
The special issue of "History of Bashu" "Focus on Sanxingdui" was published and distributed

Chuanguan news reporter Yuan Jing

On December 27, the Sichuan Provincial Local History Work Office, together with the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, sanxingdui Museum, the Party History Research Office of the Deyang Municipal Party Committee (Deyang Local History Office), and the Guanghan Municipal People's Government Office, jointly planned the special issue of "Bashu History" in the 5th issue of "Focusing on Sanxingdui" in 2021.

Shi Jinsong, researcher of the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Shan Jixiang, former president of the Palace Museum and now president of the Palace Museum, Chang Shana, vice chairman of the China Artists Association and former president of the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, and Yuan Tingdong, a famous Bashu cultural scholar, specially wrote recommended words for this special issue.

The special issue of "History of Bashu" "Focus on Sanxingdui" was published and distributed

In March 2021, the latest archaeological achievements of Sanxingdui were unveiled in Chengdu. In late April, the Sichuan Provincial Local History Work Office launched the editorial work of the special issue of "Focusing on Sanxingdui" of the "History of Bashu".

This special issue not only focuses on the major achievements and behind-the-scenes stories of the new round of archaeological excavations at the Sanxingdui site, but also traces back to the source from the height of civilization exploration, and deeply sorts out the diversity and integration of Sanxingdui civilization and Chinese civilization and the exchange and mutual learning of world civilization. The special issue is full of pictures and texts, with a total of 60 articles and more than 380 pictures, a total of 368 pages, and a page count of more than 1.1 million words, highlighting the popularity and popularity at the same time, but also taking into account the professional, academic and artistic nature.

The special issue of "History of Bashu" "Focus on Sanxingdui" was published and distributed

This special issue is another important achievement of the Sichuan Provincial Local History Work Office in recent years to give full play to the functions of "preserving history, educating people, and providing political affairs", closely following the hot spots of current politics and the overall situation of the service center, and is another theme journal with reading and collection value after the special issue of "Fighting the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic", the special issue of "Poverty Alleviation", the special issue of "Sichuan Historical Celebrities" and the special issue of "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" in the past 39 years since the founding of Bashu Shizhi.

The special issue of "History of Bashu" "Focus on Sanxingdui" was published and distributed

The editing and publication of the special issue is of positive significance to publicizing the Sanxingdui culture, enriching the research of the Sanxingdui culture, digging deep into the thick Bashu culture, polishing the "Three-Nine Congress" tourism brand, giving play to the role of local history to promote tourism with culture, and using culture to provide political resources.

(Photo courtesy of Sichuan Provincial Local History Office)

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