
Lu Ming's column | Song Jiang angrily killed Yan PoXi

Lu Ming's column | Song Jiang angrily killed Yan PoXi

Text/Lu Ming Editor| Swallow Photo | Network

Song Jiang sent a message to Chao Gai and others, allowing them to flee to Liangshan. Chao Gai and others remembered Song Jiang's kindness and sent Liu Tang to send Song Jiang a hundred taels of gold. This matter was discovered by Yan Poxi, and Yan Clan used this to blackmail Song Jiang, and Song Jiang killed her in a rage.

Yan Po was originally from Tokyo, and went with her parents to Shandong to find an official, and went into exile in Yuncheng County. His father, Yan Gong, liked to sing songs, and his godmother singed songs from an early age. This Yan Po was born quite a bit of posture, and she can play all kinds of tunes, but the people of Yuncheng County do not like to have fun and entertainment, she cannot support herself, and she lives in a secluded area in the north of the county. Duke Yan died of an epidemic at the time of illness, and Yan Po regretted that the mother and daughter were unable to bury them, so they were introduced by the princess and asked Song Jiang for help. Song Jiangben was a man of righteousness and wealth, helpful to many people, and naturally willing to help Yan's mother and daughter tide over the difficulties. He immediately wrote a post asking Yan Po to go to Dongguan Chen San's house to order a coffin, and gave them ten pieces of silver for use. In this way, the mother and daughter of the Yan clan sent Yan Gong, and there were still five or six pieces of silver left. For this matter, Song Jiang had no idea out of voluntariness, just like helping other poor people.

Yan Po saw that Song Jiang was a character and wanted to find a dependency, so she said yes to Song Jiang through the princess. Song Jiang had no intention of resisting the repeated words of the queen mother-in-law, so he was willing. He bought a house for Yan's mother and daughter in the west lane of the county, and soon after, he dressed Up Yan Po Xi in a fancy way. It is said that the Yan clan should be satisfied at this time, but there is no accident. Once, after Song Jiang invited the post, Zhang Wenyuan went to his home to drink, but he did not expect to lure the wolf into the room, that Yan PoXi and Zhang Wenyuan frowned, and then they hooked up into adultery, and over time, the neighbors had a lot of discussion. When this matter reached Song Jiang's ears, Song Jiang did not make a big fuss, but felt, "It is not my parents' matching wife." If he hadn't been in love with me, I wouldn't have done anything to get angry. I just don't come to the door. "I haven't been going for a few months since. Yan Poxi's mother, Yan Po, has experienced the world and relied on Song Jiang wholeheartedly. Seeing this situation, she tried her best to mediate the relationship between Po Xi and Song Jiang, and persuaded Song Jiang to go to Yan Po Xi. The problem is that she stubbornly pulled Song Jiang to the house, but Yan Po regretted not cooperating. Yan Po thought about Zhang Wenyuan day and night, and did not have the slightest affection for Song Jiang. So the two men fought a cold war in the room and did not speak to each other. Yan Po brought wine and vegetables, but she also failed to help. This night, Yan Po slept with her clothes, and Song Jiang slept hastily at her feet, and her mood could be imagined. After staying up until the fifth change, Song Jiang got up early and fled out of Yan Poxi's house. When I arrived on the street, I met the prince who got up early to sell soup medicine, remembered that he had promised to give him a coffin, and when he took the money, he found that he forgot to bring a bag when he went out. In the bag were the letters written to him by Chao Gai and the ingots of gold, which were evidence of adultery and thieves, and had a great deal to do with it. Therefore, Song Jiang hurried back to get it. Who knew that Yan Po Xi had already discovered this letter and gold ingots, and she used this to blackmail Song Jiang. She asked Song Jiang to promise three things: the first thing was to return Yan PoXi's original documents, and ren cong remarried Zhang San, and could not argue again. Song Jiangyi. The second piece, which Yan Po wore on her head, wore on her body, and used it at home, although it was all done by Song Jiang, Song Jiang was not allowed to beg for it. Song Jiang also followed. The third thing, the one hundred and two gold that Liangshan BoChao gai gave to Song Jiang, all of which was given to Yan Po. This Song Jiang could not give, because because of this one hundred and two gold, he only received one ingot, and the rest were returned, where did he go to get the one hundred and two gold? Even so, Song Jiang still came up with a workaround: a three-day grace period and a sale of furniture for one hundred taels of gold to Yan Poxi. Yan Po regretted that she was still forced to die, and had to ask Song Jiang to hand over the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other. Song Jiang was forced to be helpless and only had to go to the bed to grab it. In the process of grabbing, the press knife fell, and Yan Poxi shouted: "Song Jiang killed someone", this time, it reminded Song Jiang, Song Jiang was in a hurry, and he killed Yan Po Xie in anger.

Lu Ming's column | Song Jiang angrily killed Yan PoXi

The identity and evaluation of yan boxi's character has always been very clear, but in recent years, some people like to look at things from a different perspective, and different views have emerged. In order to correctly understand Yan Po Xie and understand the story of killing Xi, it is necessary for us to clarify the following aspects.

First, what kind of person is Yan Boxi? Yan Poxi is not an ordinary woman. "Water Margin" says she is a "wine prostitute". Mother Yan introduced: "My daughter looks good and can sing songs... That one house doesn't love him! There are a few upward heads who want to ask me how many times I have been in the room, and I refuse. "What kind of qualities would a woman have when she sang a small song and stringed it around in the courtyard of the city?" There are two interpretations of the courtyard, one is the brothel, and the other is the drama class. Yan Po regretted whether she went to a brothel or a drama class, and some scholars listed her in the brothel. The head of the ascendant is the head of the official prostitute. From this point of view, the courtyard that Yan Po regretted to go to should be an official prostitute. In ancient times, the so-called prostitutes were one kind of prostitute and the other was a geisha. Geisha serve people by singing and dancing. But, many times, prostitutes and geisha are mixed. Official prostitutes are not only posture, in order to meet the needs of civilian officials, they will write poetry and paint. Whether it is a song and dance prostitute, a Qinglou prostitute, a horned geisha, or a military prostitute, "color" is the most basic cost. Its basic value is nothing more than a meal for people's eyes and ears and food. Official prostitutes were specially set up for the imperial court, and there were girls who entered the prostitutes after the large families raided their homes, and there were also those who were trained to become prostitutes since childhood. It seems that the room that the head of the line said was to let Yan Po regret to recognize her as a dry bride, and then train her to go to the Qinglou.

At first glance, the head of the uplink once said this, but Yan Po did not agree, and there was no Yan Po Who who officially joined the ranks of the Qinglou. She didn't join, but she often went in and out of such occasions, and actually did that kind of thing, at least as a temporary worker and eucalyptus preparatory student. She was tainted with the habit of going to the Qinglou, that's for sure. I once compared Yan Boxi and Jin Cuilian, who was rescued by Lu Zhishen's fist in Guanxi, and both of them had several postures and sang small songs, but the two had principles that were different. That is, Jin Cuilian just sang small songs in the folk, singing small songs was forced by life, had to earn a few small money, she was her own, sensible, so he was deeply grateful to his benefactor Lu Zhi, and did his duty to his later husband Zhao Yuanwai. The place where she sings is the official prostitute, the polluted air of the infected metropolis, seeing many officials who prostitute themselves, naturally, the heart is high, the anger is proud, the courage is great, and the heart is evil. You think, Song Jiang got such a quasi-official prostitute, she is not in trouble to blame.

This is not discrimination against qinglou women. Some qinglou women are also forced, and those people are very worthy of sympathy. The mentality of the Qinglou women is also very different. There are some women who are prostitutes but do not want to fall, they have their own ideals and pursuits, and they have the awakening of self-awareness. In order to gain independent human dignity, they are often very persistent, and they do not hesitate to give up luxurious life, and even dedicate themselves to it. For example, the flower queen who sold the oil lang exclusively, such as the Du Shiniang who was angry and sank the blind box. However, there are also some Qinglou women. Willing to be a male venting and toying character, indulging in a life of luxury and debauchery. Unable to endure the harsh shackles of etiquette and the courage to endure poverty, they are willing to prostitute themselves and lose their nature.

Indicating Yan Boxi's identity as a woman similar to qinglou is conducive to understanding her personality. Such a life experience made her vulgar, selfish, indulgent, and untrustful. She was a problem youth. Because of vulgarity, she dared to confront her mother and say, "How do you do such a bird mess"! Just imagine, would the class of ladies in the Grand View Garden say such a thing? Do ordinary people's rules and girls talk to their mothers like this? Because of selfishness and indulgence, he did not read the help that Song Jiang gave when her family was in emergency, and he did not read that the source of livelihood was all provided by Song Jiang, where he seduced Zhang Wenyuan and put on a small green hat for Song Jiang, and used it on Zhang San, always taking evil words to Anger Song Jiang, and taking Song Jiang's money to buy food and drink for Zhang Wenyuan. Here, Song Jiang, a hero full of fame, is considered unlucky. Just think, who wants to take money and energy to feed a slut who eats inside and outside? Yan Po regretted doing this, which was very unfair to Song Jiang. The most fatal thing was that Yan Po took Chao Gai's letter to threaten Song Jiang, openly pointed out that Song Jiang agreed to his and Zhang Wenyuan's good relations, and gave song Jiang the house, furniture, and clothes that Song Jiang bought for them, all of which belonged to her and could not ask for it again. He also extorted from Song Jiang a hundred taels of gold from Liangshan Po, who was not in Song Jiang's hands. In this way, this Yan Po is unfortunately extremely vicious. Just think, if it was Lin Chong's wife, would she take advantage of her husband's danger and force Lin Chong? That's impossible!

Second, what is the relationship between Yan Boxi and Song Jiang?

Some people say that Yan Po Xi is Song Jiang's second grandmother, and some people say that Yan Po Xi is Song Jiang's lover. None of these claims are accurate. Song Jiang did not take a wife. There is no one milk, where is the second milk?! The lover is a private relationship between men and women, while Yan Poxi is openly living with Song Jiang. Song Jiang admitted that he was a concubine, and this "concubine" was established. Concubines and wives, in ancient times, were strictly different. The wife, who is married by the Ming media, has a very formal name, not only the woman herself, but also the various relationships of her mother's family, which are determined according to law. Concubines are of much lower status and are not on the same level as their wives. The children born to the concubines themselves have to recognize their wives as their mothers, and they are only aunts. For example, tanchun in "Dream of the Red Chamber" is to recognize Madame Wang as a mother and call her biological mother Zhao Shi as an aunt. Some of the concubines' maternal relationships are often not recognized by the husband's family. Ordinary people have concubines when they have wives, and it is rare for people like Song Jiang to have wives and concubines. The most crucial thing is that Yan Po Xi is a concubine with special circumstances. She is in Song Jiang's place, and there is also a layer of relationship of selling herself. I think that song Jiang funded the coffin money bought for Yan PoXi's father and gave them the twelve use money, and the Yan family could not afford it for a while, so they gave Yan Po Xi a "pawn" to Song Jiang. Although that little bit of money was not taken seriously at all in the eyes of people like Song Jiang, who were fighting for righteousness and neglecting wealth, the Yan family wanted to find a patron and take the initiative to entrust people to talk about the media. Song Jiang did not have this intention, and later he had the right to respond, but according to the conventions of the time, he wrote a canonical document of Yan Po Xie. In this way, Yan Poxi's entire body was Song Jiang's. Therefore, when Yan Poxi later blackmailed Song Jiang, the first condition was that Song Jiang should return her original documents and let her remarry Zhang Wenyuan. Do you think, a concubine who came from a casual manner, and some prostitute background, can he Set her up as the main room?!

Third, between Yan Boxi and Song Jiang, is there any love at the bottom?

In the "Water Margin", it is said that it was Yan Po who entrusted people to marry, so that Yan Po Xi became Song Jiang's concubine, Yan Po Xi only passively agreed, where did love come from? Song Jiang had no intention of resisting the repeated matchmaking of others, so he reluctantly agreed to Na Yan's wife as a concubine, and he could not talk about any love. Their combination is only a partnership to live together, and it is convenient for everyone.

What is difficult to understand is that the new version of "Water Margin" has written this content as a love story, which is completely nonsense and does not conform to the logic of life. In this drama, it seems that Yan Poxi loves Song Jiang very much, because of love, so she entrusts people to propose relatives. Because of love, she tricked Song Jiang into a private room in a hotel room without Song Jiang's consent, played a piano song for Song Jiang, and took advantage of Song Jiang's loyalty and kindness, saying that everyone knew that they were in the same room, and if Song Jiang did not marry her, it would damage her reputation. Is it discredited for men and women to sit in a hotel for a while as if they were going to bed? No way! Later, although Song Jiang married her as a righteous brother and sister, she still drunk Song Jiang and slept together at night, fulfilling her ideas. Such a scheming is not owned by a normal woman, but more like the work of a prostitute. I don't know how the screenwriter did it, a man who is too drunk to wake up can still do husband and wife things? Still say it feels good? Such wishful thinking, such a fraudulent marriage, is also love! The most disgusting thing is that since you Yan Po cherish and love Song Jiang, there will be no ugly things to seduce Zhang Wenyuan, and since you love Song Jiang, you will not threaten and blackmail Song Jiang like that. Some people say that Song Jiang may have sexual and physiological disorders, which is a random guess. In the beginning, didn't Song Jiang "sleep with his mother-in-law at night"? It's just slower and slower backwards. "Water Margin" is clearly written: "But why? It turned out that Song Jiang was a good man, who only loved to learn to make guns and sticks, and was not very important to women." That's why. However, a boy has his own affairs as a boy, and must he be entangled with his wife day by day? If this is the case, Lin Chongfa is matched, why doesn't Lady Lin not raise a man? Those soldiers who serve the country on the frontier, the wives of the family are not lonely? If these wives all learn from Yan Po, who else is at ease to defend the country!

Having said all this, in a word, it is Yan Poxie's nature that determines that she is an adulteress. Zhang Wenyuan, whom she met, was also a prodigal son. You see the Water Margin write him like this: "That summons to be Xiao Zhang San, born with clear eyebrows, white teeth and red lips." Ping Xi only loved to go to three tiles and two houses, floating and floating, learning a handsome body, and more than a bamboo bullet wire, nothing will be. This woman was a wine-colored prostitute, and when she saw Zhang San, she was happy in her heart, but she intended to look at him. ”

Lu Ming's column | Song Jiang angrily killed Yan PoXi

Some people say that it is because Yan Po regretted that the divorce was not free at that time. This is wrong, she proposed a divorce, Song Jiang did not immediately agree? Now that the divorce is free, isn't there still a case of hooking up with the adulterer to harm the husband?

Classic works never forget the indoctrinating function of literature, and it hopes to lead people upwards. Therefore, "Water Margin" will not affirm Yan Poxie. Moreover, this is a story about heroes, and its focus is to shape the image of heroes and good men such as Song Jiang. Song Jiang's killing was only one of the initial reasons why he went to the road of resistance. If he hadn't killed Him, he might still be his abbot and wouldn't have gone up to Liangshan.

Fourth, Song Jiang's family is well-off and has a good reputation, and at such an age, why is it that the media is still marrying a wife.

This question, "Water Margin" did not write, we can only guess. Song Jiang is a hero who loves to make friends. This kind of person emphasizes heroism, so he is not too attentive to women. Not only Song Jiang, but also Chao Gai, who is more than thirty years old, is still a Lizheng, and has a good family life, but he does not please his wife. Among the good people of Liangshan, this situation is many. The positions and circles of contacts involved in such people are prone to problems. Therefore, instead of pleasing the family, the heart is pure, and there is less psychological burden. Song Jiang was an abbot, why did he let his father go to the former official three years ago to sue himself, breaking off the father-son relationship? "Water Margin" is clearly written: "Originally, in the song dynasty, it was easy to be an official, but it was the most difficult to be an official. Why is it easy to be an official? All because at that time, the court was in charge of the treacherous courtiers, and they were defamatory of monopoly, and they were not used by relatives, and they were not rich. Why is it the hardest thing to be an official? At that time, the person who was a prisoner was responsible for the crime, and the light stabbed the far evil military state, and the heavy one copied the family property, resulting in a cruel life. In this way, such a place to hide is arranged in advance. Fearing that his parents would be affected, the godfather and mother sued for rebellion, went out of the country, and lived in another household, and the official gave him a certificate of official documents, did not interact with each other, but did furniture in the house. Song Shi had such a calculation." Song Jiang is afraid that something will affect his father, so he is not afraid of his wife? There are other examples like this. For example, he Tao, the arrest envoy of Jeju, in order to urge him to catch Chao Gai and others, the prefect first issued a certain state in his face, leaving the name of the state empty, and if he could not catch anyone, he would really distribute it and add the specific state name again.

Some people asked, why is Song Jiang still so reluctant to this unfortunate official? The so-called people have their own aspirations, and there are also benefits in the official government. Song Jiang Zhida, "since childhood, he has attacked the history of the scriptures" and "grown up to have the right to plot", and he is completely different from Song Taigong, who is only at ease with living the life of farming. What the family is not optimistic about, he is optimistic. His temperament is suitable for doing things in the government, and his talents need to be displayed in the government. Otherwise, it would not be Song Jiang. Of course, we also suspect that the water margin writer is so dangerous, perhaps it is deliberately to emphasize a certain situation. Most of the officials in the Northern Song Dynasty will not fall to this point. Most of the descriptions in "Water Margin" are in line with the historical truth of the Song and Yuan dynasties, but the description of the situation of the officials here creates the environment of the Song River, but it is inconsistent with the historical facts. Some scholars say that in the Song Dynasty, officials were strong and officials were weak, and officials at all levels were very cattle. Because civilian officials only read scriptures, do not understand the affairs of the world, and deal with social affairs, they are not as proficient as officials, plus the civilian officials have a short term of office, their minds are not in their work, most of them are intended to be poetry and wine, and the specific affairs of the officials are entrusted to the officials, and over time, the officials will become arbitrary.

Song Jiang has no wife, and many people try to come out to explain. The new version of the TV series says that Song Jiang's wife died, and Song Jiang vowed not to marry for three years. This is also an explanation. Yuncheng has a legend about love. It is said that Song Jiang's family has a back garden and planted a lot of beautiful flowers. There is a Dong Guiying in the neighboring house, who crossed the courtyard wall to see the flowers, and was met by Song Jiang, and the two have known each other ever since. Dong girl does not love needle and thread, likes fists and feet. The two men exchanged skills, admired each other, and privately engaged in life. Song Taigong believed that Dong Girl's behavior was contrary to feudal etiquette, especially not accustomed to her big feet, so she resolutely opposed this marriage. Song Jiang was a filial son and did not dare to disobey his father's orders. Song Jiang was also a sentient and righteous person, and he would rather not marry for the rest of his life than abandon Lady Dong. A person who is not you do not marry, a person who is not unmarried, so there has been no marriage. This story is more flavorful and deeper than the new version of Water Margin.

Lu Ming's column | Song Jiang angrily killed Yan PoXi

Author: Lu Ming, male, born in 1960, pen name Yellow River into the sea. Retired cadre of Yuncheng County CPC Committee, Chairman of Yuncheng County Writers Association, President of County Poetry Society. He is a member of the Shandong Writers Association, the vice president of the Heze Poetry Society, a special researcher of the Shuihu Culture Research Base of Heze University, and a scholar of historical and cultural research in Yuncheng County. He has published more than 100 essays, more than 20 novels, and more than 1,000 poems and poems in various newspapers and online platforms such as Guangming Daily, Shandong Literature, and Times Literature, of which HezeFu was published in Guangming Daily. He is the author of six cultural books, including "Zhengyu Water Margin", "Impression of Water Margin", "Exploration of Good Han Culture", "Yuncheng Literature and History Examination Strategy" (three volumes), and the chief editor of "Selected Literary Works of Yuncheng", "Yuncheng Wenyun", "Water Margin Biography", and "Water Margin Wine Story" four works. In Heze TV, he lectured on the thirteenth issue of Water Margin Culture.

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