
Before Song Jiang died, he learned that the most terrible good man on Liangshan had been hiding by his side

In "Water Margin", Song Jiang was originally a small abbot, because he killed people, and finally went to Liangshan. Step by step, he became the boss of Liangshan. In fact, in Song Jiang's heart, staying in Liangshan was not what he wanted, he wanted to serve the imperial court. After defeating the imperial court's army many times on Liangshan, Song Jiang's heart wanted to join the imperial court more and more. In the end, he took the good men of Liangshan with him to the imperial court and made many contributions to the imperial court.

Before Song Jiang died, he learned that the most terrible good man on Liangshan had been hiding by his side

Song Jiang was very loyal to the imperial court, and also beat the biggest enemy in the south at that time, after the battle, the good men of Liangshan were almost dead, and finally only a few dozen people followed Song Jiang back to the capital. These people were all officially appointed by the imperial court, but how could the imperial court be assured of these Liangshan people, the emperor and many other ministers were afraid that these people would rebel later. So the imperial court gave Song Jiang and a few good men some poisonous liquor, because they could be said to be meritorious courtiers of the imperial court, and it was impossible to kill them like this, so they could only secretly poison them. Before Song Jiang drank poisoned wine and died, he was worried that after he died, there would be good men to rebel, so he poisoned Li Kui, who was the easiest to rebel at that time, and after poisoning Li Kui, he sat in the place and thought for a long time, before he thought that the military Wu Yong, who had been following him, was the most terrible person, because he was too smart.

Before Song Jiang died, he learned that the most terrible good man on Liangshan had been hiding by his side

When Wu Yong first grabbed the Birthday Gang with Chao Gai, it could be seen that Wu Yong was very smart, and ordinary readers did not dare to do such a thing. But Wu Yong will not be the boss, he will only let one person be the boss, and then stabilize himself. After that, Wu Yong and Chao Gai went to Liangshan, and Wu Yong also helped Chao Gai become the boss of Liangshan, and after Chao Gai died, Wu Yong became the military of Song Jiang, and almost all the methods were thought up by Wu Yong. Wu Yong never had to fight, he just needed to give advice to other good men.

Before Song Jiang died, he learned that the most terrible good man on Liangshan had been hiding by his side

Once Song Jiang knew a man named Lu Junyi and thought of getting him to Liangshan, Wu Yong directly used his own scheme to get Lu Junyi to Liangshan. Song Jiang began to listen to Wu Yong everything, and slowly Wu Yong got everyone else up to Liangshan step by step.

Before Song Jiang died, he learned that the most terrible good man on Liangshan had been hiding by his side

After Song Jiang died, Wu Yong also knew that the next person in the imperial court to be poisoned was himself, and he did not want the imperial court to kill him, but chose to commit suicide himself. In fact, many people know that he has been doing military work for a long time to lead good men to rebel without success, Wu Yong is not the boss, as long as Song Jiang still has some good men to die, he will really become useless. Among the last remaining good men, only Li Kui was a little better, and Wu Yong could let Li Kui listen to his words, which could show that if Li Kui did not die, Wu Yong could persuade Li Kui and let Li Kui rebel.

Before Song Jiang died, he learned that the most terrible good man on Liangshan had been hiding by his side

In fact, Song Jiang thought of this matter before he died, Wu Yong was very smart, but there was no martial arts, but Li Kui only had martial arts and no brains, so as long as Song Jiang died, Wu Yong might control Li Kui, and it was easy to rebel. In the end, all the good men who could lead the soldiers to fight were almost dead, leaving Wu Yong alone, and he knew that there was no way to rebel, and no one would believe him as a Liangshan mountain thief.

Before Song Jiang died, he learned that the most terrible good man on Liangshan had been hiding by his side

Wu Yong learned before he died that he had originally brought these people to Liangshan and finally reached this point.

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