
Ye Haiyang, the unmarried Chinese female CEO, spent 500,000 yuan to give birth to a mixed-race daughter of 5 countries, and also became pregnant with a second child?

She is the valuable CEO Ye Haiyang, a strong woman with an independent personality, economic independence, and an admirable strong aura. "I can be your father, or I can give you my most tender time." This is Ye Haiyang's family letter to his daughter, not to talk about love, skip marriage, skip her husband, go to the United States to spend 500,000 yuan to "borrow sperm" to give birth to a five-country mixed blood daughter, and now that a child is only three years old, she went to Russia to conceive a second child. Is a family without a father really happy?

Ye Haiyang, the unmarried Chinese female CEO, spent 500,000 yuan to give birth to a mixed-race daughter of 5 countries, and also became pregnant with a second child?

Ye Haiyang was born in the northeast in 1988, was once a north drifter, lived in the basement and also ate leftovers, cold hard bread, with his own efforts to dare to do, Ye Haiyang finally created his own beauty brand. But her career success is not a particularly happy thing in the eyes of the older generation, especially for a woman, when you do not fall in love, marry, and have children as they say, you are still an incomplete woman.

But if you want a complete family, how easy is it to find your true love? Reality meets most men who approach her for money and fame, not affection.

Ye Haiyang, the unmarried Chinese female CEO, spent 500,000 yuan to give birth to a mixed-race daughter of 5 countries, and also became pregnant with a second child?

One day she suddenly flashed a thought: without love, without marriage, I can also have the child I want. So after repeatedly determining that he was ready to become a mother, the 28-year-old Ye Haiyang made a decision that looked "deviant" in the eyes of others, that is, to go to the United States to "borrow sperm" to give birth. No husband, no love, financial independence, want to have children by themselves, and be a father and mother to give children the best material conditions and companionship.

This expensive female CEO Ye Haiyang, after looking for a good match without results, in order to meet her dream of having a baby, skipped marriage at the age of 29 and went to the Ivy League in the United States, spending 500,000 yuan to give birth to a daughter of mixed blood of five countries.

Ye Haiyang, the unmarried Chinese female CEO, spent 500,000 yuan to give birth to a mixed-race daughter of 5 countries, and also became pregnant with a second child?

When pregnant, Ye Haiyang also experienced vomiting and obstetric examination like ordinary mothers, fearing that the baby was fragile and doing things carefully. In the days of pregnancy, Ye Haiyang joyfully shared her own dynamics on social platforms, but she was also met with a lot of public opinion and insults, some people said that she dressed up neutrally, not men and women, some people said that her practice was selfish and disregarded her daughter's feelings, so that the child was born in a single-parent family, and could not give her a complete home, which was a very irresponsible behavior. Some people also say that society is messed up by these "maverick" people, so Ye Haiyang once suffered from depression.

She was afraid of the future and doubted whether she was ready to take care of her children, but there were still many people standing on Ye Haiyang's side, feeling the little life in her belly growing day by day, and Ye Haiyang felt that this was the bondage of her life.

Ye Haiyang, the unmarried Chinese female CEO, spent 500,000 yuan to give birth to a mixed-race daughter of 5 countries, and also became pregnant with a second child?

On December 14, 2017, after the successful birth of his daughter Doris, Ye Haiyang was more determined in his choice at that time, and the original fiery personality was also healed by the arrival of this little angel, becoming soft and resolute, and the daughter Doris with the mixed blood genes of the five countries was born, opening a new chapter in Ye Haiyang's life, is the family without a father really complete? And the Chinese female CEO Ye Haiyang has already thought about everything, skips marriage, goes to the United States to "borrow essence" to have a child, and ignores it in the face of public opinion questions and insults, and gives a practical answer to everyone with actions.

In order to take better care of his daughter, Ye Haiyang gave up some of his favorite extreme sports, and no matter how busy he was at work, he would personally make complementary food for his daughter, and even the home was arranged like a playground, and he wanted to give his daughter the best.

Ye Haiyang, the unmarried Chinese female CEO, spent 500,000 yuan to give birth to a mixed-race daughter of 5 countries, and also became pregnant with a second child?

As Doris grew up every day, Ye Haiyang even thought about the identity of his father, a fairy tale story: you jumped out of the watermelon, your mother bought a big watermelon, cut it and you came out! When Doris reached the age of entering the kindergarten, Ye Haiyang secretly watched the child and then wept bitterly. Ye Haiyang account recorded the years of life from pregnancy to now with her daughter Doris, and also gained nearly 3 million fans, and even rumors on the Internet that film and television companies wanted to buy her story into a TV series, because unmarried children were controversial in society, so far it has not been achieved.

In the controversy, Ye Haiyang raised her daughter alone until she was three years old, and now she has put the second child plan on the agenda, is the same father as Doris, and now she is pregnant, and this time public opinion has also been more concerned and supported from the beginning of the question.

Ye Haiyang, the unmarried Chinese female CEO, spent 500,000 yuan to give birth to a mixed-race daughter of 5 countries, and also became pregnant with a second child?

It can be seen that Ye Haiyang's identity as a "single mother" has been widely recognized by many netizens, and many people have also sighed that she has lived a life that many women want but do not have the courage to live, live wantonly, and most importantly, give her daughter all the love, and become the appearance of future women's dreams. What do you think about that? Welcome to leave a message.

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