
Why is the Marquis of the Western Han Dynasty so special among the imperial families of the past?

Introduction: The experience of Liu He, the first Marquis of Haixia, is very special, and his life is legendary: as the grandson of Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty, he first inherited his father's title; then he was proclaimed emperor after the early death of Emperor Han Zhao, and was deposed by the powerful minister Huo Guang due to wanton behavior. The emperor who had been the emperor for 27 days was called the Deposed Emperor of the Han Dynasty (the original feudal kingdom of Changyi was also abolished), and Liu He spent ten years in such a confused way. It was not until 63 BC that emperor Xuan of Han created Liu He the Marquis of Haixia. Four years later, Liu Hexue died at the age of 33. That is to say, Liu He was promoted from king of Changyi to emperor at the age of 19 and was deposed 27 days later; ten years later, at the age of 29, Liu He was crowned marquis of Haixia and died four years later. In Liu He's short life of 33 years, there were ups and downs, and the princes, emperors, and marquises all did it all. Perhaps by the time of his death he was still nostalgic for his short imperial career.

Why is the Marquis of the Western Han Dynasty so special among the imperial families of the past?

In fact, there are many puppet emperors in history who are manipulated by powerful ministers like Liu He, the Marquis of Haixia, but there is no life with such ups and downs as him. With the discovery of the tomb of marquis Hai di in Nanchang, Jiangxi, the archaeological events of major discoveries have once again brought the 33-year-old Han Dynasty Liehou back to people's vision.

Prominent in stature, he was the King of Changyi

Liu He's grandfather was the famous Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty, and his father Liu Qi was the son of Emperor Wu of Han and his favorite concubine Lady Li. Liu He was born with a golden key, and when his father died of illness at the age of five, he attacked the King of Changyi. If it were not for the early death and childlessness of the Han Zhao Emperor Liu Fuling, Liu He would have been at best an ordinary prince in the feudal kingdom who would have eaten and waited for death.

There is no pressure of life, and there is no power struggle. Stay in the kingdom, one person under ten thousand people, a proper winner in life. But after the death of Emperor Han Zhao, Liu He ushered in the first turning point in his life.

Why is the Marquis of the Western Han Dynasty so special among the imperial families of the past?

Short imperial career

After Liu Fuling's death, he left no heirs, nor did he leave a will. Therefore, the ministers needed to choose one of the clans to inherit the throne. And Liu He, the king of Changyi, was also within the scope of choice, and it was said that no matter how to choose, Liu He could not be the turn to be the emperor. How to say it, because Liu He does not learn no techniques and is not easy to learn. However, he was chosen as emperor by Huo Guang, because although Huo Guang did not have the idea of usurping the throne, it was still okay to be a powerful minister who was tilted towards the opposition.

Emperor Liu Foling of the Han Dynasty was a young man who succeeded to the throne and died very young. Therefore, no imperial family exerted pressure on Huo Guang, and the other courtiers were all beaten by Huo Guang. What a great opportunity, so Huo Guang had to choose an obedient, simple-minded fool to be emperor. With such a screening, Liu He, the king of Changyi, entered his field of vision.

Why is the Marquis of the Western Han Dynasty so special among the imperial families of the past?

If Liu He, the king of Changyi, is a fool who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, it is okay, but he is still a bit assertive. Huo Guang had set up his official system, and he waited for the emperor as a mascot to come to power. But Liu He really took his own concubine team from ChangyiGuo to take up his post. He also thought about leading the coast of the land to be a king's subject, ascending to a high place and calling for the world's jingcong. He didn't take Huo Guang into his eyes at all.

Why is the Marquis of the Western Han Dynasty so special among the imperial families of the past?

Before leaving the feudal state, his confidant minister told him that he should be quiet for a while. When the time comes, gradually have your own ideas. But a 19-year-old spoiled child suddenly ascended to the throne of God, and he had long forgotten about it. First of all, the people they brought with them were rewarded and cultivated their own forces. Huo Guang saw that it was not okay to go on like this, so he joined forces with the chancellor to talk to the empress dowager about Liu He. Huo Guangquan fell to the opposition, so he quickly listed thousands of crimes. The poor Han deposed emperor Liu He had only been on the throne for 27 days, and he had been stripped of his throne after so many hats.

Liu He's downfall is not without contribution to history, at least to vacate the next emperor. Allowing the Han Xuan Emperor Liu Qian, the emperor to shine, Wenzhi martial arts reached the peak of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, in history, there will be a historical period of the famous Zhaoxuan Zhongxing. Therefore, Liu He objectively achieved the Han Xuan Emperor Liu Qing, so this is also one of the purposes for which Emperor Xuan crowned Liu He as the Marquis of Haixia.

Why is the Marquis of the Western Han Dynasty so special among the imperial families of the past?

Liu He's Hai Xiahou era

After Liu He stepped down, liu he deposed the grandson of the deposed crown prince Liu Zhao, the emperor of Han Xuan, who succeeded to the throne, which was a cruel role. When Liu Huan was breastfeeding from Wow Wow, he was imprisoned because of the wujiao case, and after being rehabilitated and released, he was also an idle clan room. Having had this experience led to Liu Qian's life experience beyond ordinary people. So when he was elected emperor, he obeyed Huo Guang's words and was greatly rewarded. It was not until after Huo Guang's death that he found an opportunity to uproot the Huo Guang family and implement pro-government. After pro-government, the economy was developed, and the Xiongnu invaded the western region from the north, and the national strength of the Han Dynasty reached its peak. You see people's kung fu, but it is much stronger than Liu He.

Why is the Marquis of the Western Han Dynasty so special among the imperial families of the past?

After Liu He was deposed, the kingdom of Changyi was also abolished, and Liu He spent a decade-long career depressed. Before that, Huo Guang was still adhering to the government, who dared to treat this deposed emperor kindly. After Emperor Xuan of Han took over the throne, he made Liu He the Marquis of Haixia and had 4,000 households. It is not known whether the name of this column is ironic, and some people say that this title comes from the name of the county in Haixia County.

Liu He, the Marquis of Haixia, died four years later, at the age of 33. Serving the hereditary inheritance of the Marquis of Haixia, by the sixteenth year of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Marquis of Haixia was completely abolished.

Tomb of the Marquis of Haixia

The first generation of haixiahou re-eating has entered our vision in 2011. In the same year, the Hou Haidihou Cemetery in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, was discovered and immediately rescue excavations were carried out. More than 10,000 cultural relics have been excavated from the Tomb of the Marquis of Haixia, among which the entire set of musical instruments, bamboo and wood du and other ancient documents have great value. This can also be regarded as a contribution made by Liu He to the motherland.

Why is the Marquis of the Western Han Dynasty so special among the imperial families of the past?

I am the emperor of history, welcome your attention; if there is a flaw, the axe is right.

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