
During the Battle of Jiawu, why did Deng Shichang want to collide with the Japanese ship, and only after a hundred years of discovering the fragments did he know his intentions

Deng Shichang was one of the most famous patriotic generals in the late Qing Dynasty, he was born in 1849, when China was poor and weak, Deng Shichang saw the motherland's great rivers and mountains being invaded and bullied by foreign Kou at a young age, and the idea of patriotic replenishment of the army was ignited in his chest, and he later served as the pipe belt (captain) of the Zhiyuan of the Beiyang Marine Division.

In the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894, with Deng Shichang's vigorous general Zhiyuan crashing into the Japanese warship Yoshino, this patriotic general also died heroically, and as soon as the news came out, the whole country was saddened, and the Guangxu Emperor personally wrote a letter of support: "On this day, the world is full of tears, and there is a strong naval might. ”

During the Battle of Jiawu, why did Deng Shichang want to collide with the Japanese ship, and only after a hundred years of discovering the fragments did he know his intentions

Deng Shichang was the cradle of the Beiyang Navy at that time, the School of Ship Administration studied for five years, studied hard, and all the homework was very excellent results, in 1875, the Japanese invading army was eyeing Taiwan, Deng Shichang was appointed as the gunboat pipe belt of "Haiyundong", specializing in patrolling Haikou.

Due to Deng Shichang's outstanding ability, the ship "Haiyundong" had a small tonnage and weak firepower, and in February 1878, Deng Shichang was transferred to the "Zhenwei" gunboat equipped with five breech guns as the captain. In between, Deng Shichang has been serving in the Fujian Water Division.

During the Battle of Jiawu, why did Deng Shichang want to collide with the Japanese ship, and only after a hundred years of discovering the fragments did he know his intentions

With Li Hongzhang gathering talents in various places in order to organize the Beiyang Navy in 1880, Deng Shichang's reputation soon reached Li Hongzhang's ears, and he sent Ma Jianzhong to investigate, Deng Shichang's ship management was orderly, the soldiers were disciplined, and Ma Jianzhong reported truthfully to Deng Shichang. Soon Deng Shichang was reused by Li Hongzhang and transferred to the Beiyang Navy.

At the end of 1880, the Beiyang Marine Division ordered two warships in Britain, "Chao Yong" and "Yang Wei", and Deng Shichang was given the opportunity to follow more than 200 people from Ding Ruchang abroad to receive inspections.

During the Battle of Jiawu, why did Deng Shichang want to collide with the Japanese ship, and only after a hundred years of discovering the fragments did he know his intentions

During his time in Britain, Deng Shichang carefully investigated the situation in the Western navy and carefully studied technology, which laid the foundation for him and then the commander Zhiyuan battleship. After returning to China, in 1888, Deng Shichang returned home, his father died a few years ago, but because of military affairs, the military situation in China and neighboring countries became more and more tense, and Deng Shichang never returned home.

This time back home, Deng Shichang immediately cried until before his father's mausoleum, and everyone was sad. In 1892, Deng Shichang returned home again, and then the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese Naval Battle broke out, which was also the last time Deng Shichang returned home to visit his family.

During the Battle of Jiawu, why did Deng Shichang want to collide with the Japanese ship, and only after a hundred years of discovering the fragments did he know his intentions

On September 17, 1894, the Japanese fleet suddenly attacked the Chinese ships, so the Yellow Sea War broke out, deng Shichang under the command of the Zhiyuan was exceptionally heroic, heavy damage to the Japanese warships, but soon it was surrounded by Japanese warships, Zhiyuan was seriously injured, shells were light, the hull began to tilt, Deng Shichang then led his men, drove the Zhiyuan to the enemy ship rushed over.

Deng Shichang's arrogance in seeing death could not help but shock all the Japanese, they hurried to avoid, and then a shell did not light the torpedo tube of the Zhiyuan, and Deng Shichang and his entourage of two hundred people were sacrificed in the blue waves.

During the Battle of Jiawu, why did Deng Shichang want to collide with the Japanese ship, and only after a hundred years of discovering the fragments did he know his intentions

Everyone may be a little puzzled by Deng Shichang's behavior, because after all, the Zhiyuan ship is a new Western warship, and there is no angle of charge of the ancient ship, even if it hits the Yoshino, it is impossible to sink, and later the scientific team salvaged some fragments of the Zhiyuan.

The salvage team found that the Zhiyuan ship was tied with a large number of fish, equivalent to a bomb, which meant that Deng Shichang's intention was to detonate it when it approached the Yoshino, but unfortunately, his heroic deeds would still be praised by posterity.

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