
In 1962, two major generals led 60,000 people to defect to the Soviet Union.

In 1955, for many Chinese military experts, it was a very special year, because in this year our army first implemented the rank system, and in September of the same year, a special ceremony was held in Huairentang, of which 798 generals were awarded the rank of major general, after which they were called "founding major generals" by the masses, and among the many founding major generals, the youngest was only thirty-two years old, and he was Major General Margov Ishakov.

In the eyes of many people, Margov Ishakov had such achievements at a young age and will certainly have some great achievements in the future, but what is the case that such a youngest founding major general with high hopes defected to the Soviet Union with more than 60,000 people in the 7th year after the award? And when the defection of Margov was learned by the chairman, why did the chairman not get angry and order him to be released very calmly? Today we will tell the story of Major General Margov Iskhakov.

In 1962, two major generals led 60,000 people to defect to the Soviet Union.

Margov was born in 1923 in Nilk County, Xinjiang, in that era, even in the remote Xinjiang region, the people will often be exploited and oppressed by warlords, growing up in such an environment, Margov, from childhood is a scrappy and enthusiastic young man, he always believes that knowledge can change this era, knowledge can also change his status quo, during the study period, Margov is very hard working, the door is the best, very highly valued by the teacher, many years later Margov graduated, He became an educator at the recommendation of his mentor, and during his teaching, he also accepted advanced ideas, and was even more dissatisfied with the oppression of the warlords, because he often led the students to engage in sports, which made the "King of Xinjiang" Sheng Shicai very dissatisfied, and directly ordered Margov to be imprisoned, during the prison Mal has always adhered to his beliefs, it is precisely because he has a goal and faith in his heart, which makes him brave and strong to live, until the middle of the War of Resistance Against Japan was released.

After his release from prison, Margov abandoned his writings and joined the revolution, because he was a teacher and knowledgeable, and after joining the anti-Japanese army, he was directly appointed as the deputy commander of the guerrilla group, it can be said that Margov started much higher than other soldiers. Later, with the outbreak of the Liberation War, Margov joined the ranks of the People's Liberation Army, when his three districts needed to expand the strength of troops, the organization appointed Margov as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Xinjiang Nationality King, leading 15,000 troops to participate in the local liberation war, Mal had courage and strategy, and also led the fighters to block the enemy's attack again and again.

In 1962, two major generals led 60,000 people to defect to the Soviet Union.

At that time, in order to welcome the People's Liberation Army to cross the river, Margov led some fighters into the East River and southern Xinjiang, while the other part of the fighters were led by Zunong Taiyefu to Dihua, so the soldiers were divided into two roads and reached a victorious meeting with Yiye, under the cooperation of everyone, xinjiang was finally successfully liberated, it can be said that Margov Zunong also made great contributions to the liberation of Xinjiang.

After the founding of New China, the Xinjiang National Army was formally reorganized into the Fifth Army of the People's Liberation Army in Yining, for other reasons, the party organization drew a number of outstanding regular cadres, but the army can not be leaderless for a day, the organization appointed Margov, who had just joined the party, as the deputy commander and chief of staff of the Fifth Army.

By 1955, the civil war and the foreign war were over, our country held a ceremony to award medals, and Margov and Zunong were awarded the rank of founding major general, and their lives were also on the peak, but for what reason could they give up their great future and defect to the Soviet Union with the people? The cause of the incident has to start in 1851.

In 1962, two major generals led 60,000 people to defect to the Soviet Union.

In 1851, due to the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, Tsarist Russia continued to encroach on the western territory of our country, and in 1960 and 1964, the Qing government was forced to sign the Sino-Russian Beijing Treaty and the Sino-Russian Survey and Northwest Boundary Treaty with Tsarist Russia, in this way, about 440,000 square kilometers of land south of Lake Balkhash were seized by Tsarist Russia, Ili was even ruled for ten years, and later although Ili was recovered by the motherland, the local people seemed to be accustomed to the way of life of Tsarist Russia. It is still closer to the Tsarist Russian state, and even married to relatives, and during the period when Sheng Shicai was in power in Xinjiang, he always had the intention to get closer and closer to the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union also had an influence on Xinjiang for a long time through this relationship.

After World War II, the Soviet Union suffered heavy population losses, up to the nobles and high-ranking officials, down to the people of Lebanon, the sparse population became the shortcomings of the Soviet Union for a time, and most of the soldiers and people lost by the Soviet Union in World War II were young and middle-aged laborers, which also meant that the Soviet Union's labor force was sharply reduced, in order to solve this problem, the Soviet Union focused its attention on our country, our country has a large population, one of the few populous countries in the world, and the Soviet Union is also a neighbor, so it used various means to coerce and lure the Belarusian diaspora in Shanghai, Tianjin and other places. Later, the focus on winning over overseas Chinese was also focused on Xinjiang.

At that time, the relations between our country and the Soviet Union were still in a relatively friendly stage, and we turned a blind eye to the small actions of the Soviet Union on the border, but the indulgence of one term did not make the Soviet Union stop but intensified.

In 1962, two major generals led 60,000 people to defect to the Soviet Union.

In 1961, the then chief of staff of the Xinjiang Military Region, The Group Lane and Margov, who were then chiefs of staff of the Xinjiang Military Region, were sent to the Soviet Union for investigation and study, and they did not think that the two had not withstood the test and were plotted by the Soviet Union, and after returning to China, the two hid their identities, went deep into the border pastoral areas with a purpose to plot against the border people, issued Soviet "overseas Chinese certificates" to the border people, painted them big cakes, promised the scene of a better life in the future, and told them that the borders of the Soviet Union were already full of cream bread, milk sausages, and everyone could eat whatever they wanted, and the houses were ready-made when they got there Warm in winter and cool in summer, no longer need to starve and freeze here.

At that time, New China had just been founded, everything was in ruins and waiting to be rebuilt, the people of the whole country could only barely survive, and Xinjiang was located in a remote area with limited resources, and life was even more difficult, and when the people heard that there was something to eat and a house to live, everyone was moved, and they all felt that as long as they went to the Soviet Union with their overseas Chinese certificates, they became Soviet citizens and could live an enviable good life from then on, so there were incidents of more than 60,000 border people defecting to the Soviet Union.

On the eve of the incident, Zunon and Mal wrote a special report to the Central Committee, and resolutely said that they would take the border people to live in the Soviet Union. In fact, whether it is Zunon or Marl, they are veterans of hundreds of battles, but also the major general personally granted by the state, naturally know what the consequences of defecting to his congress with the people, since they have made such a decision, reluctantly staying will only cause unnecessary conflicts, and in the end, Zunong and Mar, with the permission of the chairman, led more than 60,000 people in the border area to defect to the Soviet Union.

In 1962, two major generals led 60,000 people to defect to the Soviet Union.

For a time, several important border crossings were full of people, such a scene lasted for three days and three nights, because the central authorities had issued an early order not to shoot a single shot without using force, the border guards looked at such a scene, although very angry, but could only clench their guns, watching the traitors triumphantly leave and throw themselves into the arms of the Soviet Union, while the Opposite Soviet Union, in order to show sincerity, used a huge radio to indicate the direction, sent vehicles to meet the defecting border people, and at night the light pillar of the searchlight shot into China a few kilometers away. But our country has not stood in the way of a single obstacle.

The defection of 60,000 border people, although there was no bloody conflict, but they took away a large number of laborers from Xinjiang, and also drove more than 200,000 livestock to the Soviet Union, which also led to the unplanned cultivation of more than 400,000 mu of fields in Xinjiang, and some farms and communes were abandoned, which brought a big blow to Xinjiang, which was under construction. Little by little, Xinjiang has undergone earth-shaking changes.

On the other hand, the border people who defected to the Soviet Union did not think that the happy life promised by the Soviet Union was not as good as the life before our country, and after they arrived in the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union, in order to appease them, indeed let them live the comfortable life they dreamed of for a few days, only eating, drinking and having fun every day without working, but after enjoying it, they had to travel their own obligations, some people were assigned to graze, some were sent to the places with difficult conditions to open up the wilderness, they found that everything was a trap, the Soviet Union deceived them, It is too late to treat them as the lowest level of labor.

In 1962, two major generals led 60,000 people to defect to the Soviet Union.

By 1991, the Soviet Union had collapsed, and the former great countries had been divided into more than a dozen small countries, and the tens of thousands of border people who had defected to the Soviet Union at that time had not welcomed them in one country, and suddenly became stateless and stateless black households. At that time, China's economic and living environment had undergone earth-shaking changes, people gradually lived a good life, and under the continuous development efforts of the military and people in Xinjiang, the people lived a stable life and lived and worked in peace and contentment.

At that time, more than 30,000 people gathered on the Border between China and Russia, shouting that they were Chinese and wanted to return to the motherland, and they knew why they had to leave resolutely and resolutely today, and now they are crying and coming back, which is so easy, in the end, they were blocked by our armed police officers and men outside the country, and they were not allowed to step into China's territory!

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