
Why are there so many bad movies? Because good movies are like bull stocks, they can't be sought

author:No, no, no

Domestic movies have been criticized for all along, nothing more than poor screenwriting scripts, poor directing techniques, and poor actor acting skills, which are all objective reasons and should be scolded.

Bad movies around the world also account for the majority. The good movies we see, in fact, the theater line has been evaluated and believes that it will be a good movie, and it will be introduced, rather than being introduced to become a good movie.

As a work of art, he needs time to polish, but he needs someone to invest. The risk is borne by investors, so now many VAM agreements have been introduced, similar to the fund underwriting process, the fund manager (fund company) first underwrites a certain proportion.

A director has a relatively mature idea or plan, when he goes to the investor, the investor must want to hear the following things: the film is going to find who to star, the film can be publicized, and then a simple plot introduction, they are more concerned about whether the movie will be similar to the previous high-scoring movies.

For example, "Wolf Warrior" is on fire, so it is easy to make a similar movie. The investor doesn't care how wonderful the script is, he just needs to guarantee the bottom line, so the stars and familiar scripts, which at least guarantee that the box office of this movie can basically be guaranteed.

Why are there so many bad movies? Because good movies are like bull stocks, they can't be sought

This is the root cause of the decline of Hong Kong cinema. In the 80s and 90s, Hong Kong movies, a film was on fire, a series of similar films came out, after Chow Yun Fat's "Gamble Saint" was fired, a lot of gambling films came out, and the model was all the same. After Zhou Xingchi's "Truancy Weilong" came out, it was also a bunch of big school movies. Hong Kong movies ended up dying in this simple paste-and-copy model.

A good movie is the equivalent of a good stock. 1000 movies can produce a good and popular movie is not bad, in 2019 there are 1037 movies in the country, 2020 affected by the epidemic, the national film production totaled 650, these are produced, not released, in 2020 a total of 294 films, 2019 total of 548 films, that is, half of the films can not be released, can only be sold to websites or TV stations, barely recover the cost. Film investment is much more complicated than simple corporate investment, and corporate investment can also be clearly planned financially, but the risk factors involved in movies are too high, and the risk of the recently popular starring actor being banned is also a huge risk.

Don't be too demanding of capital, no one wants to invest their money in so-called feelings.

Box office is a thing that is difficult to estimate specifically. So recently a movie, in a word, the box office of the film may reach how many billions, it is estimated that the investor was fooled by the producer, because the box office no one knows what will happen in the end?

Cleopatra, for example, invested $44 million in the 1960s and ended up at the box office at $20 million. "Future Water World" invested $160 million and grossed 40 million. In fact, these two films are very beautifully made and the theme is good, but it is a loss.

Why are there so many bad movies? Because good movies are like bull stocks, they can't be sought

Cleopatra, from the web

However, some small-budget films have high box office returns. Sophia Coppola, the daughter of the director of The Godfather, released widow Scarlett Johansson's film Lost in Tokyo in 2003, which cost $4 million, grossed $119 million worldwide, and returned 29 times on investment.

Why are there so many bad movies? Because good movies are like bull stocks, they can't be sought

Lost in Tokyo, from the web

Investing in movies is sometimes to lose money and make money, so bad movies should be scolded, the choice is in their own hands, you want to see bad movies, then endure it!

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