
Large-scale documentary "Forbidden City" 1-100 complete collections

"Forbidden City 100" is a 100-episode large-scale documentary created by CCTV after several years of planning and preparation, shooting and production in the past 1 year, with the theme of the Forbidden City architecture, each episode tells the story of the 100 spaces of the Forbidden City in 6 minutes, and for the first time publicly displays many non-open areas of the Forbidden City, such as royal private spaces and religious sites. The film interprets the functions, imagery and aesthetic values of the Forbidden City architecture in a modern and diverse way, resonates with the audience, and organically connects the culture, history and feng shui of China for 5,000 years, and takes the audience to understand the beauty of the Forbidden City with a unique angle.

Large-scale documentary "Forbidden City" 1-100 complete collections

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