
Daji once invented a punishment, Chinese it has been used for 3500 years, but now every household is inseparable

History is the memory of things that have been said and done. —Carl Baker

Ironing this thing is not necessarily a must-have for every family, but it is also indispensable in our daily life. Like a suit shirt is more easily wrinkled, what to do then? At this time, of course, it is indispensable to the iron. The origin of the iron has also undergone a series of evolutions, it has gone through steam irons, water irons, charcoal irons and so on.

Daji once invented a punishment, Chinese it has been used for 3500 years, but now every household is inseparable

The earliest iron was not an ironing suit, and everyone should not have thought of it. It was a kind of punishment tool at that time, speaking of this, everyone should be able to think of it, in many ancient TV series, they will use the red and hot torture device to burn the face or body of the prisoner, leaving a trace of a lifetime, looking cruel, this punishment is used lightly to faint, heavy to die.

Do you know who invented this punishment? I will not give you a detour, this punishment was invented by the favored concubine of the King of Sui. It is said that after the shower, the king and Daji went to the wild to play, and then a tree was knocked down by lightning and burned up, and many ants that could not stand the heat fell from the tree into the fire.

Daji once invented a punishment, Chinese it has been used for 3500 years, but now every household is inseparable

The implementation of this punishment is also carried out in a step-by-step manner, first by tying the prisoner to a copper pillar, then by burning the copper pillar, and finally, of course, being burned alive.

The king of Lu was cruel, this was famous in history, he was addicted to gentle towns all day long, ignored the government, and could not hear the truth, but anyone who spoke the truth would be punished by this punishment.

Daji once invented a punishment, Chinese it has been used for 3500 years, but now every household is inseparable

However, after the Shang Dynasty, this punishment was rarely used, and was generally only used when interrogating prisoners. Until now, such a punishment has long been abolished, and it has become a little assistant in our lives. Especially married young women, daily ironing clothes, almost every family can not be separated. History is so interesting, and mistakes can also make inventions.

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