
She began to resist japan at the age of fifteen, and was hanged by the Japanese for three days and three nights, and was only twenty-five years old when she died

History is the memory of things that have been said and done. —Carl Baker

In China's War of Resistance Against Japan, a large number of anti-war heroes emerged, although men accounted for the majority, but there were also women, there were ancient stories of Hua Mulan serving in the army for her father, and now there is the story of Chen Kangrong carrying a gun to kill the little devil. Chen Kangrong, born in 1915, is a returned burmese overseas Chinese and a native of Qiling Township, Yongding County, Fujian Province. Deeply influenced by her father as a child, she began to study at the age of fifteen, and it was from this time that she was influenced by her revolutionary teachers and began to participate in various progressive activities. In 1938, he also served as a member of the propaganda committee and secretary of the party branch of the western Fujian guerrillas.

She began to resist japan at the age of fifteen, and was hanged by the Japanese for three days and three nights, and was only twenty-five years old when she died

Chen Kangrong joined the Communist Party of China in 1937, originally her father arranged for her to work, but she refused her father's arrangement after the outbreak of the all-out War of Resistance, and resolutely threw herself into the anti-Japanese cause of the motherland. She often spread the positive ideas of saving the country and resisting Japan to the students, in the language class she taught the students the works of Gorky, Lu Xun, Ding Ling and others, in the music class she taught the children to save the country and resist the Japanese, in the spare time she would teach them drama, and after class she also co-opted a group of progressive women to spread to them the progressive ideas of the October Revolution and the women's liberation movement in the Soviet Union. She herself once said that the prosperity of the country is everyone's responsibility, and she will definitely fight to the end.

She began to resist japan at the age of fifteen, and was hanged by the Japanese for three days and three nights, and was only twenty-five years old when she died

On the evening of July 1940, Chen Kangrong was preparing to tidy up and go up the mountain, but she heard a shout from downstairs: "A Ronggu", she looked over, it turned out to be the local traitor leader and security team leader Li Guangyan came here with the security team, in a hurry she quickly returned to her room to swallow the small note with information written on it, and then took the secret shirt from the window, suggesting that she had an accident, and later, Chen Kangrong was arrested, and she had a premonition that her time was short. So I reluctantly kissed my six-month-old child and walked out of the door without looking back.

She began to resist japan at the age of fifteen, and was hanged by the Japanese for three days and three nights, and was only twenty-five years old when she died

Chen Kangrong was betrayed, the enemy wanted to find out the news of the Communists from her mouth, but she always closed her teeth tightly, so that it directly angered the enemy, they stripped her of all her clothes, hung up and whipped her with a leather whip, beat her for three days and three nights, she still did not say, and finally the enemy decided to bury her alive, Chen Kangrong was only twenty-five years old when she died.

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