
Is the success rate of the third generation of test tubes in Wuhan related to obesity?

We all know that obese patients are generally more difficult to prepare for pregnancy than normal weight people, before going to Wuhan to do the third generation of IVF, many people will ask if they are too fat now, do they need to lose weight first, and then enter the IVF process, the doctor's answer will say, try not to be too fat, weight loss is still helpful for the success rate of three generations of IVF. Why do doctors have such an answer? Is there really a relationship between three-generation IVF success rates and obesity? Today Hengjian Overseas will come to discuss with you.

Is the success rate of the third generation of test tubes in Wuhan related to obesity?

The conclusion given by the doctors on this question is that obesity is related to the success rate of three generations of IVF. Nowadays, with the change of people's lifestyles, more and more women are suffering from obesity, and infertility accounts for a large part of this population.

Effect of obesity on the success rate of three generations of IVF

1. Obesity will lead to irregular menstruation in women, which may lead to ovulation disorders, and at the same time, insulin resistance associated with obesity will also increase the probability of miscarriage.

2. Female obesity will reduce the number of follicles, so increase the use of ovulation induction drugs and prolong the time of ovulation induction, resulting in a decrease in egg and embryo quality, a decrease in the success rate of a cycle, and a decrease in the pregnancy rate of implantation.

3. In obese women, the tolerance of the endometrium is reduced. The decreased tolerance of the endometrium in women will affect the implantation of the embryo, affect the development and growth of the embryo, and thus reduce the success rate of the test tube.

4. Obese women are also prone to specific "pregnant diseases" such as pregnancy hypertension, gestational diabetes, gestational heart disease, pre-eclampsia after pregnancy, and the incidence is higher.

Is the success rate of the third generation of test tubes in Wuhan related to obesity?

5. Obese women have low ovarian function, large hormone dosage, long medication time, and increase the economic pressure of patients. Studies have shown that overweight and obesity may also be important factors in miscarriage.

If you plan to go to Wuhan to do three generations of IVF, you must develop a good healthy lifestyle, adhere to exercise, properly adjust dietary habits and work and rest methods for conditioning, and effectively improve the success rate of three generations of IVF. In addition, it is also necessary to carry out scientific weight loss and reasonable weight loss.

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