
To control blood sugar, remember to stay away from these 5 behaviors to prevent blood sugar instability and induce complications

In the past 30 years, the incidence of diabetes in China is very high, and epidemiological data show that there are currently about 150 million people in China, the vast majority of whom are type 2 diabetes.

Therefore, there are many people in life who suffer from diabetes, and they will worry about poor blood sugar control, organs are affected, and they will threaten their lives at any time.

However, as long as you control your blood sugar well, you don't need to worry too much, if you want to control your blood sugar and adhere to healthy living habits, you need to stay away from 5 bad habits.

To control blood sugar, remember to stay away from these 5 behaviors to prevent blood sugar instability and induce complications

First, stay away from foods high in sodium

Elevated blood volume can lead to high blood pressure, especially high sodium intake can increase the blood volume in the patient's body, increase the burden on the heart, and lead to atherosclerosis.

Therefore, diabetics should stay away from high-sodium foods to prevent excessive intake of salt, soy sauce and various salted foods, so it is best not to often go to restaurants to eat, after all, the food in restaurants is heavy oil and heavy smoke.

To control blood sugar, remember to stay away from these 5 behaviors to prevent blood sugar instability and induce complications

Second, stay away from high-fat and high-protein foods

Most diabetics are insulin secretion deficiencies due to lack of insulin secretion, which can lead to abnormal metabolic functions in the body, so that blood sugar will rise.

Therefore, patients should prevent the intake of animal offal and various high-cholesterol foods, after all, these foods will increase the body's metabolic function, thereby impairing the stability of blood sugar.

To control blood sugar, remember to stay away from these 5 behaviors to prevent blood sugar instability and induce complications

Third, stay away from high-sugar drinks

Many people like to drink drinks, do not like to drink water, and even replace water with drinks, however this practice can easily lead to an increase in blood sugar.

Because the beverages on the market contain sugar, pigments, flavors, preservatives and other substances, after these substances enter the human body, sugar molecules will soon be absorbed by the blood, so that blood sugar rises, but also cause obesity.

Therefore, you can not use drinks instead of water, only drink boiled water to quench your thirst.

To control blood sugar, remember to stay away from these 5 behaviors to prevent blood sugar instability and induce complications

Fourth, stay away from alcohol and tobacco

Tobacco and alcohol contain many harmful substances, if you smoke and drink for a long time, it will induce various diseases, and some important indicators of the body will also appear abnormal, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes.

Therefore, staying away from tobacco and alcohol is the key to preventing diabetes and is also an important indicator to ensure good health.

Maybe it is difficult for people who smoke and drink regularly to quit smoking and drinking, but at any time, as long as you make up your mind, you can do it.

To control blood sugar, remember to stay away from these 5 behaviors to prevent blood sugar instability and induce complications

Fifth, stay away from sitting for long periods of time

Because of work and do not get up to exercise, now many people sit in front of the computer for a long time, which will make fat accumulate in the body and make the body fat.

When the body is too obese, the risk of diabetes is relatively high, so diabetics need to control their weight at usual times and should exercise regularly to promote the consumption of excess fat in the body, thereby lowering blood sugar.

In short, do not sit for a long time, you also need to stand up and move during work.

To control blood sugar, remember to stay away from these 5 behaviors to prevent blood sugar instability and induce complications

According to the above introduction, people who stabilize blood sugar need to start from all aspects of daily life, strictly control blood sugar, and prevent blood sugar instability and induce various complications.

In addition, diabetics also need to pay attention to daily diet, prevent smoking, alcohol consumption, and the intake of various fats and foods, these aspects of more attention to ensure blood sugar stability.

To control blood sugar, remember to stay away from these 5 behaviors to prevent blood sugar instability and induce complications

Of course, for people with severe diabetes, it may be necessary to take drugs regularly, that is, to take drugs for life, but before taking drugs, you should listen to the doctor's arrangements, and do not use drugs casually, so as not to use drugs badly and affect the stability of blood sugar.

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