
Men were originally very proactive, and then suddenly stopped contacting you, in fact, there is only one reason

Men were originally very proactive, and then suddenly stopped contacting you, in fact, there is only one reason

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In the process of intercourse between men and women, it is always easy to have problems. Sometimes you think you have met love, but for the other party, it may be just a boring pastime.

Friend Xu Meng had this confusion.

She chatted very happily with a male friend, and they were both single, she thought she could rub the spark of love with each other, but she did not expect the enthusiasm of the other party, which lasted only two weeks.

The frequency of the two people chatting, visible to the naked eye, Xu Meng can obviously feel that the other party is no longer enthusiastic to share life with himself, and even ignores his love.

She feels at a loss in her heart, the two have met each other, whether it is hobbies, or the atmosphere of chatting and getting along, they are very harmonious and in tune, why do men no longer take the initiative to contact themselves?

After the two became WeChat friends, Xu Meng occasionally took the initiative to find topics to chat with each other, and although the frequency of men's replies was slow, there was still a response in the middle, and he never mentioned that he had a girlfriend.

Xu Meng has illusions about the future of the two, but in the face of the man's attitude of no longer taking the initiative, his heart is uneasy.

After a person's heart is moved, it is common for people to be worried, but we must know how to rationally judge the true thoughts of the other party, don't be stupid enough to invest in feelings, and finally be hurt to the skin.

Usually, men are very active with you at first, and then suddenly do not contact, often only one reason, that is: he treats you as a spare tire from the beginning, interest is weak, and naturally it is left behind.

Men were originally very proactive, and then suddenly stopped contacting you, in fact, there is only one reason

One: Treat you as an insignificant person, and you will come and go

In today's society, the information between people is fast and convenient, but it does not mean that socializing will be easier.

Li Xueqin once shared her daily life with her roommate in the program, the distance between the two is only one or two doors, but the communication between them is all through WeChat, and there are few cases of meeting and visiting the door.

This may be an act of social terrorism, but it also reflects the way most people communicate on a daily basis, through the Internet.

A man in the era of such a convenient network, can still do not contact you for a long time, which shows your position in his heart.

In the process of interpersonal communication, if the two sides are just ordinary friends, too much chat will appear particularly awkward, and even produce an ambiguous atmosphere.

As an ordinary friend, a man does not take the initiative to contact you, on the one hand, it shows that you are not important to him, on the other hand, it can also be seen that he is not a person who likes to be ambiguous.

Moreover, everyone's time is very precious, and even if a man has leisure time to chat with people, he will not waste it on an ordinary friend.

Men were originally very proactive, and then suddenly stopped contacting you, in fact, there is only one reason

There are many ways for a person to relax and entertain, whether it is to rest after a busy work, or to take time to play a game, or just to read quietly, it is a choice that can make you feel happy.

Men are more willing to do things that make themselves relaxed than chatting with a friend of the opposite sex that they are not familiar with.

You know, no one likes to listen to people who don't matter and talk about irrelevant things.

Mo Yan once said: "A person, living in this world in the dust and dust, must live for those who like himself." That's the best attitude. ”

We don't have to guess too much about why others don't take the initiative to contact themselves, everyone has their own life, you are not the most important person in each other's lives, and naturally you don't get special treatment.

Therefore, don't be entangled for an ordinary friend, let yourself lose happiness, focus on improving yourself, but can find the focus of life.

Men were originally very proactive, and then suddenly stopped contacting you, in fact, there is only one reason

Second: Don't be sentimental, only love that goes in both directions has meaning

Men treat you as an emotional spare tire, and they will feel that you are dispensable and irrelevant. In this case, instead of foolishly paying and waiting for his change of heart, it is better to draw a clear line at the first time and stop coming and going.

You know, unilateral efforts are meaningless, they only abuse themselves.

Love, never a person's one-man show, only two-way rushing to really happy, otherwise pay more, in the eyes of the other party is also cheap, not worth mentioning.

A man who is enthusiastic about you at first may be profitable, either bored, lonely, and wants to have some fun; or thinks you're nice and wants to take advantage of you.

Besides, he already had a girlfriend or was married, but he was separated for a while, or had a fight, so he thought of going out for a pastime.

Either way, it shows that he is not a good person.

Because the person who truly loves you will inevitably respect you, he will not be enthusiastic about you at first, and then suddenly cool down, but will be consistent and let you feel his sincerity and sincerity.

Men were originally very proactive, and then suddenly stopped contacting you, in fact, there is only one reason

Sometimes, whether a man really loves you is far more obvious than you think, and you are afraid of deceiving yourself and refusing to believe it anyway. Only when you remain awake at all times can you not be deceived and let yourself be hurt.


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