
Metamorphosis, searching up and down

Metamorphosis, searching up and down

You're curious about all kinds of animals!

There's always an endless question of why—

Why is the mouth of the hippopotamus so big? Where are the crocodiles? Do giraffes bite?

Every time I leave the zoo, I feel like I don't know what to do.

Grandpa found a job as a janitor in the kindergarten in his hometown, and when he was two years old, in order to make you more comfortable with the formal kindergarten in the future, mom and dad decided to let you go to the care class first.

Think, before you have been in the countryside "wild", Grandma can only take care of you to eat and wear, but can not give you a real education.

So we hope that in the custody class, you can put away the uninhibited, calm down to learn some correct behavior norms and beginner knowledge, and contact more children at the same time.

Later, Grandma also moved to kindergarten and took care of you with Grandpa.

On the first day of school, Grandma took you to cut a handsome hairstyle.

In other words, it was all dad who gave you a haircut himself, although he was not very skilled, but he could still see it.

On this day, your interest is very high, may feel that going to school is particularly fresh, leaving your grandparents, the teacher took you into the classroom, did not cry, but also obediently obedient.

But the next day the painting style suddenly changed, as soon as you talked about entering the classroom, you cried loudly, wanting grandma, wanting grandma, it was not easy to calm you down, but after a while, the classroom was again the crying of you and other children.

Everyone goes through this stage, suddenly leaving their loved ones to face strange people and unfamiliar circumstances.

But you have to learn to adapt on your own, the first six or seven days of school, you seem to be in a mood, we continue to comfort you, encourage you.

Gradually, you yourself lined up with a small school bag and followed the teacher into the classroom, without crying or making trouble.

Sometimes you are sick and take leave at home, and you still insist that you have to go to school.

School is a magical place where you can calm down, eat by yourself, eat egg yolks that you have never eaten before, draw and write obediently, and play with teachers and other children.

During that time, Dad was most looking forward to every time the teacher sent you a video of you in school, and he wanted to know your status and performance in school first.

It turns out that our decision to enroll you in a custodial class was the right one, and during that time, you were happy and learned a lot of skills, knowledge, and behaviors.

As soon as you get home, you give your grandparents the songs and dance performances you learned at school, color and draw with our help, learn to recognize color shapes and animals, and talk about not hitting people, not cursing people, not pushing people and not arresting people.

In fact, your parents will accompany you to study as soon as they have time, and they have bought a lot of teaching aids and have broken down a lot.

We teach you to count, to know animals and flowers, to memorize ancient poems, to read, to speak, to English.

What makes Dad very proud is that when you are more than two years old and your words are not clear, you can recite many ancient poems such as "Hoeing", "Quiet Night Thinking", "Spring Dawn", "Climbing the Stork and Bird Building", "Giving Ancient Grass Farewell" and so on.

Every time you sit in Daddy's car, you'll have Daddy play you ancient nursery rhymes, and then you'll hum along, and over time, you'll learn more and more difficult poems.

When you were more than three years old, you were officially taken to Chengdu to stay with your parents, and your grandmother also came to take care of you.

Because you were born after September, you can't get into a public kindergarten yet, and mom and dad feel that even so, you can't stay behind in school.

We have developed a daily schedule for you, bought you online courses on literacy and English learning, and you are happy to learn consciously.

Sometimes walking down the street, you'll suddenly point to a billboard and say, "Daddy, look, 'big,' 'open,' 'cow,' 'fire.'"

You will also pop up some English words from time to time, tree, flower, tiger, ball, panda, etc., usually Dad will also deliberately communicate with you in English, hoping to stimulate your interest in learning English.

But as the saying goes, "On paper, I finally feel shallow, and I know that I have to do this." ”

Mom and Dad will take you to explore the world, to see with your own eyes what is in the books and what is not there.

We go to climb the mountain, enjoy the natural scenery, stand on the top of the mountain overlooking the woods, lakes, and urban buildings at the foot of the mountain;

We went to the Provincial Science and Technology Museum to explore the physical principles of power and the colorful sound and light;

We go to see the dragon dance and learn about this long-standing folk art and intangible cultural heritage;

We go to see Sichuan opera performances and enjoy the essence of the country;

We accompany you to fish and catch tadpoles and explore the mysteries of life.

The journey will continue, your life will meet more beautiful and wonderful, Mom and Dad hope that you can always maintain a curiosity, can be full of the desire to explore the unknown.

Curiosity will be the wealth of your life, you can accumulate knowledge, explore the world, open your eyes, establish the right values, and do anything through books, through nature, through people's dictation.

We can't rest on our laurels, but we have to be bold and innovative, even if it may not be understood in this process, but if we stop before we do it, how can we harvest unexpected surprises!?

2021.12.27 16:08 strokes


These two days the temperature plummeted from more than ten degrees to four or five degrees, every time you come outdoors, you always say that it is cold and cold, and winter in Chengdu seems to have really come.

The days are getting shorter and shorter, and the road home from school is already dark.

Grandma has been back to her hometown these two weeks and can't pick you up, after moving, she reported you a delayed class until 6 o'clock after school, and your father picked you up after work, and occasionally your mother picked you up.

Always bring you some fruit or snacks every time, and spend your spare time sitting alone in the back of the car on the way home.

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