
The four constellations that I like in my heart but refuse to admit in my mouth

NO1, Libra

Libras have their own pride, they meet a satisfied object in their feelings, and they are actually very satisfied in their hearts, but they are unwilling to say it in their mouths. In a relationship, Libra is mostly on the passive side, in fact, they are very insecure in the relationship, because they are afraid of being hurt, so they are not willing to take the initiative.

The four constellations that I like in my heart but refuse to admit in my mouth

NO2, Scorpio

Scorpio has a high and cold personality, in fact, high cold is just a disguise for them. In the dead of night, Scorpios often feel lonely. But they are willing to endure loneliness rather than be deceived by others. Most of them belong to the passive side of the relationship, it is difficult to take the first step, even if they like someone in their hearts, they will not show it on their lips.

The four constellations that I like in my heart but refuse to admit in my mouth

NO3, Cancer

Cancer is not good at expressing their feelings, and in a relationship, even if they really like someone very much, it is difficult for them to say what they like. Most of them are action-oriented, and once they like someone, Cancer will be the other person in their eyes and hearts, and they will do a lot of things for each other, selflessly dedicated for each other.

The four constellations that I like in my heart but refuse to admit in my mouth

NO4, Virgo

Virgo people pursue perfection, they are naturally proud, and it is difficult to take an active step in the relationship. Even if they like to deal with it alone, Virgos will not admit it in their mouths, because they are afraid of their own likes, just wishful thinking, but in the eyes of others is a joke. To avoid becoming a joke, they are willing to close the door of their hearts. Virgos are not afraid to love, but they are too afraid of being hurt.

The four constellations that I like in my heart but refuse to admit in my mouth

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