
Draw the Olympic athletes! National Art Museum of China "Portrait of Olympic Champion"

"This is my first time as a model for a portrait, and the painter teacher said that I sat very straight, and I thought that I would be more energetic when I sat up straight." On December 29th, the public education space of the National Art Museum of China welcomed three Olympic champions, and the "Portrait of Olympic Champions" activity was held here, depicting the image of Chinese champions and showing the Olympic spirit with Chinese style. Olympic badminton mixed doubles champion Gao Gan sat in a chair with a smile on his face, and Huang Huasan, a professor at Chinese Min University, was writing and writing.

Draw the Olympic athletes! National Art Museum of China "Portrait of Olympic Champion"

On the same day, the National Art Museum of China invited artists Li Yang, Shang Ke and Huang Huasan to paint portraits of Wang Liping, the women's 20 km race walk champion at the 27th Sydney Olympic Games, Gao Leng, the badminton mixed doubles champion at the 27th Sydney Olympic Games and the 28th Athens Olympic Games, and Zhang Xiangxiang, the men's weightlifting 62 kg champion at the 29th Beijing Olympic Games. Students from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Jinfan Calligraphy and Painting Institute of Beijing Shijia Primary School observed the scene and the atmosphere was warm.

"Like! It's like! In the interval when the artist is still able to create, "model" Zhang Xiangxiang approached the painting to carefully examine it, praising the artist's creation of conveying the gods. The three artists show the spirit of the Olympic athletes in the form of Chinese paintings, and pay special attention to the portrayal of eyes when starting their creations. They used traditional brushes to create portraits full of Chinese spirit, and used the language of art to depict the Olympic spirit of unremitting struggle and self-breakthrough.

Draw the Olympic athletes! National Art Museum of China "Portrait of Olympic Champion"

"Today I had the honor of painting a portrait of Olympic champion Wang Liping, and I chatted with her for a while before the creation began, and my deeds made me sincerely moved and admired." Li Yang, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, said, "They are striving to be the first in the arena and win glory for the country, and I, as an artist, want to use painting records to portray Olympic athletes and set up monuments for them." ”

On the same day, Wu Weishan, director of the National Art Museum of China, inscribed the word "Fu" for the Olympic athletes, wishing the Olympic champions great achievements and blessing the Olympic athletes participating in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games to cut through the thorns and shine on the field. Wu Weishan introduced that the National Art Museum of China has a collection of 130,000 fine art works, many of which are sports themes, such as the Chinese painting "Before the Decisive Battle", which expresses the spirit of the women's volleyball team, and the sculpture work "Towards the World", which shows Chinese athletes standing on the world-class competitive stage, etc., which will be presented in the "Winter Olympics and Beauty in Pursuing Dreams - Exhibition of Sports-themed Art Works Collected by the National Art Museum of China" in January next year. It is understood that the works created by the artists in this event will be exhibited in the "Winter Olympics, Beauty in Pursuit of Dreams - Exhibition of Sports-themed Fine Arts Works Collected by the National Art Museum of China".

Draw the Olympic athletes! National Art Museum of China "Portrait of Olympic Champion"

In the face of the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Olympic champions have also sent their blessings. "The world's first city of the two Olympics, Beijing, is about to usher in a grand event again, and I wish the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics a complete success, and also wish the Olympic athletes to carry forward the Olympic spirit and sportsmanship and create a new history." Zhang Xiangxiang said.

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Wang Guangyan Yan Tong

Edited by Jin Liwei

Process Editor Liu Weili

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