
The anti-Japanese veteran married a Japanese female prisoner of war, lived in seclusion in China for more than 40 years, and found that the other party had tens of billions of assets in his later years

China and neighboring Japan were

A coat with water

the two neighbors, and because the Japanese militants provoked a war of aggression, the relations between the two countries were once involved

Ethnic hatred

In the midst of the whirlpool.

Although to this day, there are still a few people who look at them with hostile eyes, and the gap between the two peoples can never be eliminated, in fact, there are many love stories between China and Japan that have nothing to do with race and nationality. The protagonist of our story today is one

Liu Yunda, a veteran of the War of Resistance

And he's young

Japanese Wife and Child Shizuko Daiko

They met and married on the battlefield, only to learn of her father's huge inheritance forty years later.

The anti-Japanese veteran married a Japanese female prisoner of war, lived in seclusion in China for more than 40 years, and found that the other party had tens of billions of assets in his later years

Meet on the battlefield

For ordinary people, war often means a war

Ridiculous and ruthless "involvement"

。 The outbreak of the Pacific War led to the hasty end of her studies at the young Omiya From Medical School and join the war under the banner of Japanese militarism. She was placed in a Japanese field hospital in Burma and became an ordinary soldier and nurse, responsible for treating the wounded on the second front line of the battlefield.

If the war brought anything to her, it was to tear her life apart completely. She came from a merchant family, was well educated, and wanted nothing more than to be under the roof

Sweet and happy home

。 And she was swept away by the torrent of the times, brought to this battlefield where she had never lived, and looked around, in addition to the wailing of the wounded, it was the silence of the dead.

Shizuko Omiya came out of the pampered family

Corpses are strewn across the field

The Pacific Ocean, with the blood of soldiers on its hands, could not be wiped, because the next wave of offensives would only create more wounded. She did not hope that the army would win, but she prayed that the war would not bring more pain to her hospital.

The anti-Japanese veteran married a Japanese female prisoner of war, lived in seclusion in China for more than 40 years, and found that the other party had tens of billions of assets in his later years

And as the days passed, her wish came true to some extent, after experiencing a large wave of wounded people, yes

Our Expeditionary Force

Footsteps crossed the land. Omiya Shizuko became a prisoner of our army, and Liu Yunda, as the commander of a squad, took her in for the sake of her medical skills and recruited her into the medical team of the group.

However, for other Japanese remnants, it is not so well treated. The reversal of the Pacific war situation made the Japanese army very uncomfortable. Step by step, they have chosen

Suicide by caesarean section

Some died under the gun after stubborn resistance. Shizuko Omiya made Liu Yunda feel compassion and did not hesitate to intercede with the Burmese guerrillas, leaving her to join the medical team.

The anti-Japanese veteran married a Japanese female prisoner of war, lived in seclusion in China for more than 40 years, and found that the other party had tens of billions of assets in his later years

Feeling emotional

When Liu Yunda asked her if she would like to stay, it was actually a very easy choice for Shizuko Omiya. From the beginning she hated the war that brought her disaster, and all she longed for was a happy and comforting home. She was carefully cared for by Liu Yunda in the army, and the two were in the exchanges with each other

Long-term love

, from the superficially hostile sides to find the real affection.

The situation in the Pacific Theater is gradually clear, and the Chinese Expeditionary Force is also imminent

Banshi returned to the dynasty

。 Omiya Shizuko and Liu Yunda are faced with a choice, although Liu Yunda taught Omiya Shizuko a lot of Chinese in slow contact, but her identity is still a Japanese prisoner of war! Liu Yunda admired her kindness and cuteness, in

The national hatred of great wrong

Before, it seemed like a child's love that needed to be cut off.

It can only be said that the heavens were touched by their love, so that the lovers finally became dependents. Although Liu Yunda tried his best to hide his repressive love for the two, his leader saw the affection between the two and encouraged him to "be together if you like it, she is just a nurse in Japan, not."


The anti-Japanese veteran married a Japanese female prisoner of war, lived in seclusion in China for more than 40 years, and found that the other party had tens of billions of assets in his later years

Liu Yunda was enlightened and encouraged, bravely confessed to Shizuko Omiya, and reported it to the organization. After listening to his leader's opinion, the organization also agreed to this transnational love. So finally, when he was 25 years old, the two of them had a wedding in the army.

No Pole Tai Lai

After the end of the War of Resistance, Omiya Shizuko returned to his hometown of Sichuan with her husband Liu Yunda. In order to make her better adapt to the environment, she also gave her a Chinese name -

Mo Yuanhui

。 However, at this time, China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression had just ended, the land of China had been devastated by the war, and the people had been humiliated by the Japanese army and were still hostile to the Japanese. Liu Yunda had to live with his wife in a remote mountain forest, away from the strife of the world.

However, such a hard and uneventful life still has the spark of happy love. Mo Yuanhui gave birth to three lovely children for him, although it is not easy for the two to earn money to support the family, they still have no complaints, but a family of five lives happily.


Bad luck has come

The son accompanied his father up the mountain one day to pull the stone, and if he was a little careless, the stone fell down and smashed him into a serious injury. The paralyzed son brought a thunderbolt to such a poor family, and Mo Yuanhui washed his face with tears and suddenly became more than a teenager.

Unexpectedly, Willow Dark Flower Ming, no Ji Tai came, lucky also found their home. In 1977, a strange Japanese man came to the village and, under the watchful eyes of everyone, knocked on the door of Mo Yuanhui or Shizuko Omiya's house.

The anti-Japanese veteran married a Japanese female prisoner of war, lived in seclusion in China for more than 40 years, and found that the other party had tens of billions of assets in his later years

It turned out that after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, Omiya Shizuko's father

Yoshio Omiya

He went to China to find his daughter. By this time they had been separated for 33 years. Omiya Yoshio, with deep guilt, expressed great remorse for sending his daughter to the battlefield at that time. At this time, he became a well-known entrepreneur in Japan through the war, hoping that his daughter could return to Japan and reunite with him.

At this time, Omiya Shizuko hesitated, she was reluctant to leave the land where they were working harder, as well as the children in the family, and her beloved Liu Yunda. But Liu Yunda nodded and let her

He returned home with his father

。 At the time of parting, the two were filled with tears, and Omiya Shizuko agreed that she would return to him again.

In 1980, Liu Yunda finally received a letter from Shizuko Omiya, along with a ticket to Japan that he bought. When he arrived in Japan, he was warmly welcomed by Shizuko Omiya and her father, and when he came to his home in Japan, he could no longer recognize him

Gorgeous costumes

Shizuko Omiya.

After Shizuko Omiya came to Japan, she changed her previous unkempt appearance and cleaned herself up. And the father Omiya Yoshio, already is


。 Liu Yunda was frightened by the magnificence of the family, and he asked Omiya Shizuko with trembling, will he return to China with him? Shizuko Omiya took his hand and said she would always be called

, will not leave Liu Yunda's side.

The anti-Japanese veteran married a Japanese female prisoner of war, lived in seclusion in China for more than 40 years, and found that the other party had tens of billions of assets in his later years

Liu Yunda spent a few days in Japan in fear, and Shizuko Omiya saw his discomfort and followed him back to the small chinese countryside

Spend the rest of your life together

。 Her father died a few years later, leaving all the inheritance to Shizuko Omiya, whose company was taken over by Shizuko Omiya's son.

brief summary:

Now that China and Japan have resumed normal diplomatic relations, there are fewer and fewer ultra-nationalists who incite hatred.

Marriage between two peoples

It's not uncommon. However, at that time, when the Anti-Japanese War was just over, such love was still enough to make many people cry.

However, later, the large inheritance left by Shizuko Omiya's father for her can also be regarded as a kind of return for her sincere love. Compared with many love marriages that arise from the pursuit of "material" today, in that era, Liu Yunda did not know the origin of Shizuko Omiya, but was questioned because of her status as a Japanese prisoner of war.

In this way, the two still have a long relationship, even if Shizuko Omiya returns to Japan to enjoy a glorious and rich life, but also resolutely returns Liu Yunda, accompanied by his side, can not be described as a touching love story. During the war, there are many tragedies of family destruction and wife separation in the turbulent situation, but there are also such sincere transnational love. But war is always a man-made disaster, and we must guard the hard-won peace, treat all foreign friends with kindness and equality, and let go of the prejudices of the past.

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