and then in the process of conquest, Zhu Yuanzhang continued to learn, and there was a constant summary of experience, which gave Zhu Yuanzhang a foundation for invincibility. When Zhu Yuanzhang was at the Huangjue Temple, at the suggestion of his fellow villagers, he joined Guo Zixing's camp, after which Zhu Yuanzhang began to make meritorious achievements.

Does "Hongwu Tuxiang" really exist? Zhu Yuanzhang really washed Hunan in blood?

In the end, Zhu Yuanzhang accepted Guo Zixing's Red Turban Army. From this point of view, Zhu Yuanzhang was constantly developing on the basis of Guo Zixing's Red Turban Army, so Zhu Yuanzhang's influence continued to expand. In the process of Zhu Yuanzhang's establishment of the Ming Dynasty, it was certainly indispensable to kill, after all, every war caused a large number of soldier casualties. Whether it is ancient wars or modern wars, they will pay a heavy price.

Does "Hongwu Tuxiang" really exist? Zhu Yuanzhang really washed Hunan in blood?

In the course of Zhu Yuanzhang's conquest of the world, in the Hunan region, there was a "Hongwu Tuxiang" incident. In Hunan, the saying "Hongwu Tuxiang" has been circulating for a long time. Some historical books also record this, such as the "Ye Clan Genealogy" records that "Hongwu Tuxiang, the alliance of the white horse, but there was the robbery of the red sheep, the blood flowing pestle, the ghost crying in the day, ten rooms and one room living people, nine rooms piled up bones"

Does "Hongwu Tuxiang" really exist? Zhu Yuanzhang really washed Hunan in blood?

There is also a record in the "Lü Clan Genealogy" that "Hongwu was washed in blood, and Huigong was transferred by An Ren to Zhen chang". As for why Zhu Yuanzhang "Slaughtered Xiang in Hongwu", there are two theories, the first is that when Zhu Yuanzhang and Chen Youyu were fighting for the world, hunan people supported Chen Youyu. The second theory is that in the twenty-fourth year of Zhizheng, most of Chen Youyi's department had already submitted to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Does "Hongwu Tuxiang" really exist? Zhu Yuanzhang really washed Hunan in blood?

At this time, Chen Youyu had died in the Battle of Poyang Lake. Among the old departments of Chen Youyi's submission, there was a person named Yi Hua, and another of Chen Youyi's old departments was named Yang Congzheng, whether it was Yi Hua or Yang Congzheng, they were all used by Zhu Yuanzhang. But the two also had a festival. Yang Congzheng was a tax collector at that time. So Yang Congzheng began to make it difficult for Yihua.

Does "Hongwu Tuxiang" really exist? Zhu Yuanzhang really washed Hunan in blood?

Yang Congzheng knew that Yi Hua had given Chen Youyi 108,000 stones of military grain, and he should know that hunan at that time could not have had so much grain in storage. Later, Yang Congzheng deliberately expropriated 99,000 stones. Yi Hua threatened to kill Yang Congzheng, and later Yang Congzheng chose a servant who looked similar to his own and had him show the first rank to the people. In fact, Yang secretly escaped from politics.

Does "Hongwu Tuxiang" really exist? Zhu Yuanzhang really washed Hunan in blood?

Later, Yang Congzheng found Zhu Yuanzhang to talk to. Zhu Yuanzhang was furious and sent heavy troops to attack Yi Hua. However, Yi Hua pretended to be a fake death, which made Zhu Yuanzhang even more angry, so Zhu Yuanzhang washed Hunan in blood. Nowadays, either way of saying it is inaccurate. From the perspective of "Hongwu Tuxiang" alone, it should be known that Hunan was not established as an independent province until the third year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1664).

Does "Hongwu Tuxiang" really exist? Zhu Yuanzhang really washed Hunan in blood?

From this point of view, even if Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to carry out the "Hongwu Tuxiang", it was impossible, and during Zhu Yuanzhang's reign, Hunan had not yet appeared. Secondly, in the process of Zhu Yuanzhang's elimination of Chen Youyu and Zhang Shicheng's two major forces between 1356 and 1367, the battlefield was mainly in the area of present-day Anhui, Jiangxi and Hubei. So today's Hunan has nothing to do with it.

Does "Hongwu Tuxiang" really exist? Zhu Yuanzhang really washed Hunan in blood?

It is reasonable to say that even if Zhu Yuanzhang wants to carry out bloodbath slaughter, he should also "wash Jiangxi in blood" or "wash Hubei in blood". Such a slaughter is more logical. In the history of the Ming Dynasty, there is no record of "Hongwu Tuxiang". From this point of view, "Hongwu Tuxiang" is definitely a legend, or a historical "rumor". Not to be taken seriously.

In some places, there is even a feng shui saying. It was Zhu Yuanzhang who carried out the "Hongwu Tuxiang" because of the problem of feng shui. This statement is even more absurd, Zhu Yuanzhang knows that the jiangshan is not easy to come by, and the people are the top priority of a dynasty, and he will never choose to slaughter the city. More mainly, the feng shui theory only appears in opera.

There is also zhu Yuanzhang when he was insulted in Liuyang and swore to kill the people of Liuyang, Zhu Yuanzhang has been begging for many years, and he is not only insulted once, from this point of view, Zhu Yuanzhang is even more unlikely to wash Hunan in blood. From this point of view, there are many theories of "Hongwu Tuxiang" and cannot withstand scrutiny at all. Refer to Xiao Yiwen's "The Mystery of Zhu Yuanzhang's "Blood Washing Hunan"".

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