
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words

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Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words

The Seventeen Theses is a famous cursive masterpiece by Wang Xi, named after the word "seventeen" at the beginning. The original inkblot was early, and the "Seventeen Theses" that have been handed down to the world are engraved.

Tang Zhang Yanyuan's "Essential Records of the Book of Laws" records the original inkblot of the Seventeen Theses: "The Seventeen Theses are one foot long and two feet long, that is, zhenguan zhongbai benye, one hundred and seven lines, nine hundred and forty-three characters. It is the famous Thessa of Xuan He. Emperor Taizong purchased the Book of the Second King, and the Book of the Great King had three thousand pieces of paper, and the rate was one and two feet as a volume, and its handwriting and speech were similar to each other. ”

The style of "Seventeen Theses" is impulsive and elegant, not exciting, and the wind rules are far away, and there is no general cursive crazy and angry habit, revealing a kind of neutral and peaceful atmosphere.

Since the Tang and Song dynasties, the Seventeen Theses have been regarded as the supreme model for learning cursive writing, and have been regarded by calligraphers as "dragon elephants in books". Its position in cursive can be equivalent to that of the "Sacred Teaching Order of the Book of Wang Xi in the Huai Ren Ji Wang Xi".

The ancients often said that the study of cursive writing should start from the "Seventeen Theses", look at Zhao Mengfu's pro-characters, not necessarily like the pen, the penmanship may not be rigorous, but it is very "natural". As the saying goes, don't die to learn, calligraphy is "writing" after all, may not be able to achieve the pen is exquisite, but with the pen, ink color, rhythm, very natural.

Zhao Mengfu wrote the "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" in Wang Xizhi's "Seventeen Posts", although it is a post, it is no longer a step-by-step confrontation, but a re-creation of Wang Xizhi's repeated imitations that can convey its charm. This post line is skillful and natural, jade and pearl round, deep wang shu style bone.

I have seven sons and one daughter, all of whom were born together. The marriage is complete, and the only young one is not yet married. After this marriage, you will have another. There are sixteen grandchildren in and around the present, which is enough to comfort the present. The love of the foot is to the point of the song, so it is shown. Zi Ang.

Zhao Mengfu lined up "Seven Sons and One Daughter"

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Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words
Zhao Mengfu Linwang's "Seven Sons and One Daughter Post" high list words


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