
Dell: I was disappointed with the result, but I enjoyed learning under the new tactical system

Dell: I was disappointed with the result, but I enjoyed learning under the new tactical system

Live on 29 December , 2019 – In the 20th round of the Premier League, Spurs drew 1-1 away to Southampton. In this game, although Southampton sent a penalty, Spurs failed to seize the opportunity to win.

After the game, Tottenham defender Dale said: "I was very disappointed because we should have won the game with a penalty from the opponent, but we didn't do it. They defend well and fight for each other, but it's not a good thing for us. We have to break through their defences, but we haven't done a good enough job of that. ”

"We have to find a way to solve the problem and everyone sees the progress we've made." Under such a tactical system, I enjoyed the learning process. ”

(Two monsters)

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