
Why did Zhuge Liang always send Wei Yan to fight Zhang Guo instead of Sending Jiang Wei?

Friends who like to read the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" know that from the abdication of Emperor Xian, Wei Shu wu established their own kingdoms as emperors, and the momentum of the foot was officially formed, and it developed into the post-Three Kingdoms era. In the post-Three Kingdoms era, the martial arts and strong fighting forces in the various camps became more and more rare, and the gap between the young descendants who emerged was still quite huge compared with the older generation in terms of combat effectiveness.

Why did Zhuge Liang always send Wei Yan to fight Zhang Guo instead of Sending Jiang Wei?

As the leader of the young generation of shu Han, Jiang Wei was a man of both culture and martial arts, brave and strategic, able to strategize, command the three armies, and also gallop on the battlefield and fight in front of the battle, which can be called an all-round general.

Tianjiang Wei made his debut, and he was stunned by the four seats and made a stunning appearance. In the Battle of Tianshui Pass, he not only saw through Zhuge Liang's plan to "move the tiger away from the mountain", but also made a plan, cleverly set up an ambush, and caught Changshan Zhao Zilong by surprise. Zhao Yun, on the orders of Zhuge Liang, led his troops to take advantage of the void and was about to attack Tianshui Pass, but fell into the ambush circle, and Jiang Wei led the ambush troops to kill, "raising a gun and prancing horses", intercepting Zhao Yun.

Why did Zhuge Liang always send Wei Yan to fight Zhang Guo instead of Sending Jiang Wei?

At this moment, Zhao Yun understood that the battle plan had failed, and the most urgent thing was to immediately lead his men to retreat and preserve their living forces. And Zhao Yun is not afraid to fight a breakout battle, what he is best at is to fight a breakout war, in this life Zhao Yun rushed out of the enemy's encirclement circle countless times, "through the siege", and Zhao Yun is not only a simple breakthrough, usually "slashing the general to break the siege", every breakthrough can always kill the enemy general, in order to deter the pursuing troops.

Under the Tianshui Pass, Zhao Yun "took Jiang Wei directly with his gun", but he did not expect that this time he encountered a hard ballast, "the battle is not counted, and the spirit of Wei is doubled", which is equal to Zhao Yun. The plan was discovered, the combat mission failed, the fortified city was difficult, the ambush troops were everywhere, Zhao Yun could not kill Jiang Wei in a short period of time, but the encirclement circle became tighter and tighter, Zhao Yun knew that the situation was not good, did not dare to love the battle, and hurriedly "rushed to open a road and led the defeated soldiers to run."

So, was Jiang Wei's victory because his martial arts were better than Zhao Yun's? Of course not, Zhao Yun's hasty retreat was caused by the severe battlefield situation at that time. If he was upright and single-handed, how could Zhao Yun be afraid of Jiang Wei?

Why did Zhuge Liang always send Wei Yan to fight Zhang Guo instead of Sending Jiang Wei?

However, Zhao Yun was positive about Jiang Wei's martial arts, and after returning to the camp, he praised Jiang Wei to Zhuge Liang, "praising Jiang Wei's marksmanship, which is very different from others." Zhao Yun is a loyal person, seeking truth from facts, even if he is an enemy, he can also affirm the advantages of the other party.

After Jiang Wei returned to Zhuge Liang, he has been fighting with the army. At that time, the fierce general Zhang Guo in the Cao Wei camp caused a lot of trouble to Zhuge Liang, zhuge Liang believed that Zhang Gao "had the courage of ten thousand improper men", in order to counter Zhang Gao, Zhuge Liang's first choice was to send Wei Yan to fight. For example, in the Battle of Jieting, Zhuge Liang was worried that Ma Mo and Wang Ping would "fear that the two would lose", and sent Gao Xiang to support him at Lieliu City, believing that "Gao Xiang was not Zhang Gao's opponent, he would have to get a general, and tun troops on the right side of the street pavilion to prevent it", so he sent Wei Yan to lead his men and horses to garrison the right side of the jieting to deal with Zhang Gao.

Why did Zhuge Liang always send Wei Yan to fight Zhang Guo instead of Sending Jiang Wei?

Sima Yi entered the Western Shu, and Zhang Gao was the vanguard. Zhuge Liang sent a general and asked who would lead the troops to resist, "to see Wei Yan", but Wei Yan pretended not to see it, bowed his head and said nothing. Zhang Yi bravely asked for battle, but Zhuge Liang said: "Zhang Gao is a famous general of Wei, with the courage of ten thousand men, and Ru is not an enemy." ”

Several times, in order to fight against Zhang Guo, Zhuge Liang first thought of sending Wei Yan, rather than Jiang Wei, who performed well at Tianshui Pass, including later killing The Cao Wei general Wang Shuang, and also sending Wei Yan to execute.

Why did Zhuge Liang always send Wei Yan to fight Zhang Guo instead of Sending Jiang Wei?

Then, why did Zhuge Liang always send Wei Yan to fight Zhang Guo instead of Sending Jiang Wei? There are several main reasons:

First, Jiang Wei's strength was inferior to that of Zhang Guo and Wei Yan

Although Jiang Wei showed extraordinary combat effectiveness in the Battle of Tianshui Pass, there was still a certain gap compared with Wei Yan, who had been in battle for a long time and was experienced.

Why did Zhuge Liang always send Wei Yan to fight Zhang Guo instead of Sending Jiang Wei?

Later, after Zhuge Liang returned to heaven, Wei Yan rebelled and burned down the trail, and then led his troops to intercept the Shu army on the way back in Southern Zheng, and Jiang Wei said to Yang Yi: "Wei Yan is brave and fierce, and ma Dai helps, although the army is small, why should he retreat?" In the case of superior troops, Jiang Wei was still jealous of Wei Yan's "bravery", which showed that in his heart he also believed that his martial arts were still inferior to Wei Yan's, and it would be even more difficult for him to gain the upper hand if he fought against Zhang Guo.

Second, Zhuge Liang cultivated Jiang Wei as a "handsome"

Jiang Wei is a person of high moral character, loyal and incorruptible, resolute and tenacious, and has an outstanding strategic mind, and is a "handsome talent" who leads the whole army, which is very rare. Zhuge Liang taught his own tactics of war and tactics in order to have a Pillar of Optimus Prime in the future of Shu Han to resist Cao Wei.

Why did Zhuge Liang always send Wei Yan to fight Zhang Guo instead of Sending Jiang Wei?

But the battlefield is full of dangers, and no one can guarantee what will happen. Guan Yu's martial arts were outstanding, "mighty and shocking Huaxia", but he fell under a small stumbling rope; Huang Zhong's arrow technique was exquisite, and he was invincible, but he was hit by a dark arrow and died on the battlefield; Zhang Bao, a rising star of the Shu Han Dynasty, was strong in martial arts, but he lost his front hoof, fell through his brain shell, and died. No one was sure what accidents would occur, zhuge Liang paid more attention to Jiang Wei's commander-in-chief and was unwilling to let him take some unnecessary risks.

Third, Jiang Wei's pro-positional play is very unstable

Although Jiang Wei's martial arts are quite good, his performance is not stable and he is greatly affected by emotions.

Let's look at Jiang Wei's record: he was excited like playing chicken blood, he could retreat from Zhao Yun, attack and kill Xu Qian, and in a critical moment, he also came to pick up an arrow with his bare hands and shoot Guo Huai. But when the mood was not good, thirty rounds even a hairy boy Deng Zhong could not get it, cheated and cast a dark arrow, and was dodged by Deng Zhong, a shot stabbed, at a critical moment, Jiang Wei drew his sword with a gun and scared away Deng Zhong; in the Battle of Qiangchuankou, Jiang Wei killed the Wei general Yang Xin, and in the pursuit, "shoot it with a bow, even shoot three arrows without hitting", angrily broke the eagle bow, raised the gun and chased it again, but "lost the war horse before, and fell wei to the ground", Yang Xin returned to the horse to kill, and at the critical moment, Jiang Wei jumped up again, and stabbed Yang Xin's horse head with one shot.

Why did Zhuge Liang always send Wei Yan to fight Zhang Guo instead of Sending Jiang Wei?

Jiang Wei's "play is heartbeat" fighting style is very dangerous, he is not as experienced as Wei Yan and good at self-preservation.

Based on the above reasons, Zhuge Liang was more willing to let Wei Yan, who was good at self-protection and could guarantee his full body retreat at any time, to confront Zhang Guo, rather than wanting Jiang Wei to take risks.

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