
Yuwen Tai advised the enemy general: How long can you jump without me? The general woke up like a dream

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Northern Wei split into Eastern Wei and Western Wei, and their actual controllers were actually Gao Huan and Yuwen Tai. In 543, a fourth great war broke out between the two Weis, the Battle of Yaoshan, in which Yuwentai was almost completely destroyed, leading dozens of cavalry to escape, while Gao Huan sent the general Peng Le to pursue Yuwentai. And Peng Le saw that he was about to capture Yuwentai, but Yuwentai said something to him, and after he heard it, he immediately disobeyed Gao Huan's order and released Yuwentai to the mountain, so what was going on?

Yuwen Tai advised the enemy general: How long can you jump without me? The general woke up like a dream

This has to start from the fiasco of Yuwen Tai at the Battle of Mt. Yu. At that time, Gao Huan led an army of 100,000 to occupy Mount Yao and ordered the soldiers not to fight, and a few days later, Yuwen Tai, who was at the foot of the mountain, could not hold his breath. So he planned to abandon all his weight and prepare to climb Mount Yao at night to secretly attack Gao Huan's army. At dawn the next day, the two armies fought at the Battle of Yaoshan Mountain, and Gao Huan's general Peng Le, as a pioneer, led several thousand cavalry to defeat the Western Wei army and captured 5 western Wei generals and 48 overseers.

Yuwen Tai advised the enemy general: How long can you jump without me? The general woke up like a dream

Seeing that the battle situation was unfavorable, Yuwen Tai desperately broke through the siege, and at this time there were only a few dozen people left around him. Under the good situation, Gao Huan ordered Peng Le to pursue Yuwen Tai, and along the way Yu Wentai threw away his armor and was very embarrassed. However, when Peng Le was about to capture him, Yuwen Tai pitifully begged for forgiveness, saying, "Isn't this General Peng Huan under Gao Huan?" Gao Huan sent you to kill me, what benefits can you get?"

Yuwen Tai advised the enemy general: How long can you jump without me? The general woke up like a dream

Peng Le was a rough man in the end, so he replied sincerely: "Only by catching and killing you, the tall man will reward me with 3,000 silks." At this time, Yuwen Tai suddenly sighed with tears, and then sighed: "After I was killed by you, how long can you jump?" Throughout the ages, the tragedy of 'flying birds exhausted, good bows hidden' has appeared repeatedly, such as Wu Zixu helping the revival of the Wu kingdom, but in the end he was sent to death by his husband, don't you understand the truth of these 6 characters? If you can spare me now, you can go to my camp and take a big bag of gold and silver jewelry, which is enough for you to enjoy most of your life!"

After such a flicker, Peng Le woke up like a dream, and only then did he feel that Yuwen Tai had some truth in speaking, once Yu Wentai died, then wouldn't it be himself who was dealt with next? So he quietly let Yuwen Tai go, and turned back to the camp to plunder the treasures in Yuwen Tai's tent. Later, after Gao Huan learned of this, he was angry and annoyed, and pressed all the 3,000 pieces of silk cloth that were ready to reward him on his body as his "reward" and punishment.

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