
General Su Yu's "Ten Regiments Battle" focused on the weakest point of the Japanese and pseudo-Japanese forces, crushing the Japanese army in one month


Su Yu, the first of the ten founding generals of the People's Republic of China, commanded the East China Field Army to eliminate 2.45 million Kuomintang troops in the War of Liberation, accounting for more than 30% of the total number of Kuomintang troops, and his merits ranked first among the four major field armies. Su Yu's war talent is absolutely there, but it is absolutely impossible for him to reach such a brilliant point with talent alone, and this outstanding "tactical command ability" is inseparable from his eight years of persistent combat on the anti-Japanese front. Next, we will revisit a "Ten Regiments War" that occurred during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression that year, and once again appreciate this battle that can be called the art of command.

General Su Yu's "Ten Regiments Battle" focused on the weakest point of the Japanese and pseudo-Japanese forces, crushing the Japanese army in one month

1. Su Yu, commander of the First Division of the New Fourth Army

In July 1937, the War of Resistance broke out in full swing, and the main force of the Red Army on the Long March to the north was reorganized into the "Eighth Route Army", while the Red Army guerrillas in the eight southern provinces were merged into the "New Fourth Army".

At the beginning of the establishment of the New Fourth Army, there were only more than 10,000 people in the whole army. It has four detachments under its jurisdiction,

Su Yu served as the deputy commander and acting commander of the second detachment, and was actually responsible for the second detachment, which had two regiments under its jurisdiction, with about 1700 people.

With these more than 1,700 people, Su Yu began his legend.

From the day he was ordered to establish the anti-Japanese base area in southern Jiangsu, the local Japanese army ushered in a painful war career

。 From the Battle of Weigang to the Battle of Xiaodanyang to the Battle of GuanqiaoMen, Su Yu showed his strength little by little

By the time of the start of the Ten Regiments War, Su Yu had grown up in the cracks, had a certain large-scale combat capability, and the Japanese army's life in the rear was becoming more and more difficult, and it had to organize sweeps again and again in an attempt to completely eliminate these "rats", however, this was not easy.

General Su Yu's "Ten Regiments Battle" focused on the weakest point of the Japanese and pseudo-Japanese forces, crushing the Japanese army in one month

Under the command and dispatch of Su Yu, his team was haunted, one moment he was still leading people around the mountains in circles, the next moment he hit his own nest, a sweeping siege, often halfway to the end, in vain for half a day can not find anyone to be angry, just ask you if you are angry. However, the Japanese really can't do anything with them, to get back to the field, you have to find people first, people can't find them, and then they can only slap themselves twice and be calm and calm.

In January 1941, the units under the former Northern Jiangsu Command of the New Fourth Army were reorganized into the First Division, and Su Yu served as the division commander and political commissar.

In April of the same year, the Japanese army gathered heavy troops to carry out activities in Taizhou and Taixing against Suyu."

Great clean up"

Intent on annihilating the First Division of the New Fourth Army, thereby completely opening up a head-on confrontation with Su Yu, and in August of the same year, deeply feeling the threat of Su Yu, the angry And demoralized Japanese army planned a large-scale "winter sweep, Su Yu calmly took over the move,

The Battle of the Ten Regiments began.

General Su Yu's "Ten Regiments Battle" focused on the weakest point of the Japanese and pseudo-Japanese forces, crushing the Japanese army in one month

II. The Battle of the Ten Regiments.

In July 1941, 17,000 Japanese puppet troops marched in four directions, targeting the Yancheng Military Headquarters of the New Fourth Army, and for a time, the entire situation in northern Jiangsu was turbulent. In the face of the menacing Japanese, Su Yu was very calm, and he repeatedly jumped in the enemy's encirclement with the command structure of more than a dozen people and a reinforcement platoon that served as a guard, and repeatedly rubbed shoulders with the danger, he said.

The enemy concentrated his forces on the northern front, and the southern front was empty, like a bare ass waiting to be beaten, and we beat him fiercely. "

After Su Yu calmly analyzed the situation, the three main brigades and local armed forces under his command were dispatched to avoid their sharp edges and attack their weaknesses. He first dispatched a brigade to the north to assist Huang Kecheng in defending Yancheng, while at the same time commanding the remaining two brigades to jump up and down in the Soviet area, constantly harassing and interfering in the operations of the Japanese puppet army, in addition to this, he also took measures

"Wei Wei saves Zhao"

When the enemy's front line was engaged, he suddenly returned to Taizhou, killed a Hui horse gun, and raided the headquarters of the Japanese Nanpu Brigade stationed there.

General Su Yu's "Ten Regiments Battle" focused on the weakest point of the Japanese and pseudo-Japanese forces, crushing the Japanese army in one month

Under his command, the First Division of the New Fourth Army was soon launched

Conquering Guxi, recapturing Huangqiao and taking yuhua town, an important stronghold of the Japanese army, directly threatened the headquarters of the Nanpu Brigade

Under pressure, the Nanpu Brigade had to abandon the attack on Yancheng and retreat south, and since then, the Japanese army's wishful thinking of encircling and annihilating the New Fourth Army has completely failed.

Rear Admiral Nanpu of the Japanese Army, who had lost the defeat of the New Fourth Army, became angry and felt that Su Yu was a great threat. At the same time, in order to find his own "field" and avenge himself overnight, on August 13, he dispatched more than 10,000 Japanese puppet troops to carry out retaliatory sweeps. The Japanese army was menacing, and in a short period of time, it successively conquered more than 10 market towns, including Fort Lee in the central Soviet Region. Su Yu fought back and guerrilla warfare, avoided its sharp edge, took advantage of the terrain, fought for 42 consecutive days, and fought more than 130 battles, fighting the Japanese army exhausted and miserable, causing more than 1,300 casualties and more than 800 captured by the Japanese puppet army.

General Su Yu's "Ten Regiments Battle" focused on the weakest point of the Japanese and pseudo-Japanese forces, crushing the Japanese army in one month

At this point, this retaliatory sweep, Nanpu has fallen behind. However, he was not willing to accept this defeat, and resolutely adjusted his strategy, changing from large-scale search and arrest to small-scale sub-district encirclement and suppression, gradually encroaching on Su Yu's space of activity, and attempting to drive him out of the base area and annihilate him.

Su Yu soon sensed Nanpu's intentions, and instead of retreating, he sent three brigades under his command to open up a new area behind enemy lines while the Japanese army was addicted to "hiding from cats and cats". After such a back-and-forth, Nanpu finally realized that something was wrong, how did the territory of the New Fourth Army become more and more swept away? Before he could make any more moves, the key points of the enemy base areas previously occupied were violently attacked by the New Fourth Army, and the two sides began to fight back and forth around these important positions.

General Su Yu's "Ten Regiments Battle" focused on the weakest point of the Japanese and pseudo-Japanese forces, crushing the Japanese army in one month

Su Yu's analysis -- Sweeping and counter-sweeping will become the main forms of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in central Jiangsu, and under the circumstance that the frontal combat strength of the New Fourth Army is inferior to that of the Japanese army, it is necessary to ensure that the Japanese army cannot occupy some important areas for a long time and ensure the relative certainty of the basic areas of the base areas. This is a typical example of this action

"Battle for Mikura and Fengli"

These two areas are of extraordinary significance in the strategic intention of the Japanese army to encircle and suppress the Soviet and Chinese base areas, and the two sides have waged an eight-month long battle around these two areas, and the two places have changed hands several times. Among them, because there were only more than 20 households in Sancang Town, after the population was transferred, it was painfully determined, and a shell of the New Fourth Army directly flattened it to the ground. At this time, the Japanese army was a bit dumbfounded, and only the remaining town of Fengli became an important place that had to be fought, but the difficulty of the New Fourth Army was far beyond Nanpu's imagination, and he had increased his troops 5 times in order to compete for Fengli, and he personally commanded the front line but the progress was still slow.

General Su Yu's "Ten Regiments Battle" focused on the weakest point of the Japanese and pseudo-Japanese forces, crushing the Japanese army in one month

In this case, Nanpu did not intend to waste all his energy here, he once again planned a "winter sweep", aware of all this Su Yu followed suit, commanding his three brigades and other places to launch an armed attack

"Ten Regiments Battle"

Echoing the "Battle of the Hundred Regiments" commanded by Peng Dehuai in the north, it focused on attacking the weakly garrisoned strongholds of the Japanese army, connecting some of the base areas that were originally divided into pieces, focusing on the arrogance of the Japanese army, and achieving a considerable victory.

The "Ten Regiments War", which lasted for a whole month, ended with the fiasco of Nampo, and the "Winter Sweep" also ended in vain.

Later, Chen Baofu, a veteran who had participated in this battle, recalled that

Our battle with the Japanese was also quite tough. We attacked so hard that we killed one of their captains, and another captain was forced to commit suicide.

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